How to know that you are in the friendship zone

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 5 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Out of the Friend Zone | Escape Friendship
Video: How to Get Out of the Friend Zone | Escape Friendship


Oh, this zone of friendship! Do you know the feeling when a representative of the fair sex you like begins to talk about what a cute boy she has in her English courses? That feeling when the guy you like so much isn't shy about talking about other girls, picking your ear or scratching in front of you, or when your boyfriend friends treat you like one of them. Want to know if you are in the friendship zone? Read our tips to find out the truth.


Part 1 of 2: What are you talking about

  1. 1 Does this person contact you to discuss their concerns? If someone you like always comes to you to discuss their troubles and incidents, it is likely that you are in a friendship zone. Think about it. If he likes you too, there will be an element of excitement and secrecy in your relationship. If he tells you every little thing that comes to his mind, or shares every minor problem, then he is clearly not trying to impress you, which means, most likely, he sees a friend in you.
    • If a person says something like “I decided to call you right away to tell you about everything”, “Your opinion is very important to me” or “I am so glad that I can count on you,” then he probably thinks you are very, very good friend.
  2. 2 Does this person tell you about those they like? This is extremely reliable evidence that you are only a friend to him. If a guy you like only says that about a nice new colleague, or a girl you are passionate about, shares with you dreams of a handsome man from a parallel class, you are definitely in the friend zone. If a person asks you for advice about their personal life over and over again and never even thinks that you might have a certain interest in him, this is definitely a friend zone.
    • If a boyfriend or girlfriend you like is discussing other romantic opportunities with you, you are most likely in a friendship zone. However, if you are told “None of the guys in my class can compare with you…” or “I think I will never find the right girl…”, this may be a hint that you are the One or That One.
  3. 3 Does this person give you nicknames? If the object of your sympathy behaves with you as with your boyfriend and calls you funny, but not at all romantic words, like "dude", "bro", "sister", "old woman", "Pavlovich", then love on his part horizon is not observed. This does not mean that he never will not see you in a romantic light, but right now you are firmly entrenched in a friendship zone.
  4. 4 Do you console this person after breaking up? This is another clear sign of the friend zone. If the girl you like has just been dumped by a guy and you are the one comforting her with ice cream, a Love Actually CD and a packet of handkerchiefs, then you are definitely stuck in the friendship zone. If you say “You’ll find someone better, you’ll see” or “How could he not want to be with you?” Then you are a friend. Just friend.
    • If the person is pouring out their soul to you and letting you see them during this difficult time, they probably consider you just a friend.

Part 2 of 2: What You Do Together

  1. 1 Is this person embarrassed to dress in your presence? If a boyfriend or girlfriend dresses in front of you without any ulterior motive, they are most likely not physically attracted to you or expecting it from you. If you are going to the beach or the pool together and this person is calmly changing clothes in front of you, then you are most likely in a friendship zone.
    • If the object of your sympathy is changing clothes in front of you or is next to you in a minimal amount of clothes, for example, on the beach, pay attention to how he behaves in this case. Does this guy look at his chest when he takes off his shirt? Is this girl nervously adjusting her bikini? If so, the person might be a little shy about your presence.
  2. 2 Have you ever slept in the same bed without hugging and not even holding hands? If so, then this is definitely a friendly or even brotherly attitude towards you. If, under any circumstances, you find yourself in the same bed and sleep at different ends, or even you can stretch out as if nothing had happened, you are clearly in the friendship zone. While this situation is not common, it serves as a great indicator of what the real status of your relationship is.
    • If your boyfriend or girlfriend puts on cozy pajamas, or even a mouthguard in your presence, then most likely you are in the friendship zone, since this person does not even try to look sexy in your presence.
  3. 3 Has this person told his entire family about you? If his family members ask you why you are still not together, you are probably in a friendship zone. If his family constantly says that you should start dating, and you already know them quite well, it is quite possible that you are in a friendship zone. If he had romantic feelings for you, introducing you to your family would be an important event for him.
    • Of course, feelings can change. You may have known his family for a long time, but he is only now beginning to have serious feelings for you.
  4. 4 Does this person feel completely at ease with you? This is another sign of friendship. If a person is romantically attracted to you, they will sometimes feel nervous in your presence, to some extent, feel awkward, laugh for no reason, or try to impress you. If a guy or a girl only sees you as a friend, they will not worry about how they look and what impression they make.
    • If you never notice signs of mild nervousness, trepidation, or excitement when you are around, then you are probably just a friend.
    • If a guy or girl isn't trying to be more careful with your expressions, isn't shy with strong words, and isn't worried about the impression it will make on you, you are most likely just friends.
    • Observe how the person dresses when you hang out. If you get the impression that he or she is not trying to dress up, dress up, or make up, the reason may be that they see you as just a friend.
  5. 5 Is this person trying to connect you with other people? This is another one hundred percent sign of a friendship zone. If a girl you like says you should get to know her college friend or cousin because you would be perfect for each other, that’s just screaming about the friend zone. It’s even worse if you’re going to spend time together and she brings a friend with her to see if each other likes you.
    • Think for yourself: if this girl liked you, why would she start looking for someone else for you?
    • Perhaps the person is even trying to hint to you in such a way that you should not be looking for romance with him.
  6. 6 Do you only do what this person wants? If a girl really likes you, then she will always be ready to please you and go with you to a football match or play video games. But if all you do is go shopping, ice cream makers, or other things she wants, she may not care about impressing you. Ask yourself when was the last time you did something that you personally really wanted.
    • This is especially true if the girl you like regularly takes you on shopping trips with her.If she asks you what suits her best or what she looks like in a particular outfit, she most likely does not see you as someone she would go on a date with.
  7. 7 Do you often have physical contact? If a guy or girl you like reciprocates, this will most likely manifest itself in frequent touching, be it a comic struggle, hugs, or other reasons to touch you with a hand. If you never touch each other even when expected, such as when you were given the same menu for two and you are studying it, the person may not think of you as the opposite sex.
    • However, if you are “your boyfriend” for a young man, there can be quite a lot of touches. Then try to determine if they are just friends.
    • You can test a person's reaction by accidentally touching their hand or jokingly nudging them.
  8. 8 Are you doing a lot of favors for this person? If you walk his dog, bring him lunch to work when he's busy, or give him a ride to university, chances are it's not a romantic relationship. If you are already playing the role of a girl or an errand boy, you are clearly not on the way to going on dates with this person. If he really had romantic feelings for you, it is unlikely that he would constantly ask you to do all these unromantic things.
  9. 9 Does he always invite other people to join you when you are spending time together? If you are constantly trying to meet in private and turn your relationship towards something more, and the person all the time invites his sister, both brothers, a couple of dorm roommates and who knows who else, this is a sign that he is not going to take the relationship to the next level. ... Perhaps someday in the future this will happen, but now there is no romance between you.
    • If a girl or boyfriend perceives you as a potential romantic partner, then they will look for an opportunity to be alone with you, and not avoid it by any means.