How to play Euchre

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 7 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Play Euchre
Video: How to Play Euchre


Euchre is a bribe card game played by teams of 2. It was thanks to this game at the end of the 19th century. the joker appeared in the modern card deck, since then it has been present in all decks, although it is not used in many games. Learn to play this historical game by following these steps!


Method 1 of 3: Preparing to Play

  1. 1 Collect 4 players. Each player must have a partner - this is the player sitting opposite.You can choose your partners yourself, or choose them by drawing cards from the deck. In this case, the players who draw the highest cards play against the pair of players who draw the cards of the lowest rank.
    • It is very important to sit in front of your partner. This will add surprises to the game and increase your skill, because being in the same team, you will not know what cards your partner received.
  2. 2 Select the cards you need to play Euchre from your standard deck of playing cards. The deck for playing Euchre includes all nines, tens, jacks, queens, kings and aces. Also, set aside fives to keep score, sevens to track your trump, and then everything else from nines to aces.
    • The deck for playing Euchre also contains 4 and 6 spades and 4 and 6 hearts, they are used as scoring cards. Euchre is played up to 10 points, to keep score the players cover the suit icons on the cards. For the first five points, place one card face up and the other face down on it. Move the top card, revealing 1 suit icon for each point. To count the last 5 points, turn over the top card and continue counting to the end.
  3. 3 Identify the dealer. This person must deal five cards to each player, including himself. He can deal cards in any way, following a certain pattern. The most used distribution options are 2-3-2-3, 3-2-3-2. Each player can look at their cards, but should not discuss them, even with their teammate.
    • After the dealer has dealt five cards to each player, you need to check that there are 4 more cards left in the deck (the remaining four cards are called the "pot").

Method 2 of 3: Rules

  1. 1 The concept of a trump suit. In Euchre, the dominant suit is called a trump. Any trump card can beat any non-trump card. If the player plays with the trump suit, then the highest trump card wins the bribe. The precedence of the cards in the trump suit is somewhat different.
    • The cards are arranged in order of precedence as follows: (for better understanding, assume that the trump card is spades): Right Bauer (Jack of spades), Left Bauer (Jack of clubs), Ace (spades), King (spades), Queen (spades), Ten ( spades) and Nine (spades). A left Bauer is a jack of the same color with a trump jack. The order of cards in non-trump suits is usual: nine is the lowest card, ace is the highest.
  2. 2 How to keep score. The unit of calculation in the Euchre game is "bribe". There are 5 rounds in the game in total. The first pair of players to score 10 points wins the game.
    • If a team calls a trump card and wins at least three tricks, it gets 1 point. If she takes all five tricks (this is called a March), she scores 2 points.
    • If the team that appointed the trump card failed to take at least three tricks, then the opposing team gets 2 points. This situation is called Euchre.
    • If you decide to play alone (you can only do this if you have really good cards) and won all five tricks, then your team scores a whopping 4 points.
  3. 3 Think about your partner's cards. Try not to lay out good cards if your partner has already laid a victory card; it is possible that your team will receive this bribe without your help. Start with good cards so that your teammate doesn't have to fold potentially winning cards. However, if all of your cards are strong, play alone.
    • If one of the partners thinks that his cards are very strong, and he is sure that he can get all 5 tricks, he can "play alone" (most often this happens when a player has both trump jacks, a trump ace and one more any trump card. ”Such an alignment gives an excellent chance of winning the round). In this case, the partner does not participate in the round. You can report that you are playing alone during your turn, after the first card of the round is turned over and the players are urging to pass or take a trump. The game continues as usual, however, if a lone player collects all 5 tricks, then his team receives 4 points. If a player takes 4 or 3 tricks, then the team gets only one point.

Method 3 of 3: Play

  1. 1 Deal the cards. Create teams and appoint a dealer according to the previously described rules. Take a deck for Euchre, have the dealer deal 5 cards to each player, fold the pot.
  2. 2 Flip the top card of the bank face up for all players to see. Starting with the player to the left of the dealer, clockwise ask each player whether or not he is ready to accept the open suit as a trump card, the questioning continues until someone accepts the suit.
    • If a player is ready to accept an open suit as a trump card, he says, "I play."
    • If he doesn't want to accept an open suit, he says pass, or folds by knocking on the table.
  3. 3 The dealer takes the trump card. Then he discards one of his cards (usually the lowest of the non-trump cards). If the circle is completed, but no one has accepted the face-up card as a trump card, it is turned face down and the next round begins. During this round, the player can choose any suit as a trump card, except for the one that was in the first round. If the circle ends again without choosing a trump, then a retake occurs, and the move is passed on to the next player in turn.
    • It is considered advisable to only accept the trump if you have good cards in your hand. Otherwise, keep quiet.
  4. 4 The player to the left of the dealer goes first. Each player must adhere to a suit - that is, if a player has a card of the suit that was put first, he must play it in that round. If the player does not have a card of a suitable suit, take the bribe with a trump card, or discard a card of any suit. The highest card of the suit that was played first takes the trick if the trump card is not played in the round. The highest trump card takes all other cards.
    • If you have a card of the required suit, but you do not lay it, this is called a "re-play". If another player tells you what you did, his team gets 2 points. If you play on your own, the penalty for a “re-enactment” is 4 points (to the guilty side).
  5. 5 Let's move on to the strategy. Due to the fact that the rounds in the game are very short, you can easily memorize the cards. Imagine which cards your opponents have, this will help you determine which cards to play and which to throw away. For example, if the dealer takes a trump card for himself, do not forget about it.
    • If you win and have 2 or more trump cards, go with them. If your partner has chosen a trump, start playing with the highest trump, this will help you find the missing cards. Otherwise, work in sequence. If tambourines are assigned as a trump card, play with the ace of spades or clubs to win.
    • Don't hold on to your good cards. Euchre passes quickly - if you act slowly, you will miss out on the opportunity to take advantage of them. When opportunity knocks at the door, open it.
  6. 6 Find out when you are "in the barn." As soon as one of the teams scores 9 points, it means that they are “in the barn.” This should be announced with a lot of enthusiasm, as this usually indicates that you almost won the game.
    • If you want to laugh at this, ask one of the partners to cross their fingers together and turn them upside down, with his thumbs imitating an "udder", and let the other partner try to milk them.
  7. 7 Summing up the game. The five rounds of Euchre fly by fairly quickly, so it's best to do the math while playing. Use the sixes and fours you put aside earlier for keeping tables.
    • Once one of the teams reaches ten points, you will probably want to play again. Change teams, players' skills are better manifested in different combinations.


  • Some variations of the game include Joker. This is the highest card - it beats all other cards.


  • When playing for money, bets are usually announced as $ 5- $ 1- $ 1 or $ 10- $ 2- $ 2 and up. The first number is the rate per person based on the outcome of the game. The second number is for borrowers, the team will win $ 1 from each opponent. The third number is for yukras, the team will win $ 1 from each opponent.

* When playing with people from Michigan, you must use fives to count the points, and you can never score 9 points, and end up "in the barn"

What do you need to play

  • Standard 52 card deck
  • 4 players
  • A table or any flat surface.