How to convince your girlfriend to forgive you

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Apologize To A Woman And Recover Her Heart
Video: How To Apologize To A Woman And Recover Her Heart


Getting a girl's forgiveness can be tricky, especially if you really hurt her and betrayed her trust. If you want to return her, you must show that you are truly sorry, and make it clear to her that this will never happen again. When you do, you will have to be patient and give the girl time to accept your apology. If she is willing to forgive you, start working on gradually rebuilding the relationship.


Part 1 of 3: Talk to her

  1. 1 Apologize to her sincerely. If you want your girlfriend to forgive you, the first thing you should do is give her the most sincere apologies you can. This means that you have to get over yourself and see her in person, and not send a pathetic text message.Choose a place where you can enjoy a private conversation and a time when she is ready to listen to you. If the girl is too angry with you to date, respect it and wait for her to want to talk.
    • When you talk to her, look in the eyes, do not take out the phone and do not look around. Let her see that you are not distracted by anything and that her happiness is most important to you.
    • Keep it simple and concise. You don’t need to go into detailed, long explanations of why you did what you did, unless you feel that you cannot do without it. The main thing is that she needs to see that you are truly sorry.
    • Say something like, "I'm sorry that I did this to you. You have no idea how much I regret it, and how I wish it never happened. You mean so much to me ... I feel himself a complete jerk because he ruined everything. "
  2. 2 Show that you truly accept responsibility for your actions. Don't say anything like "I'm sorry you thought I did something wrong ..." or "I'm sorry you got so angry when I ...". These phrases sound like an attempt to shift the blame onto her, and give the impression that in this situation you believe her to be guilty, despite the fact that you did it wrong. If you really want her to forgive you, avoid saying such things at all costs.
    • Let her know that you are to blame for everything, and her reaction is absolutely understandable and normal. If you screw it up and your words sound like she did something wrong, you won't be able to win her back soon.
  3. 3 Be honest with her. If you want your girlfriend to forgive you, be honest about what happened. You don't have to tell her only part of the truth and let the rest come up later, otherwise she will rightly be even more angry with you. If you cheated on a girl, you shouldn't give her all the details, but you shouldn't try to downplay what happened. If you want her to fully trust you again, honesty is the best policy.
    • The girl will not forgive you if you hide the truth or openly lie. She will only get even more angry and feel even more hurt and hurt.
    • If you're worried that your honesty might make the situation worse, think about your words ahead of time so that they don't hurt her even more.
  4. 4 Promise it won't happen again and keep your word. If you want to show your girlfriend that you are truly sorry, you have to make it clear to her that no matter what happens, it will never happen again. Whether you cheated on her, disappeared without a trace for a while, or insulted her, show that you have carefully considered how to avoid it in the future, and even share your plan. This will show your girlfriend that you are serious about working on your behavior and staying with her.
    • If you cheated on a girl, you can say something like: "I'm so sorry that I cheated on you. I will never flirt with other girls or even look at them. You are very important to me and I will never again I will not do such a stupid thing. I will not be lost and will always answer your calls or SMS so that you do not worry. "
    • Remember actions speak louder than words. It's good to promise not to hurt her anymore, but it's much more important to keep your word.
  5. 5 Show that you intend to change. If you are required to take steps to avoid repeating the situation, then you should tell the girl exactly what you are planning. Let her see that you really don't want to hurt her again. Look into her eyes and tell her what you are going to do to become better both as a boyfriend and as a person. She will be touched by your efforts if you show that you really want to change and not go back to the old.
    • You can say something like this: "I'm very sorry that I called you that.Next time, if I feel like I’m losing my temper, I’d better come out and breathe deeply or be silent for a few minutes. I will definitely think about it before I speak, so as not to say more of what I really do not think. If I can't handle myself, I’m even ready to take an anger management course. ”
    • If you share your plan with a girl, be prepared to carry it out so that she will believe you.
  6. 6 Listen to her. Your girlfriend will probably have something to tell you about your actions, and it is very important that you really listen to her. Make eye contact, don't interrupt, don't mind, don't say anything until she's done. Let her know that her opinions and she herself mean a lot to you. When she speaks, show that you listened carefully by carefully replicating her words in your response.
    • You can use active listening techniques. When the girl has finished speaking, say "I understand you are ..." or "I see how you feel ..." to show that you thought about her words.
    • As much as you want to argue or argue when she's finished speaking, remember: you are here to apologize. Of course, you can explain your point of view, but do not be aggressive, otherwise you will make her even more angry.
  7. 7 Tell me how much she means to you. When you ask your girlfriend for forgiveness, it is important for her to know where she occupies in your life. Tell her how wonderful she is and how stupid it was of you to jeopardize your relationship with her. Remind her of the best in her that you love, and let her see that you are truly upset that you hurt her. You don’t need to suck up, but you need to clearly demonstrate that she is important to you and that you do not want to lose her.
    • Be specific. Do not say general phrases that she is the most wonderful girl in the world; tell me what qualities you value in her in order to emphasize your attention to her.
    • You don't have to pretend. If the girl really means a lot to you, she will see it as soon as you start apologizing.

Part 2 of 3: Winning Her Trust Again

  1. 1 Give her time if she is not ready to accept your apology right away. Even if you said everything you could and tried your best to convince her how much you would like to fix everything, it does not mean that she immediately rushes into your arms. She may not yet be ready to forgive you or even spend one extra minute with you. If so, be patient and don't pressure her to accept your apology as soon as possible. You made a mistake, so it's not up to you to dictate terms.
    • Be patient. If she doesn't want to date or even talk to you for a while, you must respect her wishes. You may want to find out from time to time how she's doing, but don't be intrusive so you don't ruin the relationship further.
    • Tell her that you are willing to wait and that you hope to start seeing her again soon. Let her see how upset you are and how you want to make up and date her again.
  2. 2 Move slowly. If she doesn't want to spend 24 hours with you right now, respect it. Perhaps she will gradually let you in again, and you should understand that she needs time to overcome the tension in the relationship. Watch TV or have lunch together from time to time, but don't try to arrange a romantic date or weekend trip if she barely looks at you. Start small, do the simple things you loved to do together, and slowly work your way forward.
    • This also applies to expressions of affection and intimacy. Do not bother her with your hugs, touches, kisses, do not try to take her hand or hug at every opportunity, until she is ready. This will only slow down the further process.
    • Let her make the decisions. If she wants to go to a party together, do so, but don't force her to appear with you in public when she's not ready.
  3. 3 Be reliable. If you want to rebuild your relationship, be someone she can rely on. You need to be with your girlfriend, be ready to help if she needs a ride or other service, come on a date at the appointed time and support her when she is upset and needs to talk. Reliability is one of the most important qualities of a good boyfriend, which is necessary for a girl to trust you again.
    • Don't let her down. If you promised her something and failed to do it, the reason should be very good.
    • Be there when she wants to talk or needs advice. Show that you are always ready to listen to her and help her feel happy.
    • You need to be reliable, but don't give the girl the impression that she can wipe her feet on you just because you are to blame. Maintain your dignity.
  4. 4 Be in touch. To regain the girl's trust, you must be available when she needs it. This does not mean that you should immediately give up everything and run to fulfill her desire, but try to pick up the phone when she rings or answer her SMS as soon as possible. Let her see that you have nothing to hide, and if you need to turn off your phone for a while (for example, in the cinema or during a match), warn her in advance so that she does not think that you are missing.
    • If you are out with friends, tell her where you are going and what you are going to do.
    • While your girlfriend doesn't have to keep track of your every move, in general, try to be open about your plans so that she doesn't worry about you hurting her again.
    • If you can't meet for a few days, call to see how she's doing. Show that you still think about her.
  5. 5 Don't overdo it. While you should do your best to earn her trust again, you shouldn't try too hard so as not to seem unnatural and playing a role. If from every word you say, from every action it will be clear that you are simply trying to win her favor again, the girl will decide that you are insincere with her. You can try your best to conquer her again, but do not forget to be yourself; after all, it was with you that she started dating sometime, didn't she?
    • You may be more caring, kind, and loving than usual, but you shouldn't completely forget about yourself. Be sure to devote time to your own interests and do not devote your whole life solely to making the girl happy.
    • If everything is going well, you can give her flowers or chocolate, but if you give too many gifts and she is not ready yet, then she may feel that you are trying to buy her love.
  6. 6 Don't give her reasons to be jealous. In order for a girl to forgive you for your infidelity, she should not have any reason to fear that it will happen again. When there are other girls around, you can talk to them, but do not flirt openly and, if possible, do not look at them too closely. When you receive a call or receive an SMS, do not go to another room and do not answer with a mysterious look; tell me straight out that it's your mom or your friend calling. Do your best for her to see that you are not staring at others.
    • Suppose you are not able to completely stop noticing other beautiful women, but try to minimize this, at least in the presence of your girlfriend. Think how upset it is.
    • If you've spent time with friends and some girlfriends you know were in the company, tell her yourself before she finds out from someone else.
  7. 7 Gradually return to your favorite activities together. As you work to earn her forgiveness, you and your girlfriend can start doing things together that you loved before, whether it's hiking, cooking, watching all of this year's Oscar-nominated films, or playing Mafia with friends. ...You shouldn't pressure her, however, when both of you are ready to return to old habits, let her see how glad and grateful you are that things are starting to return.
    • Take the time to socialize with your girlfriend and make her feel special. Focus less and less on reconciliation and more and more on the newfound pleasure in your relationship.
    • If she has complained about something unrelated to the offense you've inflicted (such as being late for dates all the time), be sure to take note of it.

Part 3 of 3: Return to Normal Relationships

  1. 1 Make her feel loved. As the relationship gets stronger, remember to remind her of how much she means to you. If you already say “I love you,” repeat it at least once a day; if not, be sure to compliment her and say nice things when you're together. Let her know and see how happy you are to be with her and how you love your dates.
    • You shouldn't choke a girl with your love, but you shouldn't take her for granted either. Do not think that since you are walking somewhere together, she herself must understand that you love her; Express your feelings with words and care.
    • Write her gentle words of love, or even write a whole letter about how dear she is to you.
    • Be careful. If she has mentioned a new book she wants to read, bring her this book. Let her know you were listening.
  2. 2 Find a new activity for the two of you. While going back to normal can make you feel more stable, you can also discover something new that will refresh the relationship and not remind you of the time you hurt her. Try a new sport together, sign up for a course, or even take a mini vacation and go camping or the beach for the weekend. This does not mean doing whatever the girl wants just to please her; it means trying something new and interesting that both of you will enjoy.
    • Nothing too complicated is needed. Learn to cook pasta together, go bowling or discover a new director's films. The most important thing is to keep the relationship fresh.
    • You don't have to take on many new activities right away. Try to do at least one new thing every week or two, while continuing to do what you loved before and still love. This will strengthen your relationship.
  3. 3 Communicate openly. To maintain a normal relationship, you must be willing to communicate frankly and listen to her as often as possible. Don't keep feelings to yourself and don't show passive aggression when you are angry. Instead, take the time to talk to your girlfriend about any relationship issues and understand each other. Listen carefully to her and find out what is bothering her, and also tell how you feel about it. Good communication is the key to a stable relationship.
    • An important part of communication is learning how to compromise. Make sure you can find a solution that both of you are happy with and that one of you does not have to constantly give in.
    • Learn to read your girlfriend's facial expressions and body language. She may be upset, but keep quiet about it; ask what happened. She will appreciate that you are so considerate.
  4. 4 Try to make the incident a thing of the past. Once you've apologized and worked to rebuild your relationship, you need to get on with your life. Even if the girl has forgiven you, she will not be able to completely forget what you did - and yet you both have to come to terms with what happened and think about the present and the future, not the past. If you both keep thinking about what happened, you will never be able to move forward.
    • You should re-enjoy the relationship as such, rather than focus entirely on rebuilding it.
    • Of course, if your girlfriend wants to talk about what happened, you shouldn't avoid it, but try to have other topics for communication.
  5. 5 Understand when nothing can be fixed. Unfortunately, it is possible that your girlfriend will never forgive you, no matter how you tried to change for her. If your guilt is too serious to restore the relationship, then it is important to realize this and stop in time. If you've been trying to recreate a normal relationship for months, but have constantly returned to what happened, continued to fight with the past and have not been able to be honest with each other, then you may both have to admit that nothing can be fixed.
    • If you get the feeling that your girlfriend will never be able to completely forgive you, you should honestly talk to her about it. If that's the case, the sooner you know, the better.
    • If the relationship ends because of your act, then the best thing you can do is learn your lesson and not make those mistakes again.


  • If you have an unpleasant situation with your girlfriend, you must do the main thing: from the very beginning, let her know that you love her and will do everything to keep the relationship. Even if she's at fault, take the blame and tell her you're ready to work through the situation so you can tackle the problem together.