How to respect your partner

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Respecting your partner and others | Relationship - 106
Video: Respecting your partner and others | Relationship - 106


Respect is the result of admiration and approval. With respect, we show our concern and respect.


  1. 1 If you want to be respected by the person you love, you must first demonstrate your respect towards him.
  2. 2 Respect is not born overnight, it is based on the feelings you have for your partner.
  3. 3 Learn to respect everything about your partner, and it won't be difficult for you to prove that you really respect that person.
  4. 4 Remember that if your partner has offended you in any way, tell them right away. If you close in on yourself and be secretly angry with this person, this can lead to the collapse of your relationship.
  5. 5 Tell your partner: "Honey, I was very offended that ...", but do not use such phrases too often, otherwise your partner will decide that you put yourself above everyone else.
  6. 6 Perfect relationships just don't exist, so be prepared for conflicts.
  7. 7 The easiest way to maintain a relationship is to be a good listener.
  8. 8 If you do not know how to listen, then you need to listen to you. Since you do not have this skill, then most likely your partner does not have it either. Start developing this skill in yourself first.
  9. 9 If your partner asks for sex, and you are still angry with him, just say that you need time, but in no case tell your any person anything offensive.
  10. 10 If your partner wants you to do something nice for him - think of something before he tells you to "make a cup of coffee" - the order, you see, sounds extremely disrespectful.
  11. 11 Do not lie.


  • Get out of your head the idea that your partner is your property. The fact that you are dating or married is not an excuse to take control of someone else's life.
  • Don't let emotions and mood ruin your relationship.
  • You should never underestimate your partner, even if you think he is a stupid person.
  • If your partner has offended you, calm down and only then tell him about your feelings.
  • Love takes patience, so if you need a relationship, learn to be patient.
  • We learn from our experience, so in order to learn a lesson, we need to do something.


  • Respect is paramount, but you don't need to learn anything to have it, you just need to understand how you want your partner to treat you. If I want my partner to respect me, I must respect him (the same tactics should be in relation to other people).

What do you need

  • Love and falling in love - only love can teach respect.
  • Listening skills - if you are a good listener, you can easily solve any problem, because there is an understanding between the two of you.
  • Responsibility - You must take care of your partner both physically and mentally. Your partner will respect you for this.