How to highlight the jawline

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 16 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
try THIS jawline contour hack
Video: try THIS jawline contour hack


The shape of the chin depends on several individual genetic factors. At the same time, there are several tricks that will make your chin strong and strong. In some cases, this means a lot of weight loss, which will make the jaw line more expressive, but also keep in mind the rules of diet and choosing the right clothes. Even if nature has rewarded you with a weakly expressed chin line, nothing will prevent you from making it more noticeable!


Method 1 of 4: Exercise Your Jaw

  1. 1 Consider purchasing a dedicated facial exercise program. To improve the appearance of your chin and tone it, try a wide variety of exercises. These programs are easy to follow and relatively inexpensive compared to most other fitness workouts.
  2. 2 Smile. Some people are more smiling, others less, but the fact remains: speaking about the benefits of smiling for the muscles of the face, you can make a very long list of advantages. The muscles of the face are no different from the rest of the muscles in the body: the harder you train them, the better they look. Smiling is a great exercise because it is psychologically linked to happiness, which means that if you get used to smiling impulsively, your mood will often be good.
  3. 3 Squeeze and then relax your jaw. To make the jawline more pronounced, you need to exercise the jaw. Try clenching your jaw for 10 seconds and then relaxing. This may cause slight discomfort or burning sensation. To get started, try repeating the exercise several times, for example 10 or 15.
    • Try to gradually increase the amount of time during which you hold your jaw in tension. This stimulates the muscles in the face.
    • This exercise can easily fit into everyday life. It doesn't look as funny or silly as most other facial exercises, so it can even be done at work or on the train.
  4. 4 Lift your chin up. Throw back your head and stare at the ceiling. Then tighten your lips as if you are trying to kiss a person who is a couple of centimeters away from you. Maintain tension in this position for about 5 seconds, and then relax your muscles and rest for a few seconds. This exercise can be repeated as many times as you want, but 10 times will be enough to start. Such training helps to improve the elasticity of the muscles of the face and works them well.
  5. 5 Massage your temples. A temple massage is a great way to stimulate blood flow and improve circulation to the face. Place two fingers on each side of the skull and massage the temples in a circular motion. Continue the massage for about 30 seconds.
    • Temple massage is best known as a remedy for migraine headaches.
  6. 6 Make a fish face. This exercise perfectly tones the cheeks and jaw area. Pull your cheeks inward and try to smile at the same time. Hold this position for 5 seconds. After each approach, you may experience a feeling of discomfort or a slight burning sensation. This exercise tenses the muscles of the face well. Repeat it 10 times to start, and then gradually increase the number of repetitions.
    • This exercise is easy to do in everyday life, so you shouldn't forget about it. You can do it in the shower or before bed.

Method 2 of 4: Strive to Live a Healthy Life

  1. 1 Drink water. There are many benefits that regular water provides. Suffice it to know that pure H2O is a necessary (and highly underestimated) part of a healthy lifestyle.Drinking water can help you lose weight and help you stay energized throughout the day. In addition, excess fluid in the body improves blood circulation in the face area. Most of these beneficial properties of water affect the jawline only indirectly, but they affect overall physical health directly.
    • If you are overweight, drinking water is great for satisfying hunger without the extra calories found in soda and junk food.
    • It has been proven that drinking water speeds up the body's metabolism.
  2. 2 Reduce the amount of refined carbohydrates in your diet. Refined carbohydrates, also called simple carbohydrates, are found in many foods, including white bread, cookies, pasta, and cereals. These types of food contain very few useful substances, and their use provokes the formation of fatty deposits in the body (including in the face area). Limit your intake of foods containing simple carbohydrates and refined sugars and replace them with whole grains that are high in fiber. A healthy diet combined with exercise will help you achieve your best results.
    • Try to eat fewer refined carbs by adding fruits, vegetables, and protein to your diet instead. These foods are essential in a healthy diet to help you lose weight.
  3. 3 It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in the diet. Salt is one of the ingredients that are found in excess in everyday food, and at the same time has a negative effect on the skin. Try to limit the amount in your diet (focus on whole grains and cut out junk food) to reinforce the positive factors that affect skin condition. This way, the skin will be able to retain less moisture, swell less, which means that the jawline will appear better.
    • There are many alternative diets that limit salt intake. You need to do a little research and find the right diet for yourself and your lifestyle.
  4. 4 It is necessary to sleep more at night. It has been proven that a person needs a minimum of eight hours of sleep at night. Most people usually sleep for about five or six hours. However, if you want to emphasize the jawline, you need to sleep eight hours so that the body has more time to take care of its health.
  5. 5 Quit smoking. Besides excess salt and lack of sleep, smoking also has a negative effect on the skin. If you are a heavy smoker but dream of a beautiful jawline, try to quit smoking. At the initial stage, this will be very difficult to do, but improving the appearance of the skin after a month will create additional motivation.
  6. 6 Chew gum. Chewing gum is one of the most well-known methods for correcting the jawline. Surprisingly, there are many benefits to chewing gum, one of which is stress on your facial muscles. The results will be visible in a few weeks. The advantage is that this exercise does not take a lot of energy and easily becomes a habit.

Method 3 of 4: For Men: Accentuate the jawline with a beard and clothing

  1. 1 For the lack of a strong-willed chin, try growing a beard. Not all people are born with a naturally beautiful jawline. Therefore, in your case, the best way out of the situation is to grow a beard.
    • Consider the size of your face. A beard usually reduces it visually, so for those with a large face, a beard will help balance the proportions. If your face is small, then it is better to opt for a short beard and cut it constantly.
  2. 2 Trim your beard line around your neck. A beard has a significant impact on the appearance of your chin. A common mistake among young people is often to trim the lower contour of the beard too high below the jaw line.At the same time, the jaw visually looks weaker and not so clearly outlined. If you are used to trimming your beard just below the jawline, try growing it a little lower; at the same time, it is necessary at all times to ensure that its contour is clearly delineated and corrected within reasonable limits.
    • If you find it difficult to determine where the bottom contour of the beard should go, try to imagine a line that runs in an arc from one ear to the other. This line should go well below the chin and add fullness to it.
  3. 3 Look for shirts with a collar that fits your face. In the world of fashion, it is known that any detail of the wardrobe must be selected taking into account the features of the appearance. Shirts, as a rule, are not associated or chosen according to the shape of the face, however, if you want to emphasize the jawline, choosing the right shirt will help you with this.
    • If you have an oval face, the widest part is at the point of the cheekbones. In this case, you are in luck: this type of face is considered universal and most styles are harmoniously combined with it.
    • If the face is round, it is necessary to choose clothes that visually make it elongated. A shirt with a tight collar is a great choice.
    • An angular face (square) is the opposite of a round face, and it needs to add fullness. Shirts with wide collars do the job well.
  4. 4 Maintain your beard regularly. It might seem like being very masculine to let your beard grow on its own, but it will look a lot more impressive with a little time every day. It is necessary to shave off the hairs that grow outside the contour of the beard, and trim the regrown ends. A well-groomed beard does wonders for the jawline.
  5. 5 Moisturize your skin regularly. Skin imperfections and acne can easily ruin the appearance of your chin. Even if you do not have such problems, the person needs proper care. Moisturize your skin regularly to improve the appearance of your face. Use an oil-free product every few days to cleanse your skin. The result will not appear immediately, but you will see positive changes after a few weeks.
    • Skin care is very important if you suffer from acne.

Method 4 of 4: For Women: Use the Right Care and Makeup

  1. 1 Use a quality skin toner. Most toners keep your skin from sagging, which means your face (and chin) will look firmer. The accumulated excess of dead skin particles will not allow your face to look bright and memorable, so you should pay attention to this point if you dream of a chiseled jawline.
    • Try using an astringent skin toner as it tightens the skin best.
  2. 2 Use collagen products. Collagen is an active component of any person's skin that keeps it firm. Some cleansers and toners help the skin to produce extra collagen, so you should research this topic carefully and choose the right skin care products. Medical collagen injections are now also available, but due to possible side effects, this procedure should only be recommended as a last resort.
  3. 3 Try to accentuate the jawline with makeup. If you use makeup, you can use it to highlight the jawline. There are several ways to get things done, but it will take several tries to achieve the desired result. It is necessary to use cosmetics carefully and in small quantities so that others do not notice the efforts that you put in to emphasize your chin.
    • Apply bronzer to the contour of the cheeks and chin to highlight them. Choose a bronzer one to two shades darker than your natural skin tone and apply with light strokes.
    • Use a highlighter to adjust the shape of the chin. Draw a line about five centimeters long just above your chin.The jaw is now visually larger.
    • Apply a small amount of bronzer along the jawline and on the neck so that the results of the previous two steps are less dramatic. Apply just a little bit of bronzer; you just need to make the contours less prominent.
  4. 4 Consider surgery. As with any other part of the face, chin surgery can be performed by anyone who wants to quickly correct imperfections with its help. A special substance is injected directly into the area that needs to be emphasized. It burns excess fat and promotes collagen production. Consult your doctor if you are interested in surgery.
    • If you are dreaming of a chiseled chin, cosmetic surgery is an effective solution, but the cost and possible side effects speak for themselves. You should not resort to this method if you have not exhausted all other possible options.


  • The appearance of other parts of your face, such as your nose, cheeks, or forehead, indirectly affects how your chin line looks from the perspective of others.
  • A poorly defined jawline is most often the result of excess body fat. Proper nutrition and aerobic exercise will help you achieve the desired results.


  • Keep in mind that an attractive appearance depends on how natural you look.