How to bring down body temperature naturally

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Natural ways to reduce your body heat | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra
Video: Natural ways to reduce your body heat | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra


The ability to bring down body temperature is a very important skill, as high temperatures can damage cells and organs. One of the reasons for the rise in body temperature is the body's fight against viruses and bacteria. Too high a body temperature can have quite dangerous consequences. Normal body temperature is 36.6 degrees Celsius.


  1. 1 The reasons for the increase in body temperature.
    • Viruses and infections... When we have a cold, our bodies automatically raise our body temperature to fight off viruses and bacteria.
    • Excessive physical activity... When we do vigorous exercise, our body temperature rises, which causes us to sweat a lot. Sweating is the natural way our bodies try to cool down.
    • Taking certain medications... An increase in body temperature can be a side effect of certain medications. There are many medications that can cause your body temperature to rise.
    • Diseases... Certain medical conditions can lead to an increase in body temperature.
    • Insufficient cooling... Body temperature can rise when a person wears inappropriate clothing or is in the sun for too long.
    • Dehydration... If you do not consume enough water, the body becomes dehydrated, as a result, a person simply has nothing to sweat with. Without sweat, the body cannot cool itself down and because of this, its temperature rises.
  2. 2 Determine if you are showing symptoms of fever.
    • Excessive sweating... We sweat because our body is trying to cool itself in this way. Heavy sweating means our body temperature is higher than usual. This occurs most often during and after exercise.
    • Spasms... Spasms are the result of dehydration. When the body can no longer sweat to cool itself, dehydration begins. Cramps are one of the most common symptoms of dehydration.
    • Headache... Headache is another symptom of dehydration. This is why when you have a fever, you may also experience minor to severe headaches.
    • Weakness... When the temperature rises above normal, you may experience muscle and joint pain and weakness throughout your body.
  3. 3 Drink water. Water is the best medicine for high temperatures. Water will allow your body to produce more sweat, which will cool you down. Keep in mind that fruits and vegetables also contain water, so consuming them is a healthy way to lower your body temperature.
  4. 4 Don't eat spicy foods..
  5. 5 Don't drink alcoholic beverages or coffee. Alcohol and coffee cause dehydration, which can lead to a rise in body temperature.
  6. 6 Remove sodium from your diet. Too much sodium can raise your body temperature.
  7. 7 Drink herbal teas. Drink herbal teas with care as they may have some side effects.
  8. 8 Soak your feet in cold water. This is a quick way to bring down heat.

Foods to lower body temperature

  • Watermelon... Watermelon is ideal for lowering body temperature. It is more than 95% water. It also contains many beneficial minerals.
  • Cucumber... Cucumber is another great source of water. For added benefits, eat it cold.
  • Peach... This delicious fruit is a great addition to a salad on a hot summer day.
  • Coconut water... Coconut water is another amazing liquid that can help lower your body temperature.


  • Water is the best way to lower your body temperature. Don't forget that fruits and vegetables are great sources of water to help you with this situation.
  • Get enough vitamin C as it can lower your body temperature in a natural way.


  • Severe dehydration can lead to weakness, dizziness, unconsciousness, fever, headaches, and even seizures. Remember to drink water.