How to stop bleeding from a pimple

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Pimples usually do not bleed unless squeezed and picked. While you should refrain from popping pimples to avoid scars, sometimes the temptation is too great. If you do pop a pimple, try to stop the bleeding and not make it worse. It is best to use a combination of compress and various topical medications that can stop the bleeding.


Part 1 of 2: Stopping Bleeding

  1. 1 Apply hydrogen peroxide and press down on the pimple to speed up blood clotting. Take a clean washcloth and face towel and soak it in hydrogen peroxide, then gently but firmly press on the bleeding pimple. The pressure will speed up blood clotting, and the hydrogen peroxide will kill any bacteria that will come out of the pimple. This will help prevent the spread of acne on your skin.
    • Hydrogen peroxide can dry out your skin, so be sure to moisturize after the bleeding has stopped.
  2. 2 Attach an ice pack. Cold decreases blood flow (heat increases blood flow). If pressure alone isn't enough to stop the bleeding, try pressing down on the pimple with an ice pack. Place ice on a clean face towel and apply it to the source of the bleeding for 10-15 minutes or until the bleeding stops.
    • The towel should be clean to avoid accidentally introducing bacteria into damaged skin.
  3. 3 Stop bleeding with an astringent. Astringents like facial toner or witch hazel can be used to tighten skin and slow bleeding. If you don't have an astringent for your skin at home, use vinegar, which is likely to be found in one of your kitchen cabinets. Soak a cotton swab or clean face towel with an astringent and apply firmly to the source of the bleeding. After a while, the blood vessels will narrow and the bleeding will stop.
  4. 4 Stop prolonged bleeding with a styptic pencil. A styptic pencil is an antiseptic used to quickly and gently stop bleeding from small scrapes and cuts. Such pencils are applied to the area with silver or aluminum nitrate, thereby almost immediately stopping bleeding. The waxy substances also form a thin protective layer on the damaged skin, protecting it from the penetration of bacteria and infection. You can buy a styptic pencil at a pharmacy or online store.
    • Moisten the pencil, gently press down on the pimple and hold until the bleeding stops.
  5. 5 Place a slice of potato on the bleeding source. Studies have shown that potatoes are a quick and effective remedy for stopping bleeding from small scratches and cuts. Starch absorbs water and blood plasma and accelerates blood clotting.
  6. 6 Apply benzoyl peroxide to clear up pimples and stop bleeding. Soak a cotton swab or tissue in benzoyl peroxide, then apply it to the pimple. This substance will speed up bleeding and kill the bacteria that caused this pimple. It will also help prevent acne from spreading over your skin.
    • Benzoyl peroxide can dry out your skin slightly, so be sure to reapply a moisturizer to your skin after you wash off the benzoyl peroxide.
  7. 7 See your doctor if bleeding does not stop. Bleeding from a small source, such as a pimple, should stop within one to two minutes. If a minor wound bleeds for longer than this time, it may indicate anemia or another bleeding disorder. The doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment for the disease, due to which the bleeding does not stop.

Part 2 of 2: Treating acne after stopping bleeding

  1. 1 Refrain from the urge to pop pimples. The temptation to squeeze annoying pus out of the skin is great, but you should leave this job to doctors who have special tools for this. When you pop a pimple, the bacteria that leaks from it can enter the pores on the skin, thereby spreading acne to healthy skin. It can also lead to heavy bleeding, which is not good!
    • The pimple should disappear within three to seven days, so treat it with topical treatments only and wait until it goes away.
    • Think of it this way: Chances are, you want to get rid of your pimple because you don't like the look. But a pimple is a temporary problem. Popping a pimple can lead to a scar, and you will definitely not like what how it will look like. The only difference is that the scar will remain forever and ever... It's better to wait until the pimple disappears on its own than to ruin your skin forever.
  2. 2 Keep using benzoyl peroxide. You will find it in many acne products. Depending on your preference, benzoyl peroxide can be purchased as a lotion, gel, cleanser, cream, or skin cleanser.
    • Be careful not to get it on your clothes, as it can discolor the fabric.
  3. 3 Try applying salicylic acid to your skin. Salicylic acid products come in different concentrations, so read the package directions carefully to determine which product is right for you.Like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid comes in a variety of forms: wipes, creams, gels, skin cleansers and cleansers, and even shampoos.
    • Salicylic acid may irritate the skin the first time it is applied, so apply in small amounts over several days. As your skin gets used to the product, you can gradually increase its use.
    • These products dry out the skin. Be sure to apply moisturizers to your skin and reduce the use of salicylic acid products if the dryness gets too severe.
    • Do not use salicylic acid products if you have open or squeezed pimples on your face.
  4. 4 Try Retin-A (tretinoin) cream. This is a topical cream that may be prescribed for you by your doctor or dermatologist. Wash your hands before and after applying the cream, and then rinse your face with a mild cleanser. Wait about 20-30 minutes and then apply the cream. If your skin is not dry, Retin-A cream can cause itching. Apply a thin layer of cream to pimples in the evening or before bed. Be careful not to get the cream in your eyes, ears, or mouth.
    • Retin-A can increase your skin's exposure to sunlight, so don't be in the sun for long periods of time, but when going outside, wear sunscreen and clothing that protects you from the sun. Never use this cream on tanned skin.
    • Consult your doctor about the use of this cream if you are considering getting pregnant.
  5. 5 Be careful when washing your face. Many people mistakenly believe that facial exfoliation will help cleanse the skin faster and better. In fact, excessive rubbing on your face can only make your acne problem worse. Peels irritate the skin and can weaken its defense against bacteria and infections.
    • Many people mistakenly believe that facial exfoliation will help cleanse the skin faster and better. In fact, excessive rubbing on your face can only make your acne problem worse. Peels irritate the skin and can weaken its defense against bacteria and infections.
  6. 6 Use the products according to the instructions. If the instructions say to use the product twice a day, do not assume that using it four times will double the effect. In fact, everything can happen exactly the opposite: imbalance can lead to redness, dryness and itching, which can make you feel uncomfortable.
    • Don't quit your treatment halfway! Many treatments take a long time before they have a positive effect on unhealthy skin, so follow the directions and take your time. Experts recommend continuing treatment for at least 12 weeks before concluding that it is not working.