How to successfully sell your World of Warcraft account

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 23 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How I Made Thousands of Dollars Playing World of Warcraft
Video: How I Made Thousands of Dollars Playing World of Warcraft


This article is based on four years of experience selling accounts. The three main ingredients for successful sales are information, presentation, and exposure. This applies not only to WoW account sales, but most deals as well.


  1. 1 Know that information helps the sale. You cannot sell a car by writing in a newspaper “car, 4 wheels, rolls”. It's the same with the wow account. “Selling 70 magicians 2000 gold” is a bad headline. In the title, you need to indicate the class, faction, server, HP, MP, crit%, spell bonus and more, and of course the price!
  2. 2 Start with the body of your message. Here you can include more detailed information such as raids, armor and others. A screenshot of your character is very important. You can describe a sports car to someone who has never seen it, and he will not "gasp and gasp", but showing him a photo, you will immediately change the attitude towards the deal! The easiest way to make a picture of your character is to go to his profile. Try not to exaggerate in details about your account.
  3. 3 Many buyers are not experts. They cannot translate abbreviations or know the price of things that are listed but not shown. (For example, if you have a very rare item, then provide a page with information about it.)
  4. 4 Prepare your account. Leave the guild, remove friends from the list. Stop paying for the account from your card. You can even let your friends know so they don't get scared and let the gaming company know that someone else is playing on your account.
  5. 5 Include the price in the title or body. This is important for forum sales. Most buyers will not like looking for a number in a large amount of text.Think about going to the store, if you wanted to buy something, but did not find the price for this product, then you may not want to buy this item. Make your deal comfortable for the buyer!
  6. 6 Use real prices. Buyers don't want to buy tomorrow, they want now, today, this minute. Nobody wants to place bets. They will overpay for this convenience.
  7. 7 Find your key.
  8. 8 This increases the selling price. Add “Game Key, Game Owner” to the heading.
  9. 9 Advertising. It is desirable that many people see your offer. If someone puts up the largest diamond in the world for auction and only three people know about it, then the selling price will not be very high. To advertise your sale well, you must use multiple websites. To use multiple websites, start an auction and then include the auction link in forum posts. This will make it easier for you to track your trades.
  10. 10 Update your posts by answering user questions. Read the forum rules before updating your post. Thus, you will remain on the first pages at a time when new messages appear.
  11. 11 Prices: In this market, things are not sold like they are on Ebay. You need to set a real price for your account, and then use the 'buy now' option. Use auctions with automatic listing updates. You can change prices at any time. Start with high prices and slowly lower them until you find a buyer.
  12. 12 Get ready to pay via Paypal, if you don't have an account, then create. If you don’t know how to use Paypal, then learn.
  13. 13 If your account is inactive, then activate it to take screenshots of your characters.
  14. 14 Don't ask potential buyers, “Are you trying to steal my account?”- if it is a thief, he still will not tell you the truth. Think about it.
  15. 15 If you have high level alternate characters, you can sell them separately. You will need a clean account and 600 rubles, but buyers very often pay for it themselves. Why? Because it's safe.
  16. 16 The information for each account must match the information about its owner. If you are a buyer and have just purchased an account with a bunch of altos that can be sold individually, then you may be able to make a profit. But how are you going to pay for the transfer of character data without having a credit card registered in your name?


  • If you sell virtual things like gold, then do small deals until you trust your buyer.
  • Remove active buffs, you do not want the buyer to suspect you of a scam.
  • NEVER visit any websites or forums that resell your accounts while Warcraft is running. The Warden will notice links, page titles, and more. Browsing this kind of page can lead to a ban if the Warden notices it.
  • Don't forget to include the keys in the body of your message - a lot of people forget this.
  • Do not abbreviate your class name. Most buyers will be looking for “warrior” rather than “var”.
  • Do not use reserve prices in auctions. Use initial trades. When the buyer sees, 'reserve not met' - he will stop participating in the auction.


  • If you have already sold one of your accounts and have others, then be careful. If you sold an account to a person who uses bots or farming, the initial registration indicates you, which can lead to other accounts. If you think a buyer might get banned, think carefully. Use unique details to register each new account. If the company notices that you have purchased multiple accounts with the same details, then you may be suspected. It won't do you any good.However, if you need to perform one of the problematic operations, then you may be asked to scan your passport ... so using the details of your family or friends would be a good option. Bogus personalities are bad.
  • Do not change your account information. If you try to remain anonymous in front of your customers, they will not trust you. Remember that they may change your account information after purchasing it. This is bad. Gaming companies check accounts whose information has been changed. If you change the information twice in one month, then you will be banned and the buyer will remain very unhappy. Gaming companies can verify your account information accurately.