How to remove a cyst on the back

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Large Back Cyst Removal by Dr Khaled Sadek
Video: Large Back Cyst Removal by Dr Khaled Sadek


Back ulcers can irritate the skin and be painful. Most recommend home treatment, which lasts about a week. If you need to quickly remove an abscess, see your doctor.


Part 1 of 2: Home Treatment

  1. 1 Apply a warm compress. Soak a clean washcloth, cotton swab, or sponge in warm water and apply directly to the abscess. Repeat this action several times a day.
    • The water should be warm enough, but not hot, so as not to burn the skin.You shouldn't feel any discomfort when wet gauze touches damaged skin.
    • After the gauze has cooled, place it in warm water. You can heat the water up in the microwave.
    • You can also add 1 tbsp. (15 ml) Epsom salt in 2 cups (500 ml) warm water. Salt can speed up the healing process, but using too much salt can dry out the skin. The salt water compress can only be used once or twice a day.
    • The heat reduces the amount of fluid inside the abscess, which leads to faster healing.
  2. 2 Try different creams. Over-the-counter anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory creams are the most promising.
    • Regardless of the type of cream, you should apply a small amount directly to the abscess and cover the surface with clean gauze. Remove the gauze the next day and apply some cream if necessary.
    • Anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal creams are formulated to fight inflammation, which will help reduce abscesses. Most anti-fungal ointments also relieve itching.
  3. 3 Lubricate the abscess with tea tree oil. Soak a sterile cotton swab in tea tree oil and apply directly to the abscess. Repeat the action two to three times a day until the abscess disappears.
    • Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that will help heal the abscess.
    • If tea tree oil dries out your skin, you can dilute it by mixing with an emollient oil such as olive or sesame oil. Mix one part tea tree oil with nine parts emollient oil and apply directly to the abscess.
  4. 4 Try aloe vera gels. Apply aloe vera directly to the abscess with clean hands.
    • Aloe Vera relieves pain and reduces swelling. The application of aloe vera gel helps to speed up the natural healing process of the skin.
  5. 5 Consider using hazelnut gel. Apply the gel directly to the abscess with a sterile cotton swab. Cover the inflamed areas completely and allow them to absorb the gel.
    • Gels and creams from the bark and leaves of hazelnut have an astringent property, and tannins (tannins) remove excess fat from the skin. The cyst begins to shrink when the oil dries up and the pores tighten.
    • Using too much hazelnut can irritate the skin and is therefore best used once a day.
  6. 6 Use apple cider vinegar. Apply apple cider vinegar directly to the cyst and cover with clean gauze. Leave the compress for 3-4 days.
    • After you have removed the bandage, you may see a hard layer on the surface of the abscess. Rinse the surface thoroughly with soapy water and allow the pus to drain.
    • Apply a fresh dressing to a clean surface. Leave the bandage on for two to three days. After removal, the skin must be restored.
    • Apple cider vinegar is believed to help remove excess fat and kill the bacteria responsible for the infection.
    • People with sensitive skin may experience itching and burning after using apple cider vinegar. If this happens, rinse the vinegar off your skin immediately and try other treatment options.
  7. 7 Apply a mixture made from honey to your skin. Mix 1/2 cup (125 ml) wheatgrass with 2-4 cups (30 to 60 ml) pure honey in a blender. Mix until a thick slurry forms and apply to the abscess.
    • You may need to mix wheatgrass with liquid before adding honey. Wheatgrass is rich in various nutrients that help your skin to be healthy. Wheatgrass is a good base for the mixture.
    • Honey has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which promotes a quick recovery. Add enough honey to create a thick gruel.
    • After applying the gruel, apply a clean bandage and leave it overnight. Remove the bandage in the morning and wash with a mild soap.

Part 2 of 2: Medical Treatment

  1. 1 Ask for an injection. If you need to quickly heal an abscess on your back, you can see a dermatologist. He will inject cortisone or steroids directly into the abscess.
    • Both injections will reduce the abscess, relieve pain and itching within a few hours.
    • After the injections, a scar or scar may remain. This does not always happen, but still be prepared for such a development of events.
  2. 2 Allow pus to drain. Depending on the size and position of the abscess, your dermatologist may recommend a catheter or syringe removal.
    • During the procedure, the doctor will usually numb the area before inserting the needle directly into the abscess. Then he removes the pus and fluid with a syringe, causing the abscess to shrink.
    • If the procedure was carried out carefully, you will not have serious scars and the pain will go away. Only minor scars may remain.
  3. 3 Ask about standard abscess surgery. Surgical removal is usually the best way to deal with recurrent abscesses.
    • Usually, the abscess is completely removed. They resort to this method especially if there is a suspicion of a malignant process or an abscess causes a serious deterioration in health.
    • With surgical removal, a small incision is used and, as a result, lighter scars remain with a high probability of complete cure. They are not as effective as wide incision surgery and there is a risk of recurrence.
  4. 4 Learn about laser surgery. Depending on the circumstances, your doctor may recommend laser surgery with a needle biopsy.
  5. 5 With the help of a laser, a small hole is made in the abscess. Then the contents of the abscess flow out, and the walls heal on their own.
    • After about a month, the walls of the abscess are surgically removed.
    • In general, this procedure takes longer, but it leaves small scars and, as a rule, the likelihood of recurrence is reduced.
  6. 6 Carefully follow all the instructions of the doctor in the postoperative period. After the abscess has been removed, your doctor will prescribe creams to minimize scarring and reassure the healing process.
    • Follow-up treatment is especially important if the abscess has been surgically removed.
    • Follow-up treatment includes antibiotics. The ointment should be applied to the affected area as directed. You should continue to use the ointment until healed completely.
    • Some dermatologists may also prescribe scar lightening creams to help minimize possible scarring.


  • Do not try to drain the abscess at home. This can increase the risk of scarring and can lead to possible complications.
  • See your doctor if the abscess becomes very painful or becomes infected. Cysts that do not respond to treatment and that recur can be cancerous. In such cases, you should consult your doctor.

What do you need

  • Sponge
  • Hot water
  • Epsom salt
  • Sterile cotton pads or cotton balls
  • Clean bandages
  • Antifungal ointments
  • Anti-inflammatory ointments
  • Tea tree oil
  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Hazelnut gel or cream
  • Apple vinegar
  • Wheatgrass
  • Honey
  • Antibiotics
  • Scar Removal Cream