How to enhance charisma

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 27 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be more Charismatic - 6 Charisma Tips to be more Charming and Attractive
Video: How to be more Charismatic - 6 Charisma Tips to be more Charming and Attractive


Charisma makes you a pleasant, attractive person with whom you want to communicate. Those who lack natural charisma can develop it through special methods. Many people think that only extroverts have charisma, but this is far from the case. You will need certain skills that will eventually become a habit. Charisma will improve your relationships with others, leadership qualities and self-confidence.


Method 1 of 4: Boost Your Self-Esteem

  1. 1 Get exercise. Exercising will improve your fitness, appearance and well-being. In addition, during physical exertion, endorphin is released - the "hormone of joy", which increases energy and mood.
    • Exercise gives the best short-term and long-term results when you do it regularly 3-4 times a week.
  2. 2 Be optimistic. Think about the good things in your life, such as family, friends, work, and so on. Remind yourself that you have a good job and great friends. Try to transform dark thoughts into good ones. For example, if you think that a task is very difficult, tell yourself that it just needs a different approach.
    • Practice positive thinking daily to be more effective.
  3. 3 Stop comparing yourself to others. It's a waste of time. You cannot compare yourself with others, because you have your own unique skills and experience that others do not. Self-esteem suffers from constant comparison with other people and self-examination, so understand that you, like everyone else, are a unique person.
  4. 4 Dress well. Choose appropriate and presentable clothing every morning that will make you feel comfortable both physically and mentally. Wearing the right clothes will improve your mood and boost your self-confidence. When choosing clothes, be guided by what is planned for the current day. For example, it’s unlikely to wear a formal suit to a party with friends, just as you should not show up to a business meeting in jeans and a T-shirt.
    • Pay attention to the color of your clothes. For example, blue tends to promote calmness and creativity, while green tends to create a sense of freshness.

Method 2 of 4: Good communication

  1. 1 Unplug and set aside all electronic devices. If you are communicating with people, take your mind off your mobile phone, tablet, computer, and other electronic devices. You will not be able to fully communicate if you are constantly distracted. During communication, you should pay all your attention to the interlocutors. You will be able to use your electronic devices a little later.
    • If you have an iPhone, you can turn on Do Not Disturb mode to temporarily stop receiving calls and text messages. This way you will avoid the temptation to be distracted by your phone.
  2. 2 Take care of your physical comfort. It is difficult to fully communicate with people if at the same time your thoughts are busy with the fact that your jeans are too tight or your clothes irritate your skin. Wear clothing that is suitable and comfortable so that it does not distract you.
  3. 3 Wait at least two seconds before answering. When you are participating in a conversation, do not think about how to answer the interlocutor while he is talking. Instead, focus on his words, and when the time comes to answer you, pause for two seconds.
    • For example, if the other person is talking about his dog, do not try to remember stories with your dog during this time. Listen carefully to the other person and then share your story.
    • Listen carefully to others and try to understand and share their feelings. Try to remember similar experiences in your life.
  4. 4 Practice concentration exercises at home. To stay focused when communicating with others, practice these skills at home. Try meditating in a secluded place: get into a comfortable position and focus on deep breathing. Concentrate on how you breathe in and out. Repeat a word or mantra, or listen to rhythmic music that has a calming effect and helps to clear the mind.
    • Dedicate at least five minutes a day to doing nothing and appeasing.

Method 3 of 4: Mastering Verbal Communication Skills

  1. 1 Ask interlocutors questions that involve detailed answers. During the conversation, ask questions that require a detailed, rather than monosyllabic, answer. Try to match your questions as closely as possible to the subject of the conversation. For example, if your interviewee has watched a movie, ask about the plot; if the conversation is about travel, ask when he is going on the next trip.
    • Such questions require a detailed answer, which contributes to the continuation of the conversation.
    • Ask the interlocutor questions that relate to him personally. Everyone loves to talk about themselves, and the easiest way to show charisma is to give the other person the opportunity to speak up. If this is your first time meeting someone, ask them about life priorities, career, and family. If you know the person quite well and no introductory questions are required, ask him about a recent trip or inquire about the health of family members.
  2. 2 Be humble but confident. For example, others may want to congratulate you on your recent successes. Discreetly accept your congratulations, thank you, and don't forget to pay tribute to others. For example, you can thank someone for noticing your diligence and add that success would not have been possible without the help of your colleagues.Thus, you will make it clear that you are proud of the work done, but not arrogant at the same time.
    • It is necessary to find a middle ground between excessive modesty and its lack. If you are too modest and reserved in your statements, others may underestimate you. However, overconfidence will create a reputation for arrogance and arrogance for you - it is unlikely that in response to praise for the work done, it is worth declaring that you worked on this project day and night, which led to an excellent result.
    • Moderately humble responses and recognition of others' merits where they actually took place will create a favorable impression on those around you, and you will be perceived as a polite person who can appreciate others.
  3. 3 Rephrase individual words of the other person to show that you are listening carefully. People love to be listened to. During the conversation, repeat what you heard in your own words. For example, after the other person has told you about their family problems, admit in response that their family members may not understand him.
    • In response, the interlocutor may agree that this is true, or express other feelings. By paraphrasing the words of the interlocutor, you let him know that you are listening to him carefully and are interested in the conversation.
  4. 4 Involve everyone in the conversation. Some people are less social than others. Remember this and try to lie down to the conversation of everyone present. If you see that someone is not participating in the conversation, ask them a question and try to give everyone a chance to speak up.
    • Look for non-verbal cues, such as looking down or crossed arms, to determine how much attention is comfortable for a person.
    • Refrain from controversial and uncomfortable topics, such as political views or personal life, so as not to put yourself and your interlocutors in an uncomfortable position.
  5. 5 Share interesting stories from your life with others. Share a childhood adventure or career experience that will help you connect more easily. Others will be able to understand you better, and they will have the impression of you as a leader who is trustworthy.

Method 4 of 4: Mastering Non-Verbal Communication Skills

  1. 1 Make eye contact. When talking to someone, always try to look the other person in the eye to establish eye contact. Such contact will show your interlocutor that you are listening carefully. You should also look the person in the eye when you address them. Reliable and consistent eye contact during a conversation will increase mutual trust.
    • Reliable eye contact is also believed to help remember important information.
  2. 2 Lean forward. Lean slightly towards the other person to subtly show that you are engaged in the conversation. Use body language during the conversation. For example, if you hear something amazing, quickly lean back to show that you are amazed!
  3. 3 Nod to show the other person that you are listening carefully. When someone speaks, nod your head from time to time to indicate that you are listening. Thus, you will make it clear to the interlocutor that you are fully involved in the conversation and that he is interesting to you. However, do not nod continuously, no matter what you hear, do it at the right times.
  4. 4 Increase your size visually:Spread your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your belt. This will help you come across as a confident person. In addition, this way you show your interlocutor your openness. Try not to cross your arms over your chest, but keep them on your belt to look more open and sympathetic.
    • This posture will give you confidence, which will also be expressed in your words.
    • Self-confidence and warmth will attract other people to you and enhance your charisma.
  5. 5 Use body language. Try to make expressive gestures.It will attract people to you as your body language will show your sincerity and passion. In addition, in this way, others will better remember communication with you, since your words will be associated with accompanying gestures.


  • Stay away from people who are constantly complaining about life. Try to connect with positive people, and you will recharge their energy and optimism.
  • Developing charisma can take a lot of time and effort. Do not give up if you have not been able to achieve immediate results.