How to forget a guy who only needs you for sex

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 8 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Signs You’re Just An OPTION To Him...
Video: 7 Signs You’re Just An OPTION To Him...


Sometimes it's hard to forget someone who only used you for sex. It's hard to accept that your feelings weren't mutual. To begin with, you need to limit communication with such a person. Stop calling, sending messages and letters. Learn to control your emotions. Allow yourself to grieve a little, but remember that this person refused to build a relationship through no fault of yours. Obviously, you have pursued different goals. Finally, keep yourself busy. New hobbies and goals will keep you from thinking about an unpleasant situation.


Part 1 of 3: Limit Communication

  1. 1 Don't try to contact him. When it's obvious that a guy has been using you for sex, you better not try to contact him. If your relationship had a future, it would already be here. You don't need to look for a meeting with a person who is not able to make you happy.
    • Do not attend the same events, do not write or call him. In case of temptation, it is better to keep yourself busy or spend time with a friend. Agree with a friend and call her every time you want to call a guy.
    • In some situations, there is no way to completely stop communication. So, if you work or study together, then you cannot avoid meeting. In such circumstances, be short and to the point.Avoid empty talk.
  2. 2 Don't answer late messages and calls. If a guy needs sex from you, then he can write messages or call at night. For example, at one o'clock in the morning, a message may come with the question “Are you sleeping?”. This is a hint to come to you. Do not reply to such messages. Do not prolong the current situation, which will only bring new pain. Try to ignore night calls and messages.
    • If the guy continues to bombard you with messages, then write something like this: "I do not want to continue this relationship. Stop texting me."
    • A person is used to the fact that a certain behavior leads to the desired result. If this does not happen, then he may first redouble his efforts, and then give up. Remain firm. Over time, he will stop bothering you.
  3. 3 Don't chat on social media. Limiting contact on social media is often the hardest part. It is not uncommon for people to continue to follow former partners on services such as Facebook or Twitter. That said, research shows that this behavior only prolongs the longing. Block or remove the person from your friends list, or at least unsubscribe from updates on all social networks.
    • Sometimes the desire to find out the news from the life of a former partner can take over, but such actions will not bring relief, so it is better to control yourself. If you have a strong desire to go to the guy's page, remind yourself that doing this will only hurt you, and also throw you back in attempts to forget the person.
    • Surely you will still look at his page a couple of times. Don't be angry with yourself, because no one is perfect.
    • Try to take a break and stop using social media until you feel better. This will help you focus on important things and take care of yourself.
    • You can also uninstall such applications from your smartphone so that you can access social networks only from your computer.

Part 2 of 3: Control Your Emotions

  1. 1 Feel your emotions. It is unlikely that anyone likes the feeling of pain after rejection, but they will not be able to recover without unpleasant sensations. Stop hanging out with your boyfriend and let your emotions run wild, but don't try to deny or suppress your feelings.
    • Sadness is an integral part of life. Others will try to cheer you up and advise you to forget about the past, but you will not be ready for this right away.
    • There is nothing wrong with being a little sad. Turn off your TV and remove other distractions. Give free rein to feelings, good and bad, for a few minutes a day. This will help you bounce back. Try writing down your feelings or talking to a close friend to sort out your emotions. Pay attention to your feelings and then very soon you will feel better.
  2. 2 Soberly assess the nature of past relationships. Accept the true nature of the relationship that ended so you can move on. If you continue to believe that the guy was interested in more than sex, then you will only prolong the period of grief. Despite all the pain, it is important to realize that you have been used. You cannot build meaningful relationships with such a person.
    • After a breakup, people often harbor illusions about the importance of the relationship. It might even seem like things would be easier if you stayed together. There are no ideal situations.
    • How would things go if the guy had romantic feelings? Difficulties and scandals would still haunt you, leading you to an inevitable breakup. The bottom line is that the guy only needed sex, so it is unlikely that he could become a good partner.
  3. 3 Understand that you are innocent. After parting, girls often think about what their "mistake" was. Such thoughts may come to mind: "Why does he not want to be with me? What is wrong with me?" Do not allow such thoughts. There are many reasons a guy doesn't have romantic feelings. Your actions may have nothing to do with it.
    • There are many reasons for not being romantically involved, most of which are not personal to you. Perhaps he liked you, but your paths in life do not intersect. Perhaps now he is not up to a romantic relationship. Perhaps he chooses a different type of women for relationships.
    • Whatever the reason, most often it does not concern you personally. You, too, probably refused guys more than once, and not at all because there was something wrong with them. They just didn't suit you at all.
    • Try to see the situation as a rewarding experience rather than an absolute defeat. Dealing with regret is easier if the situation serves a purpose.
  4. 4 Think about the bad qualities of the guy. It is sometimes helpful to remember what you disliked about the person you are trying to forget. Even minor flaws will remind you that the guy and the relationship with him were not at all perfect.
    • Think about what annoyed you the most. Did he talk too much about himself? Did you reply very briefly to your messages? Did you like different films or books?
    • You can also think about trifles. Did you not like his hairstyle or long toenails?
    • Write down such aspects and reread the list regularly. You can even paste the list onto a mirror or other prominent place. Disadvantages will prevent you from idealizing the relationship.
  5. 5 Formulate your feelings in neutral words. In times of anger or pain, pay attention to your emotions. You don't need to build up feelings of resentment. It's okay to think about what was bothering you, but don't turn your emotions into evil thoughts. Use them to neutralize the situation.
    • For example, the thought "He is just a scoundrel and completely unworthy of me" can be paraphrased into a neutral version "We have too different aspirations and different paths in life."

Part 3 of 3: Keep yourself busy

  1. 1 Write down your feelings. Want to keep yourself busy? It will be easier to do this if you first get all negative thoughts out of your head. Take a pen and paper and write down what you feel. Put your emotions on paper and focus your energies on something more rewarding.
    • Make a list of the things the guy did that disappointed you. For example, write "He never held my hand in public" and "He didn't want to call me his girlfriend."
    • Set your completed list aside and focus on something else.
  2. 2 Think of something to do. After a breakup, people often think about the reasons for this outcome. Sometimes it's helpful to set new goals. Let business take over your attention and distract you from bad thoughts.
    • It's important to find a balance between distractions and reflective relaxation. The constant thoughts of a breakup can lead to depression, but trying to escape will also not help you bounce back.
    • Think about what you have long wanted to do. For example, have you always wanted to run a marathon? Start exercising regularly to get ready for your run.
    • People often become obsessed with thoughts of their ex. Sometimes the best way to get rid of obsessive thoughts is to keep yourself busy with something else.
  3. 3 Live in the present. Try not to dwell on the past and live in the present. Be aware of actual feelings and emotions every moment.
    • Enjoy everyday little things. Even something as simple as a delicious breakfast can bring joyful emotions.
    • If thoughts come back to your former partner, then tell yourself: "Now this is in the past. It's time to think about your current feelings and deeds."
    • Use different grounding methods to break the cycle of thoughts about your boyfriend and return to the present moment. Look around and name five objects, five colors, five surfaces. Close your eyes and focus on the sounds or smells around you.
  4. 4 Remember to take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself is extremely important after a grievance.Remember to eat right, stay physically active, and rest.
    • Take care of your personal hygiene. Remember to brush your teeth and take a shower, even if you want to spend all day in bed.
    • Try not to stop exercising. If you feel very bad, then try to reduce the load. For example, instead of running, you can walk at a brisk pace.
    • Eat right. In moments of sadness, we always think about junk food, but it does not give a feeling of relief.