How to speed up the onset of labor

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Exercises to INDUCE LABOR at HOME fast | Get baby in position & engaged!
Video: Exercises to INDUCE LABOR at HOME fast | Get baby in position & engaged!


Delaying labor can lead to stress, and stress itself greatly inhibits the processes in the body. After a few hours of labor, you’ll think about when, finally, this labor will begin. Movement, a calm environment, and targeted pulse stimulation are just a few ways to speed up the onset of labor. If you are already exhausted and ready to have a baby, talk to your doctor about taking medication. If you want to know how to speed up the onset of labor, read on.


Method 1 of 4: Baby Offset

  1. 1 Get up and walk. As the toddler sinks and prepares to come out, he or she needs to move slightly and move forward in order to get into the correct position. When you lie down and move a little, you are not particularly conducive to this process. Therefore, get up and walk around the house or in the yard to help the baby down.
    • Walking up and down stairs is a very rewarding activity. Do not strain yourself, but calmly go up and down so that you feel the beneficial effect of the exercise.
    • Try to walk between contractions, rather than lie and wait for the baby to come out. It hurts, but walking puts more pressure on the cervix and stimulates it to dilate.
  2. 2 Roll over while you lie down. Even if you are very tired after walking up the steps, you can roll over on the bed to help the baby down. Roll over from your back to your side, and after a few minutes, turn to the previous position. Sit down and stretch slightly if possible. Don't stay in one position for too long.
    • The transition from a seated to a standing position is very helpful. Try to get out of bed several times an hour. If you can, walk around the room a little before lying down again.
    • Lie on the left side. This will increase blood flow to the baby and improve contractions.
  3. 3 Get on all fours. Your back will feel lighter and you will help your baby get into the face-down position needed for his or her birth. Lie on the floor and stand gently on your hands and knees. Place a pillow under your knees for comfort.
  4. 4 Lunge, bend over and swing. These movements will ease the pain of contractions and help the baby move in the right direction. Do these easy exercises:
    • Place one foot on a chair and lunge forward. Connect the other leg and do the same.
    • Sit on a chair or gym ball and lean forward.
    • Stand up and swing back and forth. For added stability, do this exercise with a partner.
  5. 5 Squat down when the time is right. When you feel an increase in contractions, which are more and more frequent, your obstetrician or doctor will advise you to push. Squatting simplifies this process much more efficiently than lying down.

Method 2 of 4: Relaxing environment

  1. 1 Identify external sources of stress. Besides the fact that you are about to give birth, is there something in the room that creates tension? You should be in a relaxing environment from the earliest stages of labor, because emotional stress slows down the process. Look around the room and ask your partner, midwife, or doctor to help you get comfortable.
    • If you have a family member or friend with you who, instead of helping you, on the contrary, is scary, ask him to leave the room.
    • Make sure the light is not too bright and the colors around you are soothing tones.
    • Play nice music and eliminate loud noises.
  2. 2 Go out for a walk. Some people feel claustrophobic when they are in the same room for a long time. In the early stages of labor, you still have time to get up and walk in the fresh air. Take a walk or sit in the courtyard or nearby park.Breathe deeply and listen to the sounds of nature around you.
  3. 3 Be alone. Even the most well-intentioned people can annoy you. Be alone without your partner, so you will have time to relax and think things over. Ask others to leave you for a while and try to relieve tension while you are alone. Make sure your partner, midwife or doctor is nearby in case you need their help.
  4. 4 Be patient. Every woman's body is unique, so if it seems to you that your labor is taking place slowly, do not worry. Everyone's cervix ripens differently, so if it hasn't dilated an inch in a matter of hours, it doesn't mean things are going badly. Your baby will definitely be born, and you will help him if you are calm and patient.

Method 3 of 4: Stimulating Oxytocin Production

  1. 1 Massage your nipples. Massaging the nipples promotes the production of oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates the body to give birth. Rub the nipples in a circular motion or gently pull them back to simulate a baby sucking. Have your partner massage your nipples or do it yourself.
    • Massage with a towel soaked in warm water will relax and help with stimulation.
    • Massage oil is also great.
  2. 2 Bring yourself to orgasm. This is the second way to trigger the release of oxytocin. What's more, it will reduce stress and calm you down. Masturbate or ask your partner to hand you to orgasm. Stroking and petting your partner is also helpful early in labor.
  3. 3 Practice acupressure. Applying pressure to certain areas of the body stimulates the production of oxytocin and speeds up labor. If possible, attend a pre-natal acupressure class to learn more about the techniques. Do not apply acupressure until labor has begun to prevent it from happening prematurely. If this massage causes pain, stop doing it immediately.
    • One of the biologically active points is located between the thumb and forefinger on the hand. Press down on the area with firm but gentle pressure.
    • Press on the active points on the outside of the ankle, behind the bony ridge, and on the inside of the ankle.
    • Massage your lower back just above your buttocks.
    • Press or massage the muscles between your neck and shoulders.

Method 4 of 4: Taking medications to induce labor

  1. 1 Consult your doctor about remedies. If you feel very unwell, the water has receded and labor has not yet begun, talk to your doctor about taking medication to open the uterus and labor has begun. You and your doctor can also decide on induction of labor if there are any complications or risk of infection.
    • The induction procedure involves a prostaglandin that is either inserted into the vagina towards the cervix or taken in pill form.
    • To stimulate labor, the amniotic membrane can be punctured. In some cases, it is torn apart artificially.
    • The next step is to inject an artificial oxytocin called Pitocin intravenously.
    • If these methods do not work, you need to get the baby with a cesarean section.
  2. 2 Do not practice herbal medicine. Herbal medicine can be dangerous if you use it during childbirth. Not enough research has yet been done to determine whether herbs such as crow and primrose are beneficial or harmful. Never take drugs that your doctor has not prescribed.


  • Drive to the hospital when contractions occur within a 5-minute interval because this indicates the onset of labor.
  • During the early stage of labor, eat something light because you will not be able to eat during labor.
  • Try to eat something spicy, like curry. It hasn't been scientifically proven to speed up the birth process, but many say it helps and certainly doesn't harm.
  • Aim to have a baby during the day if possible, because there are many more doctors and nurses around you in case a problem arises.


  • The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists does not recommend chemical stimulation of labor unless naturally induced labor poses a health risk to the mother or baby. Don't expect your doctor to give you induction to speed up labor for the sake of convenience. Some doctors generally use it in extreme cases, for example, if your partner is now on leave, or some holiday is approaching.