Ways to Motivate Your Day

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Minutes To Start Your Day Right! MORNING MOTIVATION and Positivity!
Video: 4 Minutes To Start Your Day Right! MORNING MOTIVATION and Positivity!


What you do in the morning determines your mood all day. If there's a messy and stressful morning, the rest of the day will be the same. To be motivated in the morning you need to make a plan. Very few people naturally wake up early. With some simple changes, you can create a organized and gentle morning routine. When you are motivated for the new day, you are more productive than your day.


Part 1 of 3: Develop a healthy diet and sleep habits the night before

  1. Prepare breakfast and lunch the night before. Put yourself in a ready position, take care of pets, kids or do errands before going to work, then you've done a lot of activities in the morning. Lighten up on the task by preparing breakfast and lunch the evening before.When all you have to do is grab your food and take it out, you will usually skip breakfast less often just because you're in a hurry. That way, you will avoid eating a quick lunch with a unhealthy fast food.
    • Maintain high body energy. The energy gained from dinner the night before will be exhausted the next morning. Eating a breakfast high in fiber helps to stabilize blood sugar, helping you feel more energized and focused. You need energy for maximum motivation in the morning and all day long. Avoid refined carbohydrates such as donuts because they raise blood sugar and are potentially fatal.
    • Have a simple and nutritious breakfast. Refrigerated hard-boiled eggs will come in handy for a busy morning. Enjoy a hard-boiled egg with an English muffin muffin and a banana for a nutritionally balanced breakfast. Another option is to cook the oatmeal overnight in a casserole pot. Enjoy hot oatmeal and fruit in the morning. Refrigerate the rest of the food for a quick breakfast the rest of the week.
    • Prepare a nutritionally balanced lunch. Use wide-mouthed food jars to make protein-rich salads. Place the salad lining at the bottom of the jar. Next, stack vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, and peas. Add protein from lean meats like roast chicken. Finally add decorative green leafy vegetables on top, close the lid and refrigerate. The salad will be kept fresh overnight as the layers of green vegetables are placed separately from the salad. When you're ready for lunch, just shake the food jug to mix the veggies and salads, then pour out a bowl.

  2. Eat a healthy dinner. Your body needs the amount of food you eat from dinner as the fuel it needs during sleep. You will wake up more energized and motivated when you fueled your body with the right food the night before. Eat foods with lean meat proteins like fried chicken, fish, or beans. Add in complex vegetables and carbohydrates like brown rice or quinoa.
    • The body consumes a lot of energy to digest food. Eating indigestible foods near bedtime makes it harder to fall asleep. Eat two or three hours before going to bed. This gives your body enough time to finish digesting food before bedtime. Avoid sugary or greasy foods as they can cause high blood sugar or heartburn. Both of these make it harder to fall asleep.

  3. Turn off electronic devices before going to bed. Turn off tablets, smartphones, desktops and TVs, all of your brain-enabled devices. You are in a state of thinking instead of relaxing. It is very difficult for an activated brain to fall asleep. Once sleep is disturbed, it can be very difficult to be motivated in the morning. Turn off all electronics at least one hour before bedtime.
    • The artificial light from electronic devices disrupts your circadian rhythm. It inhibits the hormone melatonin - the sleep hormone, making you stay awake longer. Sleep interruptions make you lethargic and irritable in the morning.

  4. Avoid consuming caffeine before bedtime. Caffeine makes you feel awake for several consecutive hours. It will take longer to fall asleep and get less restless sleep if you drink coffee at night. You will wake up feeling dizzy instead of energized. Avoid caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea or soda at least four hours before bed.
    • Instead, drink caffeinated beverages such as decaffeinated tea or warm milk. These drinks have a soothing effect. You will easily fall asleep and fall asleep.
  5. Abandon the habit of drinking alcohol near bedtime. Drinking alcohol before bed isn't as relaxing as you might think. Alcohol is a pain reliever so it makes you feel sleepy at first. Once the alcohol has stopped, it causes an arousal. You will wake up and have a hard time getting back to sleep. Alcohol also interrupts your sleep cycle so you won't get the sleep you need to rest.
    • Limit alcohol to one or two drinks a day. Your last drink should be at least two hours before bedtime.
  6. Schedule a sleep schedule. A sleep schedule isn't just for kids. Train your brain and body to fall asleep and fall asleep. A good night's sleep is essential for the morning to be full of energy and focus.
    • Read old books or magazines. Your brain gets tired and falls asleep more easily when you read a book. Avoid reading on an electronic device because the light from these devices can keep you awake. Plus, the more chances you will want to check your messages or apps.
    • Muscle relaxation. A warm bath or gentle stretching are a few ways you can relieve stress in your body. Your muscles tense after a busy day. Taking a warm bath or doing the flexing exercises will help you relax and easily fall asleep.
    • Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. This interval allows you to go through all cycles of sleep. There are four stages of sleep that are repeated approximately 90 minutes at a time. If you sleep less than 7 hours, you may not be able to go through all stages of sleep.
    • Realize that sleep is important for overall health. Lack of sleep leads to loss of memory, lack of concentration and fatigue. Regular good sleep boosts your immune system and helps you manage your weight. Good sleep improves energy, motivation and overall health.

Part 2 of 3: Recharge for the morning

  1. Avoid snoozing the alarm. When you lie in bed warmly and the alarm goes off, the first thing you instinctively do is turn off the alarm. When you turn off your alarm and go back to sleep, you are resetting your sleep cycle. When the alarm sounds again, you will be dizzy because you are interrupting a new sleep cycle. This phenomenon is called "inertial sleep". Make a habit of waking up the first time you hear the alarm, you will be more alert, and motivated to start the day.
    • Leave part of the curtains open. When light enters your bedroom in the morning, it's easier to wake up. The morning sunlight tells your body to wake up naturally. It will put you in a milder phase of sleep, so it makes it easier to get out of bed when you hear an alarm.
    • Set your alarm 10 or 15 minutes early. You can relax in a calmer way instead of messing up. Slowly sit on the bed and do some stretches.
    • Try to go to bed at the same time every night, even on weekends or on holidays. Consistency is the key to healthy sleep. The circadian rhythm will be synchronized as you have the same bedtime habits every night.
  2. Simplify getting dressed. Have two or three suits ready for you to wear in your wardrobe. For example, put the shirt, pants, and belt on a hanger, with matching shoes underneath. You do not need to guess when choosing clothes for the morning.
    • Sleep in an exercise suit. If you want to exercise as your first thing in the morning, there is one less thing to do when you get dressed to get ready to go to the gym.
  3. Regenerating water for the body. When you wake up, your body becomes dehydrated because you stop hydrating your body during sleep. Drinking a glass of water or a small glass of juice with breakfast wakes up the cells in the brain. This is a quick way to help you feel more alert and motivated.
    • Moderate caffeine consumption. A cup or two of coffee or tea makes you feel more alert. Avoid consuming caffeine too much. Drinking more than three cups can make you feel restless and distracted. It can decrease motivation because you cannot focus.
  4. Be physically active in the morning. Not everyone knows how to take advantage of exercise to kick-start the day. If you exercise on time means you have to cut 7 hours to 8 hours of sleep, it will be better for you later. However, doing short-morning exercises in the morning will help you feel more alert and energized.
    • Listen to music while you're ready for the day.Listen to music and dance while brushing your teeth or while making coffee. Even just two or three minutes of doing this works well for the whole day.
    • Take a brisk five-minute walk. Brisk walking helps to pump blood and activate the brain. You will have more motivation to start the day.
  5. Place a whiteboard and a basket near your door. Keep things organized so you remember all the essentials, like getting the keys and feeding the dog. List things to do before leaving home on a whiteboard each morning. Also put a basket by the door to put in things you need for the day.
    • Put keys, train tickets, purses, bags, sunglasses and backpacks in the basket. In the morning, you'll know exactly where to put all the essentials to get them and take them away.
    • Write a list of things to do before leaving the house on a whiteboard. Read through the board each morning so you can leave home and remember all you need to do. For example, listing "feed your cat, have lunch, drink coffee".

Part 3 of 3: Motivating life

  1. Build optimism. Have a positive attitude to build your motivation. You will see goals and wishes that can be achieved by keeping an optimistic spirit and a “I can” attitude. Lack of optimism can lead to hesitation or delay in things you want or need to do. You avoid doing things that are good for you because it seems too difficult. Build optimism by keeping a journal. You can train yourself to do activities in the morning and throughout the day.
    • Think about things you've put off doing, like going back to school.
    • Create two columns on the diary. In the first column, write down the challenges that prevented you from fulfilling your dreams (in this case, going back to school). Example: "I don't have money to go back to school. I don't have time."
    • In the second column, write down your goals for your benefit. How will your life be 1 year, 5 years after you've achieved your goals? Example: "I can afford to do the job I dream of. I can make more money. I can buy a house." Realize the feelings of joy and pride that go with achievement. .
    • Gradually increase feelings of joy and pride. Take small steps toward your goal. For example, you can research university programs, or contact schools to find out about financial aid policies.
    • Write in your journal each week, recording your achievements and challenges. Take notes on how to overcome the difficulties you faced last week. You can keep motivation high by admitting progress and using difficult problem-solving skills.
  2. Reward yourself when you reach your goals. Encouragement helps motivation. Similar to when you give your pet a good meal because it does something good, you need to reward yourself. Set a prize for each small goal achieved. For example, play a game for 10 minutes on a tablet if you finish chores around the house.
    • Money awards are often the biggest motivator. For example, your goal is to walk for 20 minutes a day with friends. Give your friend 400 thousand. As you progress and complete a mission, they will give you money back. If you don't walk, they'll keep the money you gave them. You will find yourself strongly motivated to walk every day.
  3. Create boundaries. When you are pressured with too many directions, you will have very little time to achieve your own goals. Having too many obligations will take away your motivation. Say "No" to unnecessary commitments. If you don't take care of yourself, no one will do it for you. Only perform necessary tasks and say "No" to others.
    • Avoid agreeing to a commitment just because you feel guilty. If you agree to do something just to keep someone else's feelings off, you will end up in frustration and bitterness.
    • List your priorities. Focus on what's important and how you want to spend your time. If something is outside of your priorities, politely decline.
    • Short but consistent. You don't need to explain it to someone. Be short, honest and polite. Simply say, "No, I can't hold this year's fundraiser. Thanks for thinking of me. Have a great success with your event."
  4. Be around people who motivate you. When you're around positive and oriented people, it's easier to be motivated and stick to your goals. You will be responsible. The positivity has solubility. When the people around you are optimistic and enthusiastic, you will become more positive.
    • Stay connected with your counselor. For example, maybe you want to go back to school, but there doesn't seem to be anyone around to support you. Contact the school and ask to be in contact with students who have completed the program. Talk to them about tips for success.