How to calm a kitten

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 27 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Kittens to Calm Down : Advice on Raising Kittens
Video: How to Get Kittens to Calm Down : Advice on Raising Kittens


Despite the fact that kittens sleep a lot, the rest of the time they are usually hyperactive! Daily training and learning something new, the kitten can get scared and start to get nervous when faced with something unknown to him. Quite ordinary things, such as stroking and picking up, can turn a kitten aroused, and as a result, it can begin to bite and scratch. To calm a nervous and agitated kitten, try the methods below.


Method 1 of 3: Calming the Kitten

  1. 1 Try to make the kitten get tired of playing. Play with your pet every day, if possible several times a day. Set aside some time for games, play with the kitten for a couple of hours before bed. Try to let the kitten use up all excess energy as a result of playing and get tired.
    • If at the end of the game you find that the kitten is still in a playful mood, turn his attention to the toy. Let your pet run after her, use up excess energy before bed. Toys such as a fur mouse, balls with or without bells, feathers suspended from a string from a doorknob, and the like will do.
    • Tie the toy to a rope attached to the end of a stick (such as a fishing rod) so you can play with the kitten while staying in place. Sitting on the couch and just wiggling a stick will make your pet run and jump while chasing the toy. This way you will protect your hands from bites and scratches!
  2. 2 After playing, set aside time for the kitten to rest and relax. Towards the end of the game, slow down your movements and make them smoother. Do not suddenly stop the game in the middle of its active phase.
    • Abruptly stopping play while the kitten is hot and very active will cause it to want to continue and chase your legs when you try to step aside.
    • If you use a toy while practicing with the kitten, give the kitten a chance to catch it at the end of the game.
  3. 3 Choose separate toys for playing with the kitten. Consider playing time as a special period. Choose toys that you will only use during this time. Hide these toys the rest of the time so that the kitten does not have access to them. Soon, your pet will begin to recognize them, getting aroused at the sight of them and guessing when it's playing time!
    • You should also have toys that the kitten can play with throughout the day. Toys that make a lot of noise (such as sound effects, bells made of hard plastic, etc.) can be hidden before bed.
  4. 4 Feed the kitten immediately after the game is over. Natural behavior of cats involves eating, then grooming and sleeping. After letting the kitten throw out excess energy during the game, feed him immediately. After that, the kitten will most likely clean its fur and fall asleep.
  5. 5 Encourage the kitten to get its food. Instead of just giving him food, make sure he has to put in some effort before eating. There are many devices and gadgets commercially available to hide cat food. To eat, your kitten will first need to locate the food and retrieve it from the appropriate toy.
    • You can also create mazes from cardboard boxes and other materials, at the end of which there will be food intended for the kitten. Related information and sample diagrams can be found on the Internet.
    • By encouraging your kitten to search for and obtain food, you will help him get rid of excess energy faster. This is especially true at the end of the day when bedtime is approaching.
  6. 6 Use a harsh sound to signal to the kitten that it is time to take a break. If your kitten often does not want to stop playing for a long time and will playfully attack you, try making a loud, sudden noise that will greatly startle and distract your pet. The goal is not to scare the kitten, but rather to surprise him and bring down the playful mood.
  7. 7 Stop playing if your pet starts to behave too rudely. In case of too rude, aggressive behavior of the kitten, regardless of whether he plays with you or on his own, stop paying any attention to him. This behavior should not be encouraged by paying attention to the kitten. In such cases, try to ignore the kitten, letting him know that his behavior is unacceptable and do not like you.
  8. 8 Get a couple of kittens. The best playmate for a kitten is another kitten. Kittens growing together, especially if they are from the same litter, are friendly and love to play with each other. In this case, they will expend unnecessary energy during joint entertainment and games. Kittens will also be able to learn from each other, determining which behavior is unacceptable.

Method 2 of 3: Shy kitten

  1. 1 Get your kitten a tall cat tree or house. As a rule, cats like to climb higher, from where they can survey their surroundings. This is one of the reasons they often climb high shelves or refrigerators. By providing your pet with a tall cat tree or house, you provide him with a great place in which he will feel comfortable.
    • This secluded corner is especially useful for your pet when something scares him. For example, a kitten will be able to sit on its tree while you are vacuuming the floor or watching TV, turning on a loud sound.
  2. 2 Give the kitten a place to hide. You are unlikely to like it if the kitten uses various pieces of furniture as a shelter, risking getting stuck under them, so take care of a secluded corner in which he can hide, feeling insecure or frightened. A cat tree with a shelter or a cat tent is perfect.
    • You probably know that cats like different boxes, so one or more cardboard boxes can also be used as shelter.
    • It is better if the kitten has not one, but several secluded corners. You can place one such corner in those rooms that your pet prefers.
  3. 3 Try not to make noise. A nervous kitten can get scared of almost anything. The best way to avoid this is to keep the factors that can scare him to a minimum. Therefore, try not to make unnecessary noise and give the kitten the opportunity to get used to new sounds for him.
    • The kitten may be frightened by the sound of the TV, radio, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, dishwasher, fan, and so on.
    • If there is a separate room for the kitten, occasionally turn on the radio or other devices quietly in it so that your pet can get used to the background noise.
  4. 4 Try herbal remedies to calm your kitten. There are various herbal remedies that can help reduce anxiety and anxiety in cats. Depending on the type of preparation, you may be able to add it to drinking water or bury it in the ears of the animal.
    • Some cats are soothed by the smell of lavender or honeysuckle.
    • To calm your kitten down, try using lavender or honeysuckle oil, or sprays containing the essential oils of these herbs.
    • Do not apply spray or essential oil directly to the kitten. Spray them on sleeping places, toys, and other objects.
  5. 5 Use feline pheromones to calm your pet. These pheromones help calm cats down and reduce their anxiety. Male pheromones are sold as sprays or inserts for home sprayers. These pheromones are similar to those emitted by cats when they rub their chin and muzzle against something pleasing to them.

Method 3 of 3: Hyperactive Kitten

  1. 1 Prepare your home for your new kitten. Before settling a kitten in your house, you should prepare. Kittens are hyperactive and do not always understand what to do and what not. Expect some damage to your furniture and other property and try to reduce it.
    • Remove fragile, easily damaged items from tables and lower shelves.
    • Block or remove the curtain ropes.
    • Remove curtains and curtains that the kitten could climb, or replace them with shorter ones.
    • Rearrange the furniture so that the kitten cannot climb under it or between it and the wall, getting stuck there.
  2. 2 Once you bring the kitten into your home, isolate it. At first, it is best to place the kitten in a small, confined space, and then gradually expand it. You can place it in a bedroom or bathroom.
    • As you introduce your kitten to new places, keep an eye on it until it gets used to it.
  3. 3 Don't let your kitten play in the bedroom at night. If the kitten tries to wake you up in the middle of the night, DO NOT react to it. When a kitten tries to play or asks for food at night, you should not give in to its demands. By showing weakness, you will accustom the kitten to such behavior, and he will continue to bother you.
    • If your kitten wakes you up a lot at night, close your bedroom at night.


  • During the games, the kitten is guided by its hunting instincts of a predator. When playing with your kitten, use these instincts.
  • If you have an extremely hyperactive or shy kitten, take it to your veterinarian. The doctor will advise you on how to deal with the problem and, if necessary, prescribe medications to help reduce the animal's agitation and nervousness.


  • Do not use your body (legs, arms, etc.) when playing with the kitten. The kitten should not perceive parts of your body as a toy, otherwise it will attack them in the future. As soon as the kitten starts scratching and biting, use a toy instead of hands and feet.