How to recognize your secret admirer

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Signs Someone Has A Secret Crush On You
Video: 8 Signs Someone Has A Secret Crush On You


Who is your secret admirer? It's hard to say for sure who is giving you surprises and romantic messages, especially if he or she doesn't want you to know. You will need to use whatever clues you can find. Look carefully at the gifts and read the messages your secret admirer has sent you. Ask your friends if they know who it might be. Get accustomed to everyone you know and watch out for potential fans. Be careful and patient. Chances are, your secret admirer is shy about talking to you personally, so be tactful and respect his privacy.


Method 1 of 2: Hints

  1. 1 Read his messages carefully. If you receive a postcard or find a paper letter (note) in your jacket pocket or backpack, clues will be: location, time, handwriting and writing style. If your fan has written to you via anonymous email or sent a chat message, the clues will be: the email address, the tone and content of the message, and the time it was sent.
    • If the note is handwritten, take a close look at the text. Compare the handwriting with the handwriting of your friends. For example, pay attention to a friend or a friend who is sitting next to you in an English lesson.
    • If you receive an email or social media message from a stranger, look at the email address or nickname. This person may have started another email to write you messages, but you can guess something if you study the name he chose.
  2. 2 Think of all the gifts that your secret admirer sent you. Perhaps he gave you a bouquet of flowers, put your favorite candy in your purse, or a CD with music. These gifts can also be a clue and can help you figure out who actually gave them.
    • If your secret admirer gave you a bag of fresh homemade cookies, chances are he is into cooking. Think about your acquaintances, especially those you suspect of liking you, remember if any of them are fond of cooking.
    • If your secret admirer gave you a music CD, chances are he really loves music. Think of your friends who are crazy about music. Watch those who are constantly humming something, as well as those who almost never part with their headphones. Listen to the songs on this disc. Most likely, there will be your fan's favorite songs so you can figure out who it is based on his musical taste.
    • If your secret admirer bought you a little gift in a store, you can talk to the seller of that store.
  3. 3 Think about where and how your secret admirer might have reached out to you. Think about who might have sent you a message at the time you received it. Think about who could be in the place where a note or gift was planted for you. Summarize all your guesses and observations to get a clear idea of ​​how your secret admirer is acting.
    • If your secret admirer left a note for you in the locker room or somewhere else at school, chances are he goes to the same school with you and saw which locker room you change in. If your secret admirer left a gift near your home, he either knows you well, or he got your home address from someone else.
    • If you suspect someone in particular of courting, but on the day you found the note, this person was sick, most likely it is not he who is courting you. But don't forget the fact that he may have asked his friend to plant a note for you. Plus, the note may have been planted a day or two before you found it.
  4. 4 Reply to the note for more information. If you receive an anonymous email or chat message, reply to the message and try to start a conversation. If someone left you a paper note, you can leave your note in the same place for your fan to find it.
    • Meet your secret admirer via email or live chat. Ask him a few questions. Don't be too persistent, just try asking something about him to figure out what kind of personality he is.
    • Do not leave personal notes or notes where other people can find them. Not only does this decrease the chances of your secret admirer finding the note and answering it to you, but it also increases the risk that someone else will find your note and use that information against you.
  5. 5 Find some handwriting samples. Do you already know your secret admirer's handwriting? How does he usually contact you? Does it have any features (for example, some kind of speech patterns, special spellings of words, some other details) that will help you identify it?
    • Does your fan often mention a phrase or word? For example, he may often use the word “amazing” in his notes, or he may constantly write the word “absolutely” to emphasize his conviction. Think about the people who use these words or phrases a lot.
    • Does your fan make frequent spelling mistakes? You can limit your search by highlighting someone you know who often makes spelling mistakes. For example, if you notice that your fan is constantly writing "defined" instead of "definitely".

Method 2 of 2: Track Your Fan

  1. 1 Take a look around. Is there someone who talks to you more than usual, or looks at you affectionately and tenderly? Is there someone who acts strange and awkward around you, even though they try to hide it?
    • Try to see if there is someone who is staring in your direction? If there are such people, it is worth watching them more closely. Look that person in the eye and smile playfully. If he shows even more signs of sympathy, chances are he is your secret admirer.
  2. 2 Ask around your friends. To understand who your secret admirer really is, you need more information. Ask your friends for help and see if they can give you any clues. Even if they don't know at all who your secret admirer is, perhaps some of them have heard some gossip and rumors that may point you in the right direction. Be careful when talking or asking about your secret admirer. Some of your acquaintances may take this opportunity and give you false information, they may spread gossip about this situation, and they may also fake notes from your secret admirer to confuse you.
    • If someone left you a note or a present outside your home, ask the neighbors or the concierge if they saw who it was. If they have seen someone, ask them to describe their appearance.
  3. 3 Consider asking your secret admirer directly. If you think you already know who it is, the surest way to be sure is to ask him personally. It may be better to ask and be wrong than not ask and know for sure. Keep in mind that if your fan is hiding their identity, they will most likely be shy about talking to you in person. You shouldn't interrogate him loudly in front of everyone. Be tactful, gentle, and open.
    • Make eye contact with that person as you talk. Observe how his behavior and facial expressions change. Have you noticed that the pupils are getting smaller? Perhaps you noticed that he blushed or tilted his head back a little?
    • If this person has answered in the negative several times to your question about whether he is your secret admirer, most likely, he is telling the truth. Don't insist. Keep looking.
  4. 4 Be tactful. You don't have to ask right away: "Do you like me?" Try starting from afar. For example: “This week I keep finding cute notes in my jacket pocket with very nice drawings. Do you know anything about this? " Try asking this question to your potential fan, as well as people who might reveal his identity to you. If your secret admirer has added you on a social network, ask the person you suspect is using the site. If your secret admirer draws some pictures for you, ask the other person if he likes to draw.
  5. 5 Respect your fan's privacy. Think about why he didn't want to reveal his identity. Perhaps he is hiding because he cannot communicate with you openly.Most likely, this person is shy, he may have strict parents or other relationships that he does not want to risk. It's okay to try to talk to your secret admirer in person, but don't be too persistent. If you are patient, over time, your fan will reveal his own personality.
    • Think about whether you really want to find out. Perhaps, deep down, you do not want to reveal this secret, so that it all does not burst like a soap bubble. Sometimes it's so nice and exciting to know that there is someone who likes you.
  6. 6 Reciprocate or reject your fan. Once you reveal your secret admirer, a tense situation can arise. Your fan has clearly expressed his feelings, so now it's your turn to show if you feel the same for him or not. If you like your fan too, you can get to know each other better. Consider asking him out or wait for him to ask you out. If you do not like him at all, you need to clearly and clearly explain so that he understands that it is time to retreat.
    • If your secret admirer is not who you were hoping for, be kind and tactfully explain yourself. Most likely, he will admire you and your honesty. Be honest and straightforward. Don't play with the other person's feelings.
  7. 7 Don't overreact. Maybe you will find your secret admirer, fall in love with him and live happily ever after. But now you probably don't know anything about him. Your secret admirer may be someone you don't want to date. This person may even turn out to be your friend or brother who just decided to play a trick on you! Try to find your secret admirer, but don't take it too seriously and emotionally until you know for sure who you are dealing with.
    • If you are patient enough, there is a chance that your secret admirer will overcome his shyness and confess to you himself. Yes, this person likes you, but that doesn't mean you have to find out who it is.
    • Try not to create any illusions for yourself. Your fan can be anyone, you don't want to be upset and worried if he turns out to be not at all what you expected.


  • Keep in mind that someone may have just played a trick on you to see your reaction!
  • Someone whom you consider your secret admirer, in fact, may not be one.
  • If your secret admirer is causing you discomfort with your letters, tell someone about it. For example, you might share this situation with your parents, friends, brother, or sister. If this problem has become serious, consider contacting a teacher, psychologist, or the police.