How to get away from reality

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
playlist for when you need an escape from reality
Video: playlist for when you need an escape from reality


Sometimes life becomes so stressful and difficult that the only way out seems to be escape from reality. You can get away from reality both with the help of simple things, like an interesting book, and more complex ones, for example, moving. This article describes not only various options for escaping reality, but also ways to improve your life so that the need for “escapism” does not arise in the future.


Method 1 of 5: Prepare

  1. 1 Think about what you want to escape from and why. If you understand the reason for the escape from reality, then it will be easier for you to decide how do it. For example:
    • If you are unhappy because of your job, then you need to change jobs (a specific aspect of the activity) in order to get away from the current reality. Find suitable ideas here.
    • If you do not like the place of residence, then try to move. Consider some considerations here.
    • If life does not bring joy due to unsuccessful relationships, then first you need to deal with such relationships. Check out the list of options here.
    • If it seems that nothing is happening in life, then find yourself a new hobby. A list of ideas can be viewed here.
  2. 2 Remember to play it safe. Before changing jobs, it is important to make sure that there is an option for another, at least temporary, job in stock. Visit a new city and find suitable accommodation before you move.

Method 2 of 5: Change Your Environment

  1. 1 Get away from reality by changing the environment. Sometimes the same sights and sounds become boring and tiresome. It seems that the person is trapped in a cage or is slowly going crazy. In such a situation, a change of scenery will come to the rescue. Sometimes it is enough to just go for walks, go to school on a new route, or go on a trip. The change can be for one day or forever. In this section, we will look at how you can change the environment in order to get away from the hateful reality.
  2. 2 Go for a walk or hike. Like travel, hiking is a way to experience new sensations. Unlike travel, hiking does not require much planning and preparation. Visit a national park, biosphere reserve, or wildlife sanctuary.If there are no such places near you or the opportunity to get there, then you can take a walk around the area or go to the nearest park.
  3. 3 Travel towards new sights and sounds. You can always go to another area or country. It is no less interesting to visit the neighboring town. New panoramas, sounds, smells and tastes will dilute the succession of the same days. Also, trips allow you to feel like a new person, even if not for long. After the trip, you may feel refreshed and enthusiastic about solving current problems.
    • If you are going on a long trip abroad, then try to take a long vacation so that you do not have to quit your job. Sometimes the specialty allows you to "work from home" and complete assignments via the Internet. If you work in a retail business, then ask for a temporary transfer to another city.
  4. 4 Change jobs. If your job doesn't allow you to enjoy life, try another company. Perhaps you dislike the boss’s approach to business or the way the company works. A position in another organization can bring joy back to life.
  5. 5 Start a new career. If your job is truly the cause of your unhappiness, then try a new career path. Sign up for classes or courses at local educational institutions to gain insight into other specialties. If you find something you like and get a diploma or certificate, it will be easier for you to get a new job. At the same time, it is important to consider all aspects of the future occupation so that your time and energy is not wasted.
    • If there are no suitable educational institutions nearby, then sign up for online courses.
    • If working in a company is not for you, then you can always do your own business.
  6. 6 Try changing your current job. If you are unable to quit right now, ask your boss to change any aspect of your job. For example, you can move to another office or work on other projects. If the company holds corporate events, then become a member of the organizing committee.
  7. 7 Try to move or change your home. Like traveling, relocation allows you to experience new sensations. The old environment is replaced by a new one. Sometimes this is enough to escape from existing reality. If you are unable to move to another city, then try changing your apartment.
    • If you do not have enough funds for new housing, then you can rent a house with friends or roommates. Find the right room, house, or even studio apartment.
  8. 8 Learn about exchange training programs. If you have not finished your studies yet, then moving will not be the most suitable solution. Many schools and universities have student exchange programs. This allows you to study in another country and live with a host family. If you don't get along with family or classmates, then this is a great way to change your life.
    • It is important to remember that some exchange programs are only available to students of specific languages. For example, French lessons may be a prerequisite, and only France will be available for study.
  9. 9 Consider moving to another city, region, or country. Sometimes the current place of residence is simply not suitable for a person. The people, the way of life, and the very atmosphere of a noisy city can be unsuitable. In this case, you should think about moving. First you need to study the information about the future place of residence and live in the chosen city for several days or weeks. Stay at a hotel or with friends. If you like a new city, region or country, then start preparing for the move.
    • Be sure to gather information and visit your future residence. Nothing worse than moving to a city that won't suit you again.
    • You don't have to buy a home. You can rent an apartment for relatively little money.
  10. 10 Change your room or home. Even something as small as a new set of bedding can change the perception of your bedroom. Try rearranging furniture. Physical effort will allow you to distract yourself, and the room will take on a new look. This will change the existing reality. The rearrangement feels almost like a move. Here are some ideas:
    • Repaint the walls in the room. You can also paste new wallpapers. If you are renting, then try using wall decorations. When you move, you can take them off.
    • Buy new curtains, carpet, or chandelier.
    • Buy new furniture or paint your old cabinet to give it a new look.
    • Replace a leaking faucet, repair electrical appliances, and replace burnt out light bulbs to relieve anxiety.
    • Excessive things create a feeling of physical and emotional overload. Sell ​​or give away all unnecessary clothing and other items.

Method 3 of 5: Change Your Lifestyle

  1. 1 Why change your lifestyle? Sometimes moving or changing jobs doesn't allow you to get away from your usual way of life. In this case, change the way of life itself so that you can start over and find the strength to solve problems.
  2. 2 Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of fluids. Diet changes can literally start a new life, especially when choosing a healthy diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and cut out junk food.
    • Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and nutrients. They fill the body with the energy that is so necessary for health. A healthy person is a happy person.
  3. 3 Try to sleep more or go to bed earlier. If you sleep eight hours every night but continue to feel tired, try going to bed earlier. Lack of sleep leads to fatigue and nervous tension, as a result of which a person begins to see the world in dark colors.
  4. 4 Get exercise. This will allow you to focus on physical activity and distract from problems. In this case, it is not necessary to go to the gym. It is enough to go for a walk or jog in the park to refresh your thoughts with new landscapes and surroundings.
  5. 5 Create a daily routine. If life creates a sense of chaos, because many aspects are out of your control, then begin to adhere to a routine. It will give you a sense of control. Wake up and go to bed at the same time. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at regular times. You can even schedule specific activities (watching movies, jogging, painting, or exercising at the gym) for a specific day of the week.
  6. 6 Meditate for 10-20 minutes every day. Such an activity will relieve stress and see the world from a positive side, as well as improve your health (lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation). Imagine a repeating sound, word, or phrase. Focus on breathing slowly and naturally. Try not to think about anything else during your meditation. If other thoughts come to mind, then accept them as fact, but do not dwell on them.
    • Try meditating right after waking up. It is usually easier to focus in the morning. In addition, meditation will allow you to start a new day without stress and tension.
    • Do not rush to get upset if the first session of meditation did not bring the desired relaxation. Please try a few more times. Be passive and calm, immerse yourself in the moment.
    • It can be difficult to concentrate at times. If you find it difficult, then first try to meditate for literally a few minutes, gradually increasing the session time to 10-20 minutes.
  7. 7 Use your faith. If you are a religious person, then seek help or advice from the church. Prayer helps many people. If you just want to become a religious person, then read information about existing religions and attend church services. If religion is not for you, then try to set aside time every day or a couple of times a week to reflect on life and the desired changes.This approach will allow you to tune in to positive thoughts and become emotionally stronger.

Method 4 of 5: Maintain a Positive Mindset

  1. 1 Learn to end bad relationships and find positives. Sometimes we are just not happy with the way life is going. Perhaps you are not satisfied with the relationship with loved ones or the number of friends. Try to replace negative aspects with positive ones and make new friends. In this section, you will find tips on how to avoid or change unpleasant aspects.
    • If you find something that gives you joy, then the need to escape from reality will simply disappear.
  2. 2 Learn to notice the good. If you can't get away from reality, then try to make it better. Every evening, write down at least one good thing that happened to you. Perhaps over time, you will learn to look at life in a positive way and stop trying to escape from reality. Positive thoughts can also reduce tension and anxiety. If you can't remember anything good, then create pleasant emotions. Here are some ideas:
    • Go for a walk and find something beautiful, such as a flower.
    • Read an inspiring book or article.
    • Buy yourself some ice cream or some other treat.
    • Watch a funny movie.
  3. 3 Help others by doing charity work. Sometimes, helping other people to change reality, you can also get away from your reality. Do good deeds like volunteer work to see life in a positive way.
    • Research shows that volunteering can reduce depression and give meaning to life.
  4. 4 Try to build relationships instead of avoiding problems. If you want to escape reality because of a failed relationship, then first try to fix it. It may turn out that you don't need to run anywhere at all. Talk to a friend or partner about your current relationship and steps to take to remedy the situation. Write down the changes you want and share the commitment between the two parties. If you put the burden of change on one person, he will simply refuse to meet you halfway.
    • Remember that a person can only control his feelings and actions. You can voice and demand changes, but this does not mean that the person will certainly agree with you.
    • It is important to understand that not all relationships can be saved, so sometimes it’s better to just break up.
  5. 5 End unhealthy relationships. Sometimes other people make our life difficult. Instead of running away from reality, it is better to stop contact with such persons. If you are in an unhealthy relationship, try to mend it first, and if it fails, part with the person. This may require a divorce.
    • If you are under the age of majority and live with parents who treat you badly, then try to move in with other relatives. Find out if you can live with your aunt or uncle, older brother or grandmother.
    • Seek help from a psychotherapist. A specialist will help you get over the breakup and give you the right advice.
    • Be honest. If the person persists, then tell them that you will not change your mind.
  6. 6 Form new relationships. If it is impossible to escape from reality, then spend time with friends. If you don't have friends, then make new acquaintances. Surround yourself with people who give you joy to get rid of negative thoughts. If living at home is unbearably difficult, sometimes you can stay overnight with friends. Here are some tips on how to make new friends:
    • Sign up for interest groups or sports sections.
    • Friends don't have to live next to you. You can find many friends thanks to the internet. Become an active user of forums and discussions on topics of interest to you.
    • Don't be afraid to be proactive. If you want to get to know the person better or think that you should become friends, then offer to meet, talk on the phone or online.
    • Share positive emotions and support others.
    • Register on a dating site. If you are single, then try to find a partner who shares your thoughts and feelings.

Method 5 of 5: Take a Break from Problems

  1. 1 Various activities help to get away from reality. Sometimes there is simply no way to move to another city, move to another school or find a new job. Choosing an interesting hobby, a person can at least temporarily escape from reality. In this section, we'll look at a few ideas.
  2. 2 Read books. Fictional stories help you distract yourself and forget about the world around you for a while. Try to be imbued with the characters and the problems described in order to forget about your troubles.
    • Classic children's books are a great choice. They often describe an ideal world, into which it is pleasant to be transported from the surrounding reality.
  3. 3 Play video games. Much like the books, the storylines of many video games allow you to forget about all the bad. New events and puzzles make a person think about the game and get distracted from their own problems.
    • Play global massively multiplayer online role-playing games. They contain endless levels and places to explore, as well as updates with new maps.
  4. 4 Watch TV shows. They will not only allow you to get distracted from your own thoughts, but also wait for a new episode every week. Exciting anticipation will help you not to think about bad things.
  5. 5 Listen to music. Music allows you to relax in moments of stress, as well as temporarily distract from current problems.
  6. 6 Find an interesting hobby. Start knitting, painting, martial arts or playing a musical instrument to get away from reality, at least in a psychological aspect. Interesting activities can overwhelm you so that you simply don't have time to worry. It should be understood that a hobby only allows you to be distracted for a few hours.
  7. 7 Change your habits. The same activities every day create a sense of monotony. This feeling can turn into boredom or depression. Change your daily routine to change your thoughts, bring fresh colors to life, get rid of fatigue and routine. You don't need to change your whole life. Try to start with one thing. Here are some guidelines:
    • Buy yourself your favorite dessert from time to time.
    • Order a new dish at a familiar cafe.
    • Go to a movie or restaurant with a friend. Such an event will diversify boring everyday life. Try scheduling appointments on a specific day of the week to look forward to that day.
    • Start going to school or work on a new route. Familiar everyday landscapes can quickly get boring, so from time to time, try to choose an unusual path. New sounds, sights and smells will at least temporarily distract you from current problems.