How to care for suede boots

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Care For Suede & Nubuck - 5 Recommended Products Shoe Cobblers Use
Video: How To Care For Suede & Nubuck - 5 Recommended Products Shoe Cobblers Use


Suede boots are a trendy accessory that goes with many different styles and looks. As with most other types of footwear, suede needs to be cared for to keep the boots looking attractive over the years. Taking the time to take care of your boots will help you wear them for much longer.


  1. 1 Suede insulation. This means treating your shoes with a protective spray, available at many stores that sell various types of suede products. Apply a thin coat of a quality suede sealant that can be worn for several months. It helps repel dirt and prevents staining.
  2. 2 Let the suede breathe. Unlike some types of shoes, which can be stored in plastic boxes, suede requires contact with air. When storing suede shoes in a closet, place them in cotton pillowcases. Cotton will help air circulation and protect the boots from dust accumulation.
  3. 3 Keep talcum powder or cornmeal on hand. In case any liquid spills onto the boots, soak the stained areas with a clean, dry cloth, and immediately apply a layer of flour or talcum powder. Leave the product to act overnight and then gently remove the dried powder with a suede brush.
  4. 4 Store your boots in a cool, dry place. Do not leave suede boots in direct sunlight when not wearing them. Excessive exposure to light will cause discoloration, while prolonged exposure to moisture can cause wetting and subsequent mold growth.
  5. 5 Remove dried stains with a little vinegar and a clean towel. Dampen a towel with vinegar and blot the stain without applying too much pressure. Repeat if necessary with a clean towel until the stain is removed and disappears from the suede surface.
  6. 6 Do not wash your boots with water. The liquid affects both the color and the texture of the suede. If the dirt on your boots has soaked in so deep that talcum powder or cornmeal won't remove the stain, take the boots to a professional dry cleaner.
  7. 7 Have your boots cleaned by a professional dry cleaner before storing them at the end of the season. Even if you've taken great care of your suede boots and they look clean, they need to be cleaned anyway. This will help remove any traces of dirt that you may have missed, as well as prevent mold from spreading during the current season.


  • Do not store suede boots in plastic containers. Always use storage bags that are made from natural fibers and allow air to circulate around the suede.
  • Not all dry cleaners know how to remove stains and effectively remove dirt from suede shoes or clothing. Find a firm that has a proven track record of cleaning suede. This will minimize the chances of accidents while cleaning, and you won't be left with a pair of ruined boots.