How to increase your high jump

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Improve your High Jump ft. Erik Kynard Jr. | Olympians’ Tips
Video: Improve your High Jump ft. Erik Kynard Jr. | Olympians’ Tips


1 Do plyometric exercises to build leg muscles. Plyometric exercises are considered to be among the best for perfecting the high jump. These exercises use explosive strength to train and build muscle. They all involve jumping and using your body weight to help you achieve the results you want.
  • Limit yourself to two plyometric workouts per week and take at least a two-day break in between.
  • Take a full day of rest from any workout once a week.

Advice: On rest days from plyometrics, you can do other types of workouts, such as cardio, resistance exercise, and / or calisthenics.

  • 2 Do squat jumps. Place your feet hip-width apart and squat down as low as possible. Instead of slowly lifting to a standing position, jump out of the squat and simultaneously try to turn 180 degrees. After jumping, land in a squat, not a standing position. Repeat the exercise, changing the direction of the turns as you jump. For example, first turn right, then left, and so on.
    • Do 3 sets of 5 reps until the exercise becomes easy. Then increase the number of repetitions in each set to 8.
  • 3 Do Bulgarian lunges. Stand at some distance from the bench or chair (with your back to them) and place one leg on the seat so that the foot is looking up. Lower your body down until the knee of your backward leg almost touches the floor, and then push yourself up with the heel of your front leg. This is one repetition of the exercise.
    • Do 3 sets of 8 reps.
  • 4 Jump on the curbstone. Find a sturdy box or platform that can support your weight. Place the platform in front of you. Jump abruptly on it. In doing so, use as much force as possible. Jump back and land in a squat.
    • Start with 3 reps. Concentrate on the intensity of the exercise, not the number of repetitions.
  • 5 Jump rope. Jumping rope strengthens the same muscles that work in the high jump, so it helps increase your jumping ability. Jump rope on a hard surface, such as a wooden floor, with enough headroom for the rope itself. Jump for 10 minutes a day. If you are not able to jump continuously for so long, then jumping rope classes can be divided into two or three parts with rest and / or performing other types of exercises in between.
    • Do not “walk” jumping rope when you are essentially doing a movement like running in place, jumping rope first with one foot and then with the other. Instead, try to keep your ankles together and jump with both feet at the same time.
    • As your skill improves, start jumping faster. You can also try spinning the rope more slowly at first so that you can do one extra jump between jumping rope to maintain balance. When you're ready, start spinning the rope faster to get rid of the balancing jump.
  • Method 2 of 4: Kalistenica

    1. 1 Exercise daily calisthenics to increase your flexibility. Calisthenics includes basic exercises in which you use your own body weight to strengthen the muscles. Since you don't need any equipment for calisthenics, you can do it anywhere to become stronger and more mobile. To increase your jump height, do exercises that target your leg muscles.
      • Examples of calisthenics exercises are push-ups, jumps with arm swings and leg extensions, squats and lunges.

      Keep in mind: you can do calisthenics every day, but with at least one day of rest per week.

    2. 2 Do daily stretching. Stretching exercises not only help you avoid injury during other workouts, but it also improves your jumping ability by relaxing your muscles.
    3. 3 Follow standing calf raises. Stand with your feet together. Get up on your toes and then lower back down. Move slowly to make your muscles work harder.
      • For best results, do the exercise at the edge of a curb or step.
      • Start with 20 reps, increasing as the exercise becomes easier for you.
    4. 4 Do deep squats. Place your feet hip-width apart and press your heels to the floor.Bend your knees slowly and lower yourself as low as you can, keeping your back and neck straight. Then return to a standing position.
      • For deep squats, the hips should drop below knee level.
      • Squats done well work the entire lower body. They also stretch the muscles of the torso in the back and abdomen.
      • Start by doing 3 sets of 10 squats.
      • Do some squats with your weight on your toes. This will help strengthen your ankles.
    5. 5 Do lunges. Get into a standing position. Take a large step forward, bending the leg out at the knee. Tilt the body forward slightly, and place the knee strictly above the ankle. Return back to a standing position. Alternate lunges with different legs.
      • Do 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.
    6. 6 Stand on one leg. Do this exercise alternately on different legs to strengthen your ankles. It is able to protect you from injury to the ankle when landing after a jump. Stand up straight and focus your gaze on something in front of you. Lift one leg off the floor and stand in this position until the other leg gets tired. Then shift your weight to the other leg and repeat the exercise.

    Method 3 of 4: Strength Training

    1. 1 Engage in resistance exercises to build strength in your leg muscles. Strengthening your leg muscles can improve your jumping ability. In particular, leg strength exercises can help you improve your high jump.
      • Do strength training two or three times a week.

      Keep in mind: take at least one day of rest between strength training sessions. On rest days, you can do other types of workouts. However, do not forget to arrange for yourself at least one day of good rest per week.

    2. 2 Do deadlifts with a trap bar. The trap bar differs from a regular bar in that it has a bifurcated bar that forms a closed space, inside which you need to stand up with your feet. Stand in the center of the barbell. Bend over, grab the barbell by the handles and rise with it. Keep the weight close to your body while lifting. Keep your hands at your sides. Hold the weight up for a moment, then lower the barbell.
      • The weight of the bar should be as heavy as you can lift.
      • Keep the barbell close to your body and your arms straight down. Don't use your elbows.
    3. 3 Try one-handed dumbbell jerk. Place the dumbbell on the floor in front of you. Sit down and grab the dumbbell with one hand. Stand while lifting the dumbbell. Raise the dumbbell over your head. Hold the weight for a little, and then return to the starting position.
      • Do 3 sets of 8 reps.
      • Start with less weight and focus on speed.
    4. 4 Do weighted squats. Place your feet hip-width apart. Raise the barbell or dumbbells to your shoulders and rest on your shoulders. Sit down as low as you can while keeping your weight in the correct position. Then return to a standing position.
      • Do 3 sets of 8 reps.
      • When using dumbbells, start with 2 kg shells and gradually work up to 3–3.5 kg.
      • When using a barbell, simply grab the barbell with no load first.

    Method 4 of 4: Tracking Jump Height

    1. 1 Train your vertical jump. Perform a few high jumps every few days to track your progress. However, do not focus on high jumping as the main goal of your training. Continuous jumping will not provide as much progress as targeted exercises to train your body's athletic ability.
    2. 2 Measure your jump height. Stand against a wall or high pole and extend your arm as high as possible. Ask a friend to mark the point that your hand can reach (have him mark with chalk or some other writing object).Then jump in the same way with your hand raised, and ask your friend to try to mark the point at which your fingers touched the wall above. Determine the distance between the two points. This will be your current jump height.

      Advice: try wetting your fingers or rubbing them with chalk so you can mark the wall yourself and make it easier to measure your jump height.

    3. 3 Choose a way to keep track of your progress. You will need to keep a record of the measurements and the dates they were taken. Record the date of the measurement and the height of the jump each time. At the same time, depending on personal preferences, you can use various methods of keeping records. You will have a choice between plain paper, computer or telephone.
      • Accounting should be simple: just write down the numbers.
      • If you prefer to use a computer, enter your information in a separate document or spreadsheet.
      • When using your phone, keep track of the dynamics of numbers in a note-taking application or in a special application for working with word documents.
    4. 4 Continue checking your jump height weekly. How often you check your jump height is up to you, but weekly measurements will ensure consistency in the data acquisition and give you enough time to develop your high jump skill between measurements.
      • If you forget to measure on the day of the week chosen for this, measure the height of the jump as soon as you have the opportunity.


    • Before purchasing any training program to improve your high jump skill, study the information on this matter in detail. In some cases, the programs offered may turn out to be simple scams.
    • To improve the high jump, it is very important to organize proper nutrition. You need to eat a lot of protein and carbohydrates to give your body the energy it needs to exercise. Also, the muscles should have enough time to receive nutrients and recover before the next workout.
    • Always warm up before exercising. A good stretch should take at least 5 minutes.


    • Do not overexert yourself. Give yourself some rest and recovery from injuries before reevaluating further training methods.
    • Check with your doctor or trainer before embarking on a new exercise regimen.