How to calm a baby with colic

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 tips for soothing a colicky baby
Video: 5 tips for soothing a colicky baby


Crying is natural for a baby, but what if your baby is crying around the clock? Your baby probably has colic. Doctors cannot explain why colic torments newborns up to three months of age, making them cry 24 hours a day, and then stops for no apparent reason.


  1. 1 Swaddle your baby. Of course, many children do not like this process, but the result is worth it. All of the following tips work much better if the baby is swaddled correctly.
  2. 2 Rock the baby. Often, motion sickness can help calm a crying baby and help him fall asleep.
  3. 3 Take your baby for a ride. Ten minutes in the car and the crying stops.
  4. 4 Place the baby on the lid of the spinning washing machine. Place your baby in a carrier or car seat. The vibration of the washing machine will calm your baby.
  5. 5 Turn on the vacuum cleaner. We understand that this sounds strange, but this method really works. Place your toddler in a cradle or car seat and let your child be surprised if someone else can make a louder noise.
  6. 6 Place your baby on his tummy alongside your legs (remember to hold his head). Begin to slowly raise and lower your legs. These movements will calm your baby.
  7. 7 Find a dark, calm place, lie on your back and place your baby on your chest. Place your feet on a horizontal surface, bend your knees and begin to rock slowly to calm your baby.
  8. 8 After swaddling, lay the baby on its side and start rocking it. Sing the lullaby loudly - the baby should hear you. Remember how the vacuum cleaner makes noise - only such loud noises can attract the attention of your baby.
  9. 9 Give your baby a pacifier. When the crying begins to subside, give your baby a pacifier or just let your toe suck. Gradually reduce the amplitude of the motion sickness and the volume of the lullaby singing.
  10. 10 Turn on the fan. The sound of the fan will calm your baby. Make sure it is not a silent fan.
  11. 11 Give your child a special healing tea. Our grandmothers also knew that herbs such as fennel, anise, chamomile and thyme can help relieve a baby from colic.A teaspoon of tea before and after each meal will help solve your problem.
  12. 12 Use a rectal tube. You will be surprised how easy it is to rid your little one of the gasses if you use the gas pipe. The tube helps relieve intestinal spasm and flushes out gases that are hurting your baby.


  • Remember, if your baby is crying and you have tried all the normal ways to calm him down (fed him, changed his diaper, checked for diaper rash), you don’t have to drive yourself crazy by rocking the baby for hours. Take a break, read something, or listen to music to calm your nerves. But remember that during this time your little one should not feel abandoned. A baby's eyesight and hearing are not yet as developed as that of an adult, so a newborn is instinctively afraid to be alone. Don't add to your little one's suffering by letting him feel abandoned. Ask someone to be with your baby while you relax.
  • A comfortable rocking chair is indispensable for parents of a restless toddler.
  • If you need to do something urgently and your baby is crying, put him in a sling. It will allow you to hold your baby, and your hands will be free.
  • Experts say reflux can cause colic. Ask the doctor to prescribe the right medicine for your child.
  • Individual intolerance to milk or soy can be similar to colic. If you are feeding your baby formula, try replacing it with soy for a week and see if that helps (and vice versa).
  • Invest in a special device that simulates the sound of a mother's heartbeat, to which the baby is accustomed to before birth. This will keep the parents sane and help the baby.
  • Turn on the water and bring the baby closer. This sound is very calming.
  • Buy or borrow the book or video "The Happiest Baby On the Block." It's wonderful.


  • Crying constantly can signal serious problems. If your baby is crying harder and longer than usual, call the doctor. Sometimes, consulting a pediatrician is necessary for your child's health.
  • Do not leave your baby unattended in the washing machine.
  • Colic usually lasts no more than two months. If they persist, check with your doctor.