How to slip away from home at night

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
20 Events That Show The Real Power Of Nature
Video: 20 Events That Show The Real Power Of Nature


If you are trying to sneak out of the house, use a couple of simple tricks to do it quietly and discreetly. It's important to plan ahead for how you will go outside, and also come up with an excuse if someone spots you. Wait for family members to fall asleep and then slowly tiptoe out of the house. Open the doors very slowly and try not to squeak the floorboards - this will quickly and successfully get out on the street.


Method 1 of 3: Do the Planning Needed

  1. 1 Practice traversing the route in advance. This is done in order to find out how noisy the path from the bedroom to the door or window is. Try to remember where any squeaks or loud noises occur to avoid them during the outing itself.
    • For example, if, walking down the stairs, you notice that one of the steps squeaks, under no circumstances should you step on it when you try to sneak out of the house.
    • If you have very squeaky doors, you can grease the hinges with WD-40 All-Purpose Grease, Vaseline, or even olive oil.
  2. 2 Hide changing clothes outside or near the door. If you don't want to change outside, hide your change of clothes right by the closet door or cover it with something on the shelf. This will ensure that no one sees you dressed in regular clothes while you try to sneak out.
    • It's best to get out of the house in your pajamas in case someone spots you.
  3. 3 Stash everything you need in your bag to keep it ready. This includes things like extra clothing, wallet, keys, or cell phone.Fold it all up in one easy-to-carry bag so you don't have to look everywhere you need it at the last minute.
    • If all of your supplies are already in the bag, the escape will be less noticeable.
  4. 4 Come up with an excuse in case you get caught. It would be nice to come up with a plan in case things don't go as expected. If someone sees you trying to get out of the house, think about what you can say to the person so they don't suspect why you are awake.
    • For example, you might say that you want to drink water, or you heard a noise coming from below, and you wanted to check what it was.
  5. 5 Consider alarms on doors or windows. Many private home owners install alarms on their doors, and sometimes on windows, to alert them if someone tries to enter (or, in your case, exit!). If your parents turn on the alarm in the house before bed, make sure you know the deactivation code, or try to find another way to get out of the house.
  6. 6 Make sure you can come back the same way you left. For example, if you plan to exit through a window, you must climb back through it when you return home. If you exit through the door, you must have a key, or you must know all the codes required to get inside.
    • You can hide the key under a rug or stone.

Method 2 of 3: Escape

  1. 1 Put on your pajamas. Put on what you usually sleep in. Remember to change into your pajamas before sneaking out of the house, in case anyone sees you. If you put on your pajamas, it will be much easier for you to come up with an excuse, and no one will suspect anything.
    • If you usually wear baggy pajamas, you can wear other clothes underneath to change your clothes more efficiently.
  2. 2 Make some noise before simulating bedtime. You can simply say goodnight to your family and then close your bedroom door loudly, or turn on music or TV in your room so that the household thinks that you are busy. This will make it less likely that your parents check you before bed.
    • If you usually listen to music while getting ready for bed, turn it on before sneaking out of the house.
  3. 3 Wait for family members to fall asleep. It is important to be patient and wait until you are as confident as possible that your parents are asleep. If you know your parents are fast asleep, you won't have to worry too much about it. Otherwise, listen for sounds of deep breathing or snoring to make sure they won't hear you.
    • Are you worried that you will have to wait a long time? Set an alarm on your phone at the lowest volume in case you fall asleep.
  4. 4 Fold pillows under the covers to make it look like you are sleeping. This is useful in case your parents come to check on you when you are not there. Contour the pillows and cover them with a blanket. Everything should look like you are sound asleep in bed.
    • If you wish, you can go even further and place the wig on top of the pillow to make it appear like your hair.
  5. 5 Tiptoe to the door on your route. Walk quietly through the corridors or rooms and go to the door. Take your time and try to be as quiet as possible so that no one can hear you.
    • If you are about to exit through a window, be extra careful to quietly open it and get out.
  6. 6 Change when you are near the door or outside. Take out the clothes that you hid beforehand and change into them, doing it as quietly as possible. It is best to change when you leave the house so that no one sees you in street clothes, but if necessary, you can do this next to the door.
    • Hide your pajamas so you can easily change into them as soon as you get home.
  7. 7 Close the door or window behind you, making sure you can walk back. Open or close the door or window slowly, as this is the part of the shoot that often makes the most noise.Lock the door behind you if necessary and make sure you can come back later.
    • Double check that the hidden key is still in place, or put it in your pocket or bag.
    • Remember to lock the door too when you get home and go to bed.

Method 3 of 3: Be quiet

  1. 1 Try to walk on carpet whenever possible. If you can walk on a carpet or rug, do it instead of walking on a wooden floor. Extra padding will make your steps quieter and reduce the chance of squeaking.
    • Try to walk slowly on the floor to avoid noise.
    • You can wear socks if you are going to walk on wood.
  2. 2 Remain alert to hear people approaching. Listen carefully to all the sounds around you as you try to sneak out of the house. If you pay attention to all the noises, you will most likely be able to hear someone approaching or approaching you.
  3. 3 Open the doors very slowly so as not to make noise. Once you've worked your escape route, you should be aware of any doors that squeak or make noise. Turn the doorknobs very slowly to keep quiet, and open and close doors very slowly.
    • If you open the window, do not pull the handle too fast, otherwise it will make a lot of noise too.
  4. 4 If you are going down stairs, try to step on the sides of the steps to avoid any squeaks. Usually the steps creak in the central part. Slowly tiptoe down, trying to stay close to the railing or wall.
    • Shift most of your weight onto the wall or railing to make less noise on the stairs.
    • The sides of the stairs are the most reinforced, which minimizes noise and squeaks.
  5. 5 Put on your shoes on the street. Not only will this save you time - you also won't have to worry about sitting down and tying your laces in the dark or sneaking quietly to the door in heels. Wait until you leave your apartment or house before putting on your shoes.
    • Carry your shoes in your bag so you don't have to carry them around when you leave.
  6. 6 Have your keys ready in hand to lock or unlock doors. If you need a key to open or close a door, separate it from the key fob if necessary and keep it ready in your hand. This will prevent any ringing or strumming that could wake people in the house and also save time.
    • Also keep your key ready when you return home.


  • If you have a mosquito net on your window, make sure you know how to remove it beforehand.
  • Try not to be nervous or anxious in front of your parents before escaping, or they may become suspicious. ...
  • If your parents come to check on you because you left the house earlier, put pillows, stuffed animals, or other items under the covers to shape your body in bed.
  • Don't get too hung up! The more you think about it, the more nervous you will become, and the more likely you will be tempted to back down.


  • If you find yourself in an unpleasant situation when you leave home, call someone you trust, such as a parent or other family member.
  • Keep in mind that running away from home can significantly worsen your relationship with your parents.