How to add users using the command line

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
17  Using DSADD To Create User Accounts in the command prompt
Video: 17 Using DSADD To Create User Accounts in the command prompt


User accounts are managed through the Windows Control Panel. If you don't have access to Control Panel, read this article.


  1. 1 Open "My Computer" and type "Control Panel" in the search bar (without the quotes). If that didn't work, go to step 2.
  2. 2 Click "Start" - "Control Panel". If that didn't work (or Control Panel isn't in the menu), go to step 3.
  3. 3 Click "Start" - "Run" or press Windows + R. Enter Control Panel. If that didn't work, go to step 4.
  4. 4 Open a command prompt. Click Start - Run and type cmd. In the Command Prompt window, enter Control Panel. If that doesn't work, go to step 5, but don't close the Command Prompt window.
  5. 5 At the command line, enter net for information about this command.
    • To change the password, enter net user (username) * (don't forget the asterisk).
    • To add a user enter net user (username) / ADD
    • To delete a user enter net user (username) / DELETE
    • Enter net accounts /? For information on the net accounts command. You can use this command to force logout and set expiration dates for user accounts.
    • If you need more options, enter /? At the end of each command described. Or search the Internet for information on using a particular command.

Method 1 of 1: How to add a user using the command line

  1. 1 net user [username [password | *] [options]] [/ domain]
  2. 2username password / add [options] [/ domain]
  3. 3username [/ delete] [/ domain]


  • You must be logged in as an administrator to create another account with administrator rights.