How to care for a Libra

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Libra got Buffed! But how does it work? (Repentance Patch 1.7.8)
Video: Libra got Buffed! But how does it work? (Repentance Patch 1.7.8)


So, you want to be friends (or possibly date) with Libra. Lucky for you, it's easy to get to know him or her - Libra is one of the friendliest people. All you need to know is how to make your Libra happy. Read this article to learn how best to care for your scale.


Part 1 of 2: When you and your Libra are alone

  1. 1 Be prepared to spend a lot of time together. Whether you're trying to befriend or date a Libra, remember that Libra doesn't like being alone (and neither is it). This means that once you get close to your Libra, you will have to spend a lot of time with her or him. Be prepared for this and don't blame them.
    • If you do have a bit of claustrophobia, be honest and be direct about it. Just say something like this: "I just love being alone at times - sometimes I want to spend a little time getting my thoughts in order. It has nothing to do with you - I love spending time with you!"
  2. 2 Don't make it a habit to criticize your Libra. Libras are very sensitive to criticism, especially when it comes to their physical characteristics. Don't make it a habit to tease them about their appearance - this is the group of people who really don't understand the charm of this kind of humor.
    • If there is something about their appearance that they should pay attention to, then just be tactful about it. Instead of saying, "Oh, horror, you have a huge piece of salad stuck in your teeth." That's rough! Say something that will not sharpen his / her attention on your appearance: "Um, something is preventing your dazzling smile from shining."
  3. 3 Try to avoid confrontation. Libras are bad at arguing - in fact, in most cases, they simply avoid it. If something bothers you, just convey it to them in a non-aggressive way. If they feel that they are not getting into confrontation, they will be very happy to clarify the matter with you.
  4. 4 Be aware that Libra may be in a state of discontent longer than anyone else. Despite the fact that they do not like being in a state of confrontation, Libra really does not find it shameful to be in a state of discontent, especially if it was a really big puncture (like when you forgot about your anniversary and your partner was very angry). To avoid provoking resentment, try to prioritize important dates in your relationship (meaning birthdays, anniversaries, days that matter to your Libra - like the anniversary of the death of a loved one, etc.)
  5. 5 Surround your Libra with beautiful things. Libra has a beauty fad (which means you should visit pretty places if Libra loves hanging out with you).Take your Libra on a beauty-filled journey to the Redwoods, the beach, an art museum, etc. Give flowers to your Libra or prepare a beautiful dinner for her / him.
    • You should also understand that if Libra loves everything beautiful, then they also love to look decent. Don't be angry if your Libra takes too long to get together (or maybe even a little proud of their appearance).
  6. 6 Give your Libra the benefit of the doubt. Libras have a deep love of justice, which means they will never use dubious means to an end. Remember this fact, when it seems to you that your Libra is acting slightly superficially, these are only your thoughts, since Libra will go to great lengths for the sake of justice.
  7. 7 Do romantic things for your Libra. If you are dating a Libra, then you need to know what they eat, breathe, and drink romance. If you want to seduce Libra the right way, throw out romantic gestures. Plan a romantic picnic for yourself and your favorite scales, give them flowers, sweets, whatever they like. If none of the above works, then just let them know that you really like them (or you love them) - with the help of strong hugs, kisses, and, most importantly, be gentle with them (of course, this should only be done by relation to the one for whom you have feelings).

Part 2 of 2: When You and Your Libra Are in Public

  1. 1 Take the lead when it comes to choosing where to walk. Libra is always indecisive. Take good care of them, that is, just decide for them what you will do. If you are a guy, go somewhere, to a restaurant, cinema, club, etc. Naturally, you should be interested in whether your Libra really wants to spend the evening exactly as you suggested, but if your Libra cannot choose between the two suggested places, help him / her solve this problem, just make a decision.
  2. 2 Get ready to share with your Libra. When we say sharing, we mean everything - food, seat, personal stories. But especially regarding this point, know that Libra loves to share. This means that if you order different dishes, then be prepared to give away a few (or many) nibbles - but don't worry, your Libra will be happy to share with you the last piece of tempting chocolate mousse.
  3. 3 Understand that Libra is social butterflies. Libra is one of the most sociable (and maybe the most) zodiac signs. They also enjoy flitting from person to person at social gatherings. Understand that your Libra is not avoiding you, but simply that they cannot help but communicate with everyone at the party. It's also good to remember that Libra wants to please everyone, even the strangers they meet at parties.
  4. 4 Be aware that Libra most likely does not participate in the debate. This is especially noticeable in the social setting. There is a reason Libra is portrayed as a scale - they like to keep the peace by listening to arguments from both sides or debate. This does not mean that they will necessarily support you in the debate, as they will also want to hear the other side. Don't take it personally - instead, learn from your friend and be open minded.
    • In any case, this does not mean that they will not cover your back. If you have a problem that you think cannot be solved (fix your relationship with a friend, what to do with your cheating younger brother, etc.), your Libra will be there to help you. Libra is fantastic when you look at a problem objectively and solve it in the least dramatic way.

Scales Description

  • Best Friendship: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio
  • Best Love Couple: Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius
  • Dates: September 23 - October 22
  • Keyword: Charm
  • Ruling planet: Venus
  • Vulnerable body parts: Loins, kidneys
  • Ruling House: Seventh House
  • Symbol: Libra
  • Element: Air
  • Quality: Cardinal