How to know if your husband is cheating

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Signs Your Spouse Is Having An Affair
Video: 6 Signs Your Spouse Is Having An Affair


No one will argue with how incredibly painful it is to think about the possibility that your husband is cheating on you. Nevertheless, if you have reasons to suspect him of cheating (or you think there are such reasons), then it is time to start looking for signs that signal cheating, or turn to a private detective for help. In order to establish the fact of cheating. The longer you put off solving this problem, the worse you will feel if you find out that he was not honest with you. If you want to know if your husband is cheating on you, you should watch what he says and how he behaves with you, and also pay attention to the changes that have occurred. If you want to know if it changes, just follow these directions.


Method 1 of 3: Notice His Behavior

  1. 1 Pay attention to the change in your man's sex drive. There are two changes to look for. If your man has started a relationship on the side, it is possible that he will not be attracted to the idea of ​​having sex with you as much as before. If your sexual activity continues to decrease for some time, this does not mean that your partner is cheating on you, but if he went crazy with the desire to go out of bed with you, and now this has changed, this may be a sign that he is getting satisfaction. somewhere else.
    • Another change you may notice is when your man suddenly has an insatiable sexual appetite. More intense sex drive may mean that he is sleeping with another woman.
    • Pay attention to how he behaves in bed. Has he suddenly become more resourceful? He used to behave always the same, but now he wants something new every time? Perhaps these ideas come to him because of the connection with another woman.
    • Think if he suddenly became shy of his body, being next to you, and does not want you to see him without a shirt. If he only wants to have sex in the dark, the reason may be that he feels guilty about having to share his body with two women.
  2. 2 Pay attention to the man's behavior if he suddenly began to try to appease you. It is possible that he feels much better about you because he feels guilty. If he was distant and not very talkative or generally not inclined to show his feelings, but suddenly became very kind and sweet, always says some pleasant things, perhaps he does this as compensation for dating someone on the side.
    • Again, it is possible that he became very good simply because you are having a difficult time and he is just trying to help you.
    • If he suddenly brings you flowers, chocolates, or cute cards, it's very possible that he is just trying to bring romance back into your relationship. But as an option, he can do this to make amends for the betrayal.
  3. 3 Pay attention to his behavior if he suddenly began to help more than usual. If your husband is usually not very helpful with household chores, and now has begun to wash the dishes, go shopping and even cook, it is possible that something is wrong here. He's probably trying to make amends for something, quite possibly for treason.
    • But then again, it may be that he is just trying to prove himself from his best side, or in this way he achieves something different from you. However, with such a radical change in family behavior, you need to be on the lookout.
  4. 4 Watch your man's mood changes. If he's usually out of sorts, but suddenly just shines with happiness, or if he's usually calm, and now his mood is constantly changing, it is possible that something is happening. If he has a smile from ear to ear and looks detached into the distance, as if thinking about someone, it is quite possible that his good mood has nothing to do with you.
    • Also, be on the lookout if he rushes home looking upset and then tries to pin the blame on work or something that has never upset him before.
    • If you see his mood change after he made a “short phone call” or read a text message, it may be because of another woman.
  5. 5 Notice if his behavior has changed during phone calls. If he could leave his phone on his desk for many hours, or if he is the type of person who keeps forgetting his phone at home, but suddenly he becomes inseparable from his phone, it is possible that something is happening. If he stops forgetting his phone, panics when he can't find it, doesn't check messages when he is around you, or is acting mysteriously, you may have cause for concern.
    • If he suddenly set a password on his phone, although he had never cared about it before, it is possible that the matter is not clean.
    • If he walks out to talk on the phone and comes back upset, agitated, or looks guilty, it is possible that you should be thinking about who he spoke to.
    • If you walk into a room while he is on the phone and he suddenly ends the conversation, it may be that he was talking to another woman.
    • If before he always answered your phone calls, and now it may take many hours before you get through to him, it is possible that he was with another woman at that time.
    • If he turns off his phone for many hours and hasn't done so before, it could be a bad sign.
  6. 6 Watch how he behaves at the computer. If before the computer was of little interest to him, but now he suddenly began to spend all the time on the Internet, the reason for this may be another woman. If he suddenly began to linger for a long time near the computer when you have already gone to bed, or if he abruptly shuts down the computer when you enter, this is a bad sign.
    • If he is sitting at the computer, and suddenly his face lights up, as if he is communicating with his beloved, this may mean that he is cheating on you.
    • If he does not turn on the computer when you are in the room, it is possible that he does not want you to see what is happening on the screen.
  7. 7 Pay attention to his excuses. If you and your husband used to spend most of your free time together, and now suddenly he is almost never around for suspicious reasons, it may be that he is spending this time with another woman.If he has regular "bachelor parties", if he is late at work every night or is suddenly carried away by a new sport and spends all his free time in the gym, it may be that he uses these excuses in order to spend time with his mistress.
    • Of course, it may be that he is really interested in a new sport, or he really needs to stay late at work every evening, but if this has not happened before, and if there are other suspicious signs, this may mean that he is cheating on you.
  8. 8 Pay attention to what he says. Several things can indicate that your man is cheating on you. Here are a few points to watch out for:
    • If he used to compliment you all the time, but now he stopped, it may be because he thinks about someone else.
    • If earlier he did not particularly compliment you and suddenly began to do it, perhaps he is thus trying to make amends for the fact that he is cheating on you.
    • If he just sounds different, uses new words, laughs in a new way, or is simply constructing phrases in an unusual way for him, it is likely that he borrowed it from another woman.

Method 2 of 3: Pay attention to his appearance

  1. 1 Pay attention to changes in your man's shaving habits. If before your man didn’t devote much time to shaving or cutting, but now he constantly shaves, watches his hairstyle and looks at himself in the mirror, it is possible that he is preparing for a date with another woman.
    • Also pay attention to whether he is taking a shower more often, especially if he does so immediately after he gets home. It is possible that he is trying to wash off the smell of another woman as soon as possible.
  2. 2 Notice if he is paying more attention to his body. If before he did not particularly care about his physique, but suddenly began to go to the gym every day, run or lift weights, it may be that he is thus trying to get his body in the right shape for another woman.
    • Of course, you should consider other factors as well: maybe he has a midlife crisis and wants to look good again, or maybe he just wants to keep an eye on his body.
    • See if he suddenly becomes obsessed with what he eats. This can also mean that he is showing an increased interest in how he looks from another woman.
  3. 3 Notice if it smells differently. This is a great reason to think about it. If your man suddenly began to smell differently, it may be that it was due to the fact that the chemical processes in his body changed due to the connection with another woman. And if he just smells of perfume, female lotion or something other female, it definitely means that he is spending time with another woman.
  4. 4 Pay attention to his body language. Your husband's body language can say a lot about whether he is cheating on you or not. Even if he says the right things, his body can give him away. Here are some signs that might mean something is happening:
    • Pay attention to how often he looks you directly in the eyes. If earlier during the conversation he looked into your eyes, and now looks away, the reason for this may be a feeling of guilt.
    • Notice the lack of tenderness. If earlier he kissed you, hugged you and showed his care for you through touching, and now he does not touch you at all, it is possible that something is happening.
    • Pay attention to whether he turns away from you during the conversation. If he crosses his arms, turns away from you, it is possible that he does this because he does not feel comfortable.
    • Pay attention if he shows you affection when you are alone at home, but not when you are in public.If he is crazy about you at home, but as soon as you leave the house, immediately becomes detached, it is possible that he is afraid that his mistress will catch him with another woman.

Method 3 of 3: Find out if he is cheating on you

  1. 1 Dig into his things. While searching his personal belongings is an easy way to lose his trust, if you are sure that he is cheating on you and want concrete evidence, you can try this method. If you really want to know if he's cheating on you or not, here's where to look:
    • His phone. If he has common sense, you will not be able to find evidence of treason on his phone. And if not, you may find traces of communication with a woman you haven't heard of before. It is possible that he did not enter his mistress's phone number on his phone, so look for text messages and calls to unknown numbers.
    • Take a look at his computer. If you really want to know if he's cheating on you or not, check out his email or Facebook posts. You can wait for him to walk away from his computer, but not out of his email. If he also began to carefully delete emails, perhaps this indicates that he is hiding something from you.
    • Search his belongings. Check the contents of his suitcase, desk, wallet, or even his pants pockets for evidence.
    • Review your bank accounts. Pay attention to large amounts spent at the restaurant that you are not aware of. Match the dates and try to remember where he said he was at that time. If he said he worked late that day and actually spent a lot of money on dinner at a restaurant, you have reason to be worried.
  2. 2 Follow him. If you are afraid to ask directly if he is cheating on you, or if you have not found enough evidence, you can try to trace where he goes. Again, this is another way to lose his trust very quickly. Here are some ways you can do this:
    • Don't follow him in your car. Take a friend's car so he doesn't notice the tail.
    • Keep a safe distance. Whether you are walking or following him in a car, do not get too close or he will notice you.
    • Watch him when he doesn't expect it at all. If he says he’s working overtime, watching a match at a friend’s house, pop in and check if he’s really there. Just make sure you have a good reason why you showed up there.
  3. 3 Ask him if he is cheating on you. Once you've discovered enough signs of cheating, it's time to talk to your husband. While the conversation will be painful, it's best not to postpone it if you really want to know the truth. Here's how to ask your husband if he is really cheating on you:
    • Ask him this question when he doesn't expect it. If you are in a secluded area, you can start this conversation. Do not tell him that you are having a serious conversation, otherwise he will immediately guess what is on your mind and prepare excuses.
    • Tell him you want the truth. Remind him that his lies will not do you any good.
    • Show him that he is really hurting you. Let him see how upset you are when you suspect him of cheating.