How to know if your boyfriend really loves you

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 4 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Things A Man Will Do Only If He Really Loves You
Video: 15 Things A Man Will Do Only If He Really Loves You


If you've been dating a guy for a while, you probably want to know if the relationship is getting serious. The guy may say he loves you, but you're not sure if that's true. If a guy doesn't say he loves you, there are ways to tell if he has strong feelings for you or not. Watch his actions, and then consider his words.


Method 1 of 2: Observe His Action

  1. 1 Ask yourself if he treats you with respect. If a guy really loves you, he will be interested in you. He will respect your thoughts and opinions, even if he disagrees with them. He will pay attention to what you like and what not, and he will meet your needs to the best of his ability.
    • Is he interested in your life?
    • Do you feel like he really cares about your feelings and opinions?
  2. 2 Assess his ability to compromise. If a guy respects you, he will compromise even if you don't ask for it. Whether he's making concessions on small things (like watching a movie that he doesn't like but that you will enjoy) or more meaningful issues, compromise is an important sign that a guy is really in love with you.
    • True compromise does not mean, "I will do it for you if you do it for me." This is not a negotiation.
    • Does he insist that he is right when your opinions differ? Or does he not mind that you have the last word?
  3. 3 Pay attention to where the guy touches you. Most people in love feel the need to touch the object of their adoration, even without sexual connotation. Does he seem to want to touch you? Does he take an interest in you when he touches? Public touching is a public manifestation of attraction and shows the world that a person cares about you.
    • If you're not sure how he feels when he touches you, check your feelings. Do you feel loved? Or does it seem to you that he is trying to “stake out” you by touching you in public?
    • If he is shy or comes from a culture where public touch is unacceptable, he may rarely touch you, but he will have strong feelings for you.
    • When a man touches a woman's face, it is often a sign that he wants to be closer to her.
    • Touching the shoulder or arm is not always considered intimate in most cultures.However, if he touches your lower back or gently runs his hand over your leg, it is often a sign of attraction.
    • If he only touches you when you are alone, this is an alarming signal. If he touches you ONLY in public, but never in private, this is also an alarming signal.
    • Respect is also important in the way he touches you. If you don't like the way he touches you, and he continues to do so anyway, it is unlikely that he really loves you.
  4. 4 Make sure he wants you to spend time with his friends and family. If a guy wants to keep all of you to himself and not share you with his friends and family, he probably doesn't really love you. If he truly had deep feelings for you, he would want to include you in all areas of his life.
    • Joining his family can be challenging at first, especially if his relationship with family is unstable or full of problems.
    • If in the presence of friends and family members the guy behaves towards you differently than in private, ask him why he does it. If he is truly in love with you, he will be proud of you no matter what company you are in.
  5. 5 Find out if he wants to spend time with your friends and family. The person who loves you will be interested in hanging out with your family and friends. Even if he doesn't like these people, he'll be willing to spend time with them if that's what you want.
    • If your boyfriend is avoiding your family and friends, he may be just shy. If he's trying to get you to avoid them too, he may be an overly controlling person. This is a bad sign.
    • If he doesn't want to get to know your family and friends better, that's a sign that he doesn't really care about you.
  6. 6 Pay attention to whether he is doing what you like. The person who loves you will try to do what you like, even if he himself is indifferent to it. For example, he will eat in restaurants because you like them, or attend cultural events because you ask him to. If all your activity revolves around his interests, it may be a sign that he does not love you.
    • Doing something because the other person wants it is an act of generosity. If he insists that you do something for him because he did something for you, that is not nobility. This is a form of manipulation.
    • A man who truly loves you will pay attention to what you like and dislike. He will try to make you happy, because your happiness is of great importance to him.
  7. 7 Avoid it if it hurts you. Sometimes people say that they are doing bad things to you in the name of love. If a guy tells you this, it's a wake-up call. Learn to recognize potentially abusive relationships and ask for help.
    • Violent behavior is not limited to physical abuse. If a guy really loves you, he will treat you with respect. He will not humiliate you, call you names, or question your accomplishments.
    • If you are unsure of trusting your boyfriend when he confesses his love, seek advice from your parents or a close friend.

Method 2 of 2: Hear what he has to say

  1. 1 Listen to if he is using "we" instead of "me." If a person loves you, they will see you as part of their daily life. When he makes plans for the future, he will include you in them.
    • Does he include you in his plans or is he building them only for himself?
    • When he talks to friends or family members on the phone, does he mention things you did together? Does he tell them when he is near you? Or does he avoid talking to friends in front of you?
  2. 2 Does he apologize when he's wrong? Some men say easily that they regret, but their actions, more often than not, do not change.Other men, on the other hand, refuse to apologize, even when they are clearly wrong. Notice how the guy reacts when he does something hurtful or tactless. Is he asking for forgiveness?
    • If a person doesn’t need to apologize, and it seems that he repeats the same patterns of behavior, his words are worthless.
    • The stubborn guy will likely find it difficult to apologize for being wrong. However, if he loves you, he will be uncomfortable until things work out between you.
  3. 3 Check to see if his words match his actions. A guy who doesn't back up his words with action is clearly not trustworthy. A person whose actions and words do not coincide has discrepancies in thinking. These discrepancies are manifested in his actions and words.
    • When a person's words and actions do not match, it means that they are not trustworthy. Even if he loves you, you cannot trust him.
    • Guys often try to justify these differences with negative life experiences. Sometimes this leads to the fact that the girls feel sorry for them and try to help.
    • In other cases, the person who is caught in a discrepancy tries to blame the partner. He can wrap things up to accuse you of negative thinking. This is an alarming signal.
  4. 4 Remember, it's not enough to say: "I love you". If a person confesses his love, but does not back up his words with actions, then, in fact, he does not love you. The phrase “I love you” is sometimes used in dishonest, manipulative ways. If a person says: "I love you," - think whether his words correspond to his actions.
    • If you are not sure whether to believe his words, ask someone close to help you figure it out. Perhaps your assistant will notice something that you did not notice.
    • If you are sure that the guy really loves you, consider if this is enough for you. Just because a guy loves you doesn't mean you should love him back.

Specialist Questions and Answers

Look for the following signs that a guy may have fallen out of love with you:

  • He doesn't see you as often as he used to.
  • He does not answer your calls and messages.
  • He starts to pull away.
  • He doesn't want to spend a lot of time with you or makes too many excuses not to see you.
  • He would rather spend time with his friends than with you.
  • He's not as playful with you as he used to be.


  • There are many tests on the internet that claim to be able to determine if a guy really loves you. Take them if you like, but don't take the result at face value. Think of these tests as a fun way to look at relationships in a different light.


  • Remember that violent relationships take many forms. If you are unsure if you are being abused, consider looking into some of the warning signs of this behavior.
  • If you regularly do or say things you don't feel like doing for your boyfriend, chances are you are in a bad relationship.