How to have a sleepover party

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Have An Epic Sleepover - DIY Snacks & Face Mask, Things To Do, & More!
Video: How To Have An Epic Sleepover - DIY Snacks & Face Mask, Things To Do, & More!


If you're a teenager, a great weekend getaway idea can be a party with friends who will stay overnight with you. The hardest part of this venture is to think over the plan to the smallest detail. If you prepare well, you will be able to arrange an amazing evening for your friends. In this article, we'll show you how to do this.


Part 1 of 3: Planning

  1. 1 Come up with an interesting topic. In the west, sleepovers are often held for birthday parties or simply because they wanted to get all the friends together. If you want to really express yourself and surprise everyone, come up with an original theme. Here are some examples:
    • A specific era (80s, 70s or 60s)
    • Crazy Hairstyle Party
    • A party when everything is done the other way around
    • Dressing up as famous personalities
    • Wild West
    • Hawaiian party
    • Pink party
    • Pop Party
    • "Dust"
    • "Harry Potter"
    • Chocolate or vanilla party
    • Tea ceremony
    • Holiday Party (Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, etc.)
  2. 2 Make a list of invitees. Talk to your parents about how many friends you can invite. Usually 4-8 people come to visit, but this will largely depend on the topic. Invite friends you enjoy hanging out with, have fun with, and get along with others. Make sure you invite all of your close friends so that no one is offended.
    • If you have one shy friend who doesn't know everyone else, you need to decide if he can fit in with the company. It may happen that you will worry all evening about whether he will like the games and whether he will be able to participate in them.
  3. 3 Compose and send out invitations. You can send them by regular or e-mail, or you can just call, send SMS, message to Facebook or say in person. Try to style the invitation according to the theme of the party so people know what to prepare for. Please include any useful information (for example, what to take with you). Invite everyone personally so that the rest will not be offended.
    • Let your guests know what time you will be waiting for them and when they need to leave. Sometimes people don't leave the next day after they get up and do something else, but if you have something to do or if your parents want guests to leave in the morning, mention it in the invitation. You can also specify the breakfast time.
    • The invitation does not have to be official. You can just call all your friends - that's okay too. It all depends on how much effort you want to put in.
    • If you want to make cute invitations, try doing it on a dedicated website (such as Paperless Post). They will be sent over the internet. And although the site will charge you some amount for the service, this amount will still be less than what you would give for paper invitations.
    • Do not be discouraged if someone invited cannot come. Sometimes parents of teenagers do not want their children to spend the night away from home.
  4. 4 Stock up on everything you need. Make a list of all the things you need. Include dinner, snacks, drinks, movies, costumes, and more. Check with your friends if they have any food allergies or if they are vegetarians.
    • You will need help from your parents. Buy a little more than you need to so you don't end up running out of food in the midst of the fun.
    • If guests are staying for breakfast, prepare food in the evening. You can even fry the pancakes beforehand.
    • If you want to play some game that you don't have, don't forget to ask a friend to bring it.
    • The same applies to films: if you want to watch something, download or buy a movie.
  5. 5 Come up with a plan for your brother or sister. A younger brother or sister will most likely want to join your party, but you may be against it. In this case, warn him or her in advance that friends will come to you. You can even promise him or her something, like going to an amusement park together.
    • Try to keep your brother or sister busy during the party.
  6. 6 Make sure your friends are not allergic to anything (such as animal dander). If a person cannot be in the same room as a cat, he will not be able to come, although sometimes antihistamines prevent allergic reactions from occurring. Your friends may also be allergic to foods like pistachios, so it's important to find out beforehand.

Part 2 of 3: You are the host of the party

  1. 1 Greet your friends politely. Show me where to hang your jackets, put your shoes on, and fold your bags. Offer food and drinks, show them your home. If you can't go somewhere, tell me about it. Don't forget to show where the toilet is.
  2. 2 Set the table. If you have already prepared food (most likely with the help of your parents), set the table and invite everyone to sit down - guests should not be hungry. If you're still cooking dinner, offer light snacks to brighten up the wait. You can order pizza or sushi so as not to waste time.
    • Open and arrange snacks ahead of time.
    • For sweets, you can serve candy, cookies, pie or sweet popcorn.
    • Stock up on drinks (eg, cola, mineral water, juice). If you don't want to stay awake until nightfall, avoid drinking caffeinated drinks.
  3. 3 Turn on the music and dance. Play the music that is popular with your friends. Fool around, dance! You clearly need to burn those extra calories that you ate at dinner.
  4. 4 Have a pillow fight. Pillow fights are fun and energy-intensive. Make sure everyone has a pillow, and agree not to hit too hard to avoid injury.
  5. 5 Play video games. If you like Wii or other consoles, ask your friends to bring their own joysticks so you can all play together. Do not make games the main event of the party - perhaps someone does not like them, and this person will get bored very quickly.
  6. 6 Take pictures. You want to remember this evening! Take out your camera or take pictures with your phone. Grimace, fool around! The most important thing is that you have a photo where you were filmed all together. The pictures will be especially interesting if you have costumes.
  7. 7 Be respectful of some guests' decision to go to bed early. Not everyone is ready to stay awake until 2-3 a.m., so those who want to go to bed should not feel guilty.
  8. 8 Play board games. For large companies, "Alias" is suitable. Avoid overly complicated and time-consuming games.For example, "Monopoly" is a good game, but it takes a long time to play.
  9. 9 Tell scary stories. Turn off the lights, grab a flashlight, and start telling ghost stories one by one. Prepare the story ahead of time and ask the guests to do the same. Promise a prize for the scariest story ever! But don't overdo it - some people are afraid of the dark and don't like creepy stories.
  10. 10 Watch the movie. It's better to watch the movie later, when you have played enough and wasted all your energy. Choose a movie in advance so as not to argue which you should watch - a horror movie or a comedy. Sometimes people take so long to decide what to choose that they end up giving up on the idea of ​​watching a movie altogether. You don't want arguments to ruin everyone's mood, do you?
    • Prepare popcorn, cookies, and other food. This will make the environment more festive. Buy M & Ms, pour popcorn into large paper cups, and pretend you're in a movie theater.
  11. 11 You can just chat. Of course, playing games is fun, but sometimes you just want to sit with friends and laugh together. Telling stories from life, sharing gossip - this will allow you all to get to know each other better. If people enjoy just sitting and talking, don't offer them a bunch of other things to do - keep things natural.
  12. 12 Find out if everyone was able to get along with each other. If someone starts an argument or upsets others, you need to take control of the situation. Listen to both sides, because no one likes to quarrel.
    • React to the slightest signs of tension between people. If you notice that someone has started to speak in rather harsh terms, change the subject to prevent the conflict from developing.

Part 3 of 3: Things to do in the morning

  1. 1 When you wake up, gently wake everyone up. This should only be done when it is time for guests to go home. If you just woke up early, you shouldn't wake everyone else up just because you have nothing to do. When everyone is awake, give them time to get dressed and wash up, and don't rush them.
  2. 2 Ask your guests if they would like to eat. If most people favor breakfast, tell us what food you have. You can make scrambled eggs or sandwiches, but it's also a good idea to have a box of cereal and yogurt or milk. Remember that not everyone likes a hearty breakfast. Plus, many people may still not feel hungry because of a hearty dinner the night before!
  3. 3 Show guests to the door. A polite host always does this. Even if you are tired of the company of people and want to be alone with yourself, you should still do it. Don't forget to thank people for coming.
  4. 4 Get organized. Collect the popcorn and plastic cups from the floor. You should be the one to clean up, since you had the party, not your parents. If you do it yourself, your parents will allow you to repeat the sleepover in the future. Something you could have cleaned up in the evening (most likely with friends), but it is impolite to interrupt the party by cleaning. As soon as you put things in order, you can rest!


  • See if everyone is having fun. You should not pay attention to just one person - everyone should be fun!
  • Prepare several breakfast options and present them to guests to choose from.
  • Make sure all guests are comfortable with each other. It is better not to call friends from different companies, since they can break up into groups and communicate only with each other. But if you're in the mood to invite of all friends, prepare a special game that will allow them to get to know each other.
  • Clean the house before the guests arrive - you don't want to make a bad impression. The bath and toilet and the place where you will sleep should look especially neat.
  • Ditch age-rated films and go for something light. Tragic and emotional films can plunge everyone into sadness, so it's better to opt for comedy.
  • Give each person a place. It is comfortable to sleep on air mattresses.If your friends have sleeping bags, ask them to take them with them.
  • Make sure you take into account everything and that your friends agree with your plan, otherwise you will not succeed.
  • Show everyone the toilet. For those who cannot sleep, offer several books to choose from.
  • Ask friends to bring magazines, CDs and games - so you will definitely have a wide range of entertainment.
  • If there are vegetarians among you, buy fruits, vegetables and other snacks in advance so that no one goes hungry.
  • Turn up the music! But remember that you cannot listen to it at high volume, because complaints from neighbors can ruin the whole evening.
  • If you usually go to bed early, train yourself to go to bed later a few days before the party. However, go to bed as usual the night before so you have plenty of energy to have fun.
  • If you are a girl and girlfriends have come to you, paint each other. Wear makeup that you would hardly go out with.
  • Don't invite people you don't know well. If the person has never visited you, and you have not, you are not yet close enough to take part in such a party.
  • Frame your party photos. It will remind you of how much fun you all had together.
  • If you are planning to host a giveaway, ask if all guests are ready for it. If someone says that it will be unpleasant for him, do not do anything with that person. In a sense, this will deprive everyone of the moment of surprise, but on the other hand, no one knows who will be played, so perhaps someone will decide to go to bed later to see everything.
  • If your parents ask you to go to bed, don't contradict them. Ask your younger brother or sister if he or she would like to join you.
  • Don't worry too much about what people think of your party. Enjoy it! If the guests don't like something, they will give you a hint about it. They are unlikely to tell you directly, so watch to see if everyone is participating in the games and if everyone is in a good mood.
  • If you decide to tell scary stories, only do so when it gets dark outside.
  • If you have a pet, let all the guests play with it.


  • You must have popcorn. But if you know that there are people with braces among you, reconsider your choice of snacks.
  • Don't watch TV all the time - it can get boring.
  • Don't pick on one of your friends if the other doesn't like him.
  • Don't overdo it. This is just a house party, so keep it simple. Don't invite too many people, especially if some people have problems with each other.
  • Keep everything under control. If something starts to bother you, talk to your friends.
  • Many people find it unusual to sleep outside their home. If someone feels like they want to go home, tell their parents and they will solve the problem.
  • You can and should be photographed and post pictures on Facebook, but avoid photos that put people in an unfavorable light; photographs with sexual connotations; pictures that show illegal activities (for example, underage drinking), and any other photographs that could get you in trouble. If someone asked you not to tag it in a photo, do so... If you have already tagged a person, unmark as soon as possible.
  • If someone is afraid of your pet, take your pet to the back room and close the door.
  • If you plan to serve chips to your guests, place them on a plate to make them easier for guests to grab.

What do you need

  • Pillows, sleeping bags, mattresses, etc.
  • Snacks
  • CD player
  • Television
  • Games
  • DVD-player
  • Films
  • Videogames
  • Small table (for games and food)
  • Cosmetics (everyone should bring their own)
  • Nail polish
  • Recipes for homemade masks, body scrubs, etc.
  • Good music. Try to include music from different styles and eras - this will stir everyone up.
  • List of conversation topics
  • Telephone
  • Camera
  • Joysticks
  • Computer (for viewing photos)
  • Carbonated drinks and water
  • Flashlights (to make scary stories even scarier)
  • Basic personal items (clothing, underwear, toothbrush, etc.)
  • Decorations for a theme party