How to know if a person is married

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Free Marriage Records
Video: Free Marriage Records


You liked someone, but you are not sure if the person has a husband or wife? Has it ever happened that you fell in love with a person without knowing his marital status? Of course, the easiest way is to ask, but there are other methods that can help you find out if a person is married or married, although this will require applying all your detective skills.


Method 1 of 3: Key Features

  1. 1 Look for the white trace of the ring on the not ring finger of your tanned hand. Pay attention to whether there are any marks from the ring on the ring finger of the right hand. If there are marks (a tan line or a dent), the person most likely recently removed the ring. Sometimes people do this when they want to meet someone by pretending to be single or unmarried. Remember that a tan mark can also indicate that the person recently separated or divorced their partner.
  2. 2 Look for signs of marital status. Pay attention to which car the person drives. If he has a minibus, minivan or SUV, this may indicate that the person has a family. Think of other signs of lonely behavior.
    • For example, most free guys cook for themselves or go out to eat. Ask him what he cooked for dinner and ask him for a recipe or ask him what places he can recommend.
  3. 3 Listen carefully to the person. In his words, you can find clues regarding his marital status. Does he talk a lot about his life? Is he talking about the same person who can be husband or wife? It is also important to understand how a person spends his free time. Free and unfree people have completely different lifestyles. Ask the person what they did over the weekend. Did he meet with friends, did he go to a bar, to a concert, did he go to another city? Was he sitting at home all day, having dinner with old married and married friends, or going to the zoo? Knowing how a person spends their time will help you draw conclusions.
    • With whom does a person usually spend their time? Does he often talk about parents, brothers or sisters? Or does he spend every weekend with friends? It is quite possible that such a person is free.
  4. 4 Pay attention to how the person interacts with others. Free people can afford to do whatever they want: have a beer after work, meet up with friends for dinner on the weekend. People who have a family do not have this freedom.They may hang out with friends from time to time, but they spend most of the time with their family or go everywhere with their significant other.
  5. 5 Explore the person's social media pages. Social networks are your faithful assistant in this matter. Explore the person's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. On sites like Facebook or Vkontakte, you can indicate your marital status, and on many sites you can post photos. Look for pictures of the person with whom they might be romantically involved. When were these photos taken? Sometimes people leave photos with their former lovers, but if the photos were added recently, it is possible that they still have a relationship now.
    • Does the person have a profile? Does he have a photo in his profile? Did you manage to find pictures of your husband or wife in the depths of the photo albums? Does the person have any social media accounts at all? The lack of information or pages on social networks may indicate that a person has someone.
    • Search for information about a person by name. Find out if he has social media accounts if you're not friends with each other. See if his name appears in any other source like a corporate website.

Method 2 of 3: Dating Behavior

  1. 1 Pay attention to how the person pays for everything on your dates. If he always prefers to pay in cash, there is a possibility that he does not want his significant other to see the card account statement. In the modern world, people most often pay for everything, especially food, with a card. If a person checks out in cash on every date, it can be a worrying sign.
    • Some people carry small amounts of money with them for small payments like movie tickets and fast food. Wealthy people can carry large amounts of money. Most often, people pay by card and cash.
  2. 2 Pay attention to whether the person needs to rush home by a certain time in the evening. Be wary if the time the person can spend with you is limited, especially in the evenings. People who are serious about the person they are dating and the relationship will be willing to stay late on the date. Sometimes they may need to get home early, especially on weekdays, but they should have time for a partner on weekends.
    • Can he only meet with you between 18:00 and 21:45? Well, perhaps his wife is waiting for him at home. This can happen from time to time, but if he always says he needs to get home before ten because of an important meeting to prepare for or because of an early flight, think he's just making up reasons.
  3. 3 Think about whether you have been to this person's home. Did he invite you to visit? If you've been dating for a few months now, but still haven't visited your partner, it's worth considering. You may have heard ridiculous excuses: "my house is dirty" or "your house is much nicer." If you always only spend time at your home and never with your partner, this may be cause for concern.
    • Find a reason to visit him. If he constantly refuses you to do this, he may not be free.
  4. 4 Consider if there is anything strange about the way the person answers the phone. People who cheat on their partners carefully hide their phone calls. Analyze the person's behavior to see if you should be worried.
    • Does he often miss numerous calls in your presence? Is he nervous? Does he turn the phone screen away from you? Does his phone keep ringing? Secretive and evasive behavior can mean that he or she has a spouse or spouse. Try not to confuse deception with politeness. Sometimes people just don't want to answer a call during a date. The more often you spend time together, the more comfortable you will become in each other's company.Sooner or later, your partner will have to start answering the phone, especially if they call him often.
    • Maybe he has two phones? Sometimes this is justified if a person is engaged in business, but deceivers may have several phones. Does he refuse to give you his number? Does he call you from hidden numbers? All of this may indicate deception.
    • Perhaps he only calls you when he is in the store, in the car, at work, in the park? Have you ever been able to speak to him when he was at home? If he always calls you outside the home, he may be deliberately picking those moments.
    • You call him, but he does not pick up the phone, and then calls back many hours later or even the next day after work. If he picks up the phone, does his voice sound normal or as if he were talking at work? Does he speak more quietly than usual? Unusual phone-related behavior can betray the person.
    • He doesn't give you a home phone number. Many people have cell phones, but if he refuses to give you a home number and behaves strangely in other situations, it could be a worrying sign.
  5. 5 Consider if you know someone who has an important place in his life. If you've been dating for several months and your partner hasn't introduced you to their friends or family, you should be wary. Does he talk about his friends and family? Do you know how he spends his time and with whom? If your relationship gets serious and you introduced him to your friends, but he hasn't done the same, he is either shallow or in a relationship with someone else.
  6. 6 Analyze how the person thinks about plans. You never go anywhere on weekends. He refuses all the spontaneous dates you suggest. You don't have romantic trips, and if there are, they always coincide with his business trips. This behavior may indicate that he has another life that he cannot escape from.

Method 3 of 3: Talking to the person

  1. 1 Ask him. If you're not sure, take courage and ask a direct question. This is the easiest and most powerful way to quickly find out what you need. This can be done in different ways:
    • Just walk up to the person and ask, "Are you married? / Are you married?" Avoid an accusatory tone. Just ask out of curiosity.
    • Ask this: "Do you want to tell me anything?" See how the person will react.
    • Observe the person's reaction. Can you tell by his reaction that he is lying? Does he avert his eyes, move away from you, start to sweat, or sharply defend himself?
    • If the person insists that they have no one, you should ask yourself why you think they are lying. Maybe you just don't trust him or the person just has strange behavior? If you feel that something is wrong, you should end the relationship as soon as possible. If a person admits that he has someone, it is not worth spending more of your time on him. You will most likely get angry and want to ask him a couple of questions, but the most important thing is to leave as soon as possible, because it is not worth it.
  2. 2 Go to the office where marriages are registered. Think in what city the marriage might be. In some countries, you can use a public marriage database to find out if the person you are interested in is married. Where permitted, the database can be accessed free of charge or at a low cost. There you can also find out if the person has applied for marriage registration in the past.
    • To find out the information you are interested in, you need the real name of the person. If the person has a common first and last name, the date of birth is also required.
    • Most often, you can search in the database of a specific city, since they are not combined.
    • Remember that this information is not publicly available everywhere.In some countries, this information may not be released to anyone. To get started, study the legislation to see if you can apply.
    • When you are there, also look at the divorce records. Just because you have found a marriage record does not mean that the marriage is still valid.
    • In some countries, data on marriages and divorces is available on the Internet. Access to information there is much more expensive, but it is more convenient to use them. Weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.
  3. 3 Dig into the person's things. If you decide to do this, remember that you are risking the relationship. If you think this is the best way to find out the truth, go for it. Here are a few things to look out for:
    • Open the person's wallet. Does he have cards in someone else's name there? Does he have other documents in someone else's name? If so, this person could be your partner's spouse.
    • Look at the person's phone. Are there photographs of someone who could be your partner's husband or wife? Are there children there? If you know what your partner's office looks like, do they have pictures of the family on their desk?
    • Check the person's mail. Is there another person in the house? Do they have the same surname? Of course, this can mean that a person lives with a brother or sister or with his parents, so this issue needs to be studied in more detail.
    • If a person lives in his own house, pay attention to how many cars are in the yard. If there are more than one, remember that the other car may belong to a relative or the owner of the house, so do not rely on this information completely. Are there any signs of children in the house?
  4. 4 Search for the person by phone number. It's simple. Find the e-phone book of your city and search for information about the person. Enter the phone number in the search bar. Perhaps it will indicate that this person lives in the same house with another person who has the same last name and the opposite sex (and who is not a child or parent). If so, it means that the person has a family.
    • This information may be slightly outdated. The person may have already broken up or divorced by the time the data was received.
  5. 5 Beware of sites that promise to tell you the marital status of the person you are interested in. There are many sites that supposedly allow you to find out the status of a person by his name, city and your card details. Stay away from such sites. Scammers may be hiding behind them.
  6. 6 Hire a detective. If you are already desperate, try hiring a private detective to do all the dirty work for you. Remember that this will cost a lot of money, so if you just need to find out if the person is married or not, this is not the best option. If you've already noticed a lot of oddities and are ready for radical action, it might be worth hiring a detective. Before agreeing to pay for this service, check with a detective.
    • A private detective can be helpful if you have suspicions of bigamy or an unfinished divorce process.


  • What do your friends think of this person? It can be helpful to hear what friends think about whether the person has someone. Of course, this should not be the main factor, but it is worth considering it.


  • If the person married in another country, you will need to find out where he lived and when, and then try to get the information you need in the appropriate order. You may need the help of an interpreter if you do not speak the language of another country yourself.
  • Be careful. If the person is married and lies to you, he will try to shield himself in response to your questions. If he does this and accuses you of distrust, most likely he has something to hide. As a rule, people who are innocent do not object so violently when it comes to trust.
  • Even if you ask a straight answer, it does not guarantee that you will find out the truth.You should pay attention to a variety of signs and try to put everything together if it seems to you that the person is lying to you about his marital status.