Prepare for a natural disaster

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips to prepare your home and family for natural disasters
Video: Tips to prepare your home and family for natural disasters


The thought of a natural disaster can be scary, but you can prepare yourself and your family for it with a few simple steps. While you may not know what kind of disaster will strike or when, the time you take to prepare for the various possible scenarios will ensure that you are ready in case of an emergency.

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Method 1 of 3: Make a plan

  1. Make an emergency plan. Make an emergency plan for your family in the event of a natural disaster. Include household information, out-of-town contacts, school, workplace and childcare contact details, as well as unforeseen situations. Include escape routes and plans for shelter. Several websites have contingency plan templates, such as
  2. Discuss how best to respond to the most likely disasters. Think about scenarios that are most likely to be in your environment. Make sure everyone in your family knows how to respond to a variety of disasters, including tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, winter storms and power outages. Indicate the safest places in your home for each type of disaster.
    • For example, create a flood emergency plan if you live near water, or create a winter storm emergency plan if you live in a cold climate.
    • The highest level in your home is the safest place during a flood, while the lowest level is the safest during a tornado, just to name one example.
  3. Determine three ways to get alerts. Sirens are generally insufficient warnings for natural disasters. However, in the event of a power outage, you cannot rely solely on your television or landline for alerts. Sign up to receive emergency alerts from your local government via text or email. You also need a battery-powered AM / FM radio (and extra batteries).
  4. Determine the best evacuation routes. Indicate all entrances and exits in your house and make a plan on how best to evacuate your house (by car or on foot, for example). Decide where you will go in case you cannot stay in your home or even in your area. Then map out the different routes there are to get out of your city and state or region. Make sure all family members are aware of evacuation strategies and flight plans.
    • It is important to have multiple options in case roads are damaged during a disaster.
  5. Decide how you communicate with each other as a family. Also make a communication plan in case you are not together during the disaster. You can provide each member of the family with a prepaid cell phone and charger, for example. Create a contact information card for each member of the family so that they have all the phone numbers and addresses they might need.
    • Text messages are more reliable than emergency phone calls. Make sure children know how to use a cell phone and how to send a text message.
  6. Choose multiple meeting places. In case not all of your family members are able to reach a designated meeting place, you have to consider different situations. Choose a location near you or near your home, as well as one that's out of town. Plan to meet at the nearest location in an emergency, and keep the out-of-town location as a backup, in case the disaster makes it impossible to meet at the primary location.
  7. Hold exercises. It's important to practice what to do in the event of a natural disaster, especially if you have children. You should practice this once every year for any kind of disaster that could occur.
    • For example, do a fire drill at home if you live in an area prone to drought and wildfires.

Method 2 of 3: Pack an emergency kit

  1. Prepare a three-day pack of non-perishable foods and water. Choose foods with a long shelf life, such as canned foods and pantry items. Choose items that don't require refrigeration, as well as those that require little or no cooking at all, in case there is no power or gas due to a disaster. Store four liters of water per person (and per pet) per day. Do not forget the baby food and bottles if you have a baby, as well as food for all pets.
    • Tap water can be unsafe to drink in the event of a disaster, so make sure you have plenty of clean water in bottles or containers.
    • Canned soup, tuna, nuts, dried fruits, dried meat, peanut butter, protein bars, cereals, powdered milk, dry pasta, and packaged crackers are good options.
    • Don't forget the can opener, cutlery, plates, waterproof matches and a camping stove, if possible.
    • You will have food and water ready for at least three days, but it is best to store enough for two weeks.
  2. Include clothes, shoes, and toiletries. Pack up a three-day supply of clothing (including multiple layers), socks, and an extra pair of shoes for each member of the family. This includes toiletries such as soap and shampoo, products for women, toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste and deodorant. Add nappies and wipes if you have small children.
  3. Add in things for shelter and security. Pack emergency blankets, sleeping bags, and a tent or two in case you can't stay in your house. A multipurpose tool (such as a knife / file / pliers / screwdriver combination), and a whistle can also be useful to have in your kit.
  4. Pack electronics and batteries. Have several flashlights, an AM / FM radio and extra batteries. You can also pack a prepaid cell phone with a charger in case your landline or cell phone doesn't work during the natural disaster.
  5. Add a first aid kit with medication. Prescription and over-the-counter medicines must also be included in your emergency supply. Include a standard first aid kit with instant ice packs, band-aids, antiseptic ointment, scissors, tape, suture kit, and so on. Add extra glasses or contact lenses and contact fluid, and any other aids you may need, such as a stick or hearing aid with extra batteries.
    • It may also be helpful to bring a medical pocket manual as well as a veterinary manual if you have pets.
  6. Add cash, cards and spare keys. It's a good idea to keep some money aside for your emergency supplies. Add a mix of small and large notes in case banks or ATMs are closed. You also need maps of the region, as well as a spare house key and car key.
  7. Store emergency equipment in a cool, dry place. To keep your food and water good for as long as possible, keep your kit away from direct sunlight, excess moisture, or widely varying temperatures. The ideal temperature range is from 4 ° to 21 ° C. Bathrooms and kitchens aren't great options, but basements and cabinets are fine.
    • You can choose to build a second emergency stock and keep it in your car, if desired.
  8. Put all important papers in a fireproof and waterproof box. Important papers can be lost in a natural disaster, so fill the box with copies of each family member, as well as birth certificates, passports, positions, and titles. You can also include insurance, vaccination papers and a copy of the emergency plan. Also have a list of phone numbers and addresses of family members and other important contacts.
    • Keep both the chest and the key in your emergency kit.
    • Alternatively, you can scan important documents and save them to a USB stick and keep them in a waterproof container in your kit.
  9. Replace the items regularly. To make sure clothes and shoes fit and food and medicines haven't expired, you need to replace supplies every year or every two years. Buy new supplies and use the existing supplies for your daily needs.

Method 3 of 3: Keep an eye out for potential disasters

  1. Recognize potentially threatening situations. Check out the news and weather reports in your area to be aware of potential disasters in your area. You can also download apps for your smartphone, such as Natural Disaster Monitor or Weather Underground, that alert you to potential disasters in your area.
  2. Prepare family members for what could happen. If a disaster threatens your family, explain what's going on. Review the emergency plan so everyone knows what to do in the event of a disaster. Make sure you are ready to shelter or evacuate in the house if necessary.
  3. Keep track of impending disasters. Check the news often so that you are aware of changes in the weather or conditions that could change the course of a disaster. Sign up to receive alerts or updates from your local government or weather service so you're always up to date with what's happening.
  4. If possible, evacuate before disaster strikes. If there is danger in your area, evacuate before it strikes. Your local government or municipality can order evacuations if a natural disaster threatens, so make sure you follow their instructions. If you are unable to evacuate, hide where you are until it is safe enough to exit the area.


  • If you live in an area prone to disasters resulting in extensive power outages, consider purchasing a portable generator with a capacity of at least 5,700 watts.
  • Fill several five liter plastic gas cylinders with gasoline for the generator. Add stabilizer to the gasoline to keep it good, and don't forget to change it regularly.


  • If you connect the generator to your power supply, make sure that you switch off the main plug and only switch on the generator outside.
  • Candles, lanterns, and security lamps are for outdoor use only. Don't use them indoors, especially if you have a gas stove or stove.