How to care for a miniature poodle

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to care for a TOY POODLE PUPPY | What you need to know before getting one
Video: How to care for a TOY POODLE PUPPY | What you need to know before getting one


Miniature Poodles are adorable, intelligent characters that thrive when given constant attention and love from the owner. They are hardy small dogs that live well into adolescence, but are likely to require veterinary attention at an older age to be sure they will survive to their venerable age. Caring for a miniature poodle means paying attention to your dog and being financially able to provide for his needs, such as a regular grooming, health care in old age, and preventive treatments such as a worm removal procedure.


Method 1 of 6: Feeding the Miniature Poodle

  1. 1 Choose food that is appropriate for your dog's age. Depending on the age, the dog needs different amounts of protein, calories and other nutrients. There are various types of dog food designed for puppies, adult dogs, and senior dogs.
    • Puppies: Puppies need higher levels of protein for their muscles, calories for growth, and calcium for healthy bones. If your Miniature Poodle is a puppy under 12 months old, feed him a dog formula specially formulated for puppies. They are commonly labeled as "puppy food" or "growth" foods. Choose a puppy food that is designed for lap dogs. This is because the pad size is smaller and easier to handle for your puppy's tiny teeth.
    • Adult dogs: When your dog is about 12 months old, feed him food intended for adult dogs. Continue this meal until she is about 7 years old. These foods are nutritionally balanced to meet the dietary needs of an adult dog.
    • Elderly dogs: When your adult miniature poodle is 7 years old and up, move on to the older meal. These foods contain reduced levels of nutrients such as phosphate, which are considered more difficult for the kidneys to process.By switching to an older meal, you can help protect your pet's kidney function.
  2. 2 Choose a completely dry diet. Feeding options will be a completely dry diet (often known as pads) or a soft food based on canned food with added biscuits. Dry food is healthier for your dog's teeth because chewing the cookies helps keep them clean. Canned food may be more for dwarf breeds, but sticky canned or packaged food sticks to teeth and encourages bacteria to grow.
    • If possible, start keeping your Miniature Poodle completely dry to help maintain dental health.
    • Look for food made for dwarf breeds, which makes chewing on the pads less problematic.
  3. 3 Distribute the frequency of feedings based on the age of your dog. If she is still a puppy, then she has a smaller stomach and should eat more often than an adult dog.
    • Puppies: Feed your miniature poodle puppy often in small portions. The general rule is 4 meals a day for up to 3 months; 3 doses per day for up to 6 months; 2 doses per day from 6 months and throughout adulthood.
    • Adult and senior dogs: Feed an adult or senior dog 2 times a day. Two meals are recommended because a poodle's small stomach means he prefers to eat smaller meals more often.
  4. 4 Give your dog more water. Always have a bowl of water available to your dog. Change the water every day and wash the cups every few days.

Method 2 of 6: Grooming and brushing the Miniature Poodle

  1. 1 Protect your dog's coat from tangles. Poodles have a curly, coarse coat that grows constantly. Poodles do not shed hair in the same way as other breeds. Their coat falls out but gets tangled with the rest of the coat. This means poodles are more likely to form knots and tangles in their fur.
    • Puppies have a soft coat that begins to resemble adult fur from about 6-9 months of age. It can take a pet up to 18 months to fully transition to a mature coat.
  2. 2 Groom your dog's coat every day. Take a few minutes each day to comb it. This will serve a dual purpose: you make it easier to detangle the fur and give it some much-needed attention.
  3. 3 Use a hairbrush or stiff bristled brush. To comb the mats, use a hairbrush or brush that is available from the pet store. You should also use both the comb and brush on different parts of your body.
  4. 4 Sprinkle water on the dog's coat. Before combing, spray some water on your poodle's coat. This will help avoid static build-up. Water can also help prevent dry hair from tangling.
  5. 5 Comb area by area. Separate a piece of wool and hold it between your fingers. Brush the coat from root to tip.
    • Comb all of the dog's fur and be sure to do this behind the ears and under the belly.
  6. 6 Trim your dog's coat every 3-8 weeks. The poodle's coat is constantly growing and needs to be trimmed to keep it looking neat. Depending on how long you want your dog's coat to be, try to trim it every 3 to 8 weeks.
    • This is usually done at a dog salon, but if you have good dog scissors, a little practice, and a lot of time, you can learn to cut your dog yourself.

Method 3 of 6: grooming your poodle ears

  1. 1 Consider pulling your dog's ear hair. Miniature poodles usually have very hairy canals. Body hair extends to the ear canal and can block it - a bit like wearing fluffy headphones all the time. Consult with your veterinarian to establish an appropriate tweezing schedule.
    • Some experts disagree on whether to keep or remove this coat. The argument for plucking hair is that it allows better air circulation and thus reduces the chances of ear infections, and that removing hair can also help in getting rid of earwax. Some, however, argue that plucking can hurt your dog and cause inflammation.
  2. 2 Watch out for ear problems. Watch your dog's ears carefully, especially if you are not removing hair. Be alert for ear infections (characterized by foul odor, thick black gray, or fluid leaking from the ear) and be careful with foreign objects in the ear (if you constantly scratch your ear or tilt your head to one side).
  3. 3 Visit your veterinarian if you notice a problem. If you notice signs that your dog has ear problems, ask your veterinarian to check for the condition. They can advise you on whether and how often to remove hair from your ear.

Method 4 of 6: Taking care of the toy poodle's teeth

  1. 1 Use a baby toothbrush for your dog's teeth. Miniature poodles are prone to tartar formation. This can lead to bad breath and contributes to deteriorating gums and tooth loss. Use a soft baby toothbrush to brush your teeth.
    • You can also use a finger brush, which can be purchased from your veterinarian or major pet stores.
    • You can reduce tartar build-up by feeding your dog dry food. Soft food can create more dental problems. If your dog eats soft foods, make it a habit to brush your dog's teeth every day.
  2. 2 Use dog toothpaste. Specialty dog ​​toothpaste is available at pet stores. Never use toothpaste made for humans. If your dog swallows toothpaste with ingredients such as fluoride, it can get an upset stomach.
  3. 3 Brush the outside of your teeth gently. Use a small amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush. Position the dog's head so that you can brush its teeth.
  4. 4 Give your dog a dental gum chew every day. If your dog won't let her brush her teeth, give her dental gum daily. This helps to cleanse the chewing teeth (molars) at the back of the mouth.
    • It is worth investing the time and effort in keeping your pet's teeth clean in order to reduce the amount of professional dental cleaning they may need.

Method 5 of 6: Monitor Your Poodle's Health

  1. 1 See your vet annually if you have a young dog. Monitoring your dog's health is led by regular visits to the vet. For dogs under 7 years of age, see your vet every year. The veterinarian will check for signs of illness, vaccinate and treat your dog for parasites and worms in a timely manner.
  2. 2 Take older dogs to the vet every 6 months. Dogs over the age of 7 must see a veterinarian every 6 months. The veterinarian will identify the presence of symptoms of the disease, will promptly vaccinate and treat your dog for parasites and worms.
  3. 3 Monitor your dog's vaccinations and treatment for parasites. Responsible owners have pets regularly vaccinated and treated for parasites such as fleas.
    • Vaccinations are necessary even if you carry your poodle everywhere or he rarely leaves the house. This is because some infections, such as parvovirus, are especially hardy and can attach to your shoes. Thus, they can still pose a threat to even the most domesticated poodles.
    • Talk to your veterinarian about implanting a microchip in your dog. The microchip will help you track your dog if it gets lost.
  4. 4 Sterilize the poodle bitch. One of the health problems of the miniature poodle is diabetes mellitus.Hormones associated with the bitch's estrus cycle can cause diabetes. Thus, it would be a wise decision if your poodle bitch is sterilized.
    • If neutering is done before the female's second estrus, it also has a beneficial effect and significantly reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. This often begins in dwarf poodles during adolescence. Every time a bitch is in heat, it weakens the lining of the uterus and makes her more prone to developing pyometra (a purulent layer), which potentially threatens an infection in the uterus. Thus, neutering, even if the dog is still healthy, excludes the possibility of illness, otherwise, when the dog needs an urgent operation, in later life anesthesia may pose a higher risk to its life.
    • Castration of a male poodle does not provide the same compelling health benefits. Male castration is mainly done to prevent unwanted breeding and to control behavioral problems such as aggression or dominance.
    • Talk to your veterinarian to find out more. Discussing your dog's health with your veterinarian will give you a good idea of ​​what to choose.
  5. 5 Monitor your aging dog for illnesses. Small but cheerful dwarf poodles often live to double digits. They do, however, tend to suffer from health problems as they age. Diabetes, bad teeth and heart disease are the most common. These problems, once identified, can be monitored to help your pet live a long and active life.
    • Watch for signs that indicate problems, such as thirst, frequent urination, coughing, lack of energy, bad breath, difficulty chewing, or weight loss. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian.

Method 6 of 6: Train the Miniature Poodle

  1. 1 Train your dog to sit and stand. Miniature poodles are very quick-witted and love the mental stimulation of training. Whenever you feed your dog, command him to sit or stand before placing his bowl down. After she sits down, put the bowl down. Say these commands every time and you will soon be training your dog to sit without reward.
  2. 2 Train your dog to approach when called. When you're at home, take at least a couple of minutes an hour to teach your puppy to recognize a nickname. Do this by calling his name. When he reacts and runs towards you, repeat his name and then give him a treat.
  3. 3 Reward good behavior. All training should be reward-based, which means ignoring bad behavior and rewarding good behavior. Resist the temptation to scold your puppy because your attention is a reward in itself. Instead, ignore the bad behavior and reward if he did something good.
    • For example, when you called him and he comes, give him a treat.
  4. 4 Train your dog to spend his time on his own. Miniature poodles become very attached to their owners and can suffer separation anxiety when left behind. To prevent this, train your puppy to spend time on his own from an early age. This can be as simple as leaving him in his booth for ten minutes while you’re in another room, or teaching him to be at home alone while you go out on business.
  5. 5 Play with your dog every day. Miniature poodles thrive on mental stimulation, so take at least 20 minutes twice a day to play with your dog.
    • Give her some dog puzzles to keep her busy. These are available at major pet stores or online pet stores.)
    • Many miniature poodles will enjoy activities such as team sport training adapted to small breeds.