How to convince your parents to let you and your friends go out

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to ask your parents to let you go out!!
Video: How to ask your parents to let you go out!!


If you want to hang out with friends or attend an important event, you first need to ask your parents for permission. If your parents are overprotective of you, you will need to prepare well to convince them to allow you to spend time with friends. Conduct the conversation in a respectful manner. This will help you get what you strive for.


Part 1 of 3: Plan Your Talk with Parents

  1. 1 Ask your parents when they will have time to talk to you. Find out when your parents have a few minutes to sit down and talk to you calmly about your plans. Adjust to your parents' schedule. Don't put your own interests ahead of your parents' interests. Appreciate their time.
    • If you usually have dinner with your parents, you can bring this up during dinner. Also, if you're used to spending time with your family on Sunday afternoons, take the opportunity and talk to your parents.
    • Talk to your parents ahead of time if you are planning to attend an important event. If you want to attend a concert in the coming days, do not postpone the conversation until the last moment. Your parents will certainly appreciate your discretion. If you need money and transport to attend the concert, notify your parents as soon as possible.
    • As a rule, parents disapprove of last-minute requests from children. However, in some cases, they may let you go to a friend's party.
  2. 2 Make sure your parents are in a good mood when you discuss your plans with them. Your parents may refuse you just because they are in trouble or tired. Wait for the parents to solve their problems. After that, you can ask them for permission to spend time with your friends.
    • Before asking your parents for permission, remember if you have been punished. This will most likely affect the outcome.
    • If you are punished, you need to show your parents that you have realized your mistake and are ready to change. If you don't, you can hardly expect to be allowed to hang out with your friends. Parents will worry that you might do something unnecessary.
    • Talk to your parents after completing your school homework and any assigned chores. Do the cleaning after lunch and your parents are unlikely to deny you your request.
  3. 3 Be patient while waiting to speak with your parents. Your parents will not give you a positive answer if you bore them too much with your request. If your parents are annoyed, you shouldn't rush things by demanding an answer from them. Let them think about your request for a few days.
  4. 4 Adjust to your family's schedule. Remember, this is in your best interest. Whatever your plans, choose a conversation time that is comfortable for your parents. You should not discuss this issue with your parents if you see that they are very busy. Instead, wait until they are free, and in a relaxed atmosphere at home, talk about your concerns.
    • For example, if your mom is about to take your sister to workout, ask her to stop at a nearby mall if it's along the way.
    • Make sure that your plans do not interfere with those of your parents. Don't ask them to give you a lift too often. Think over your own route.
    • Don't ask your parents to let you skip a family event to go to a party with friends. Otherwise, they will refuse you not only now, but also in the future.

Part 2 of 3: Talk to your parents

  1. 1 Prepare a compelling case for the parents. If your parents have a minute to spare, you should be ready to talk. The more information you have, the more convincing your case will be.
    • Tell your parents where you are going, who will be with you, how long you will be away, and what you will do.
    • Be honest. If your parents convict you of a lie, they will not trust you.
    • You may not know all the details. Find out in advance if you need transportation, money, hotel reservations if you want to attend a scheduled event.
    • Start small. Before asking your parents to let you go on a trip that will last a week, ask them to let you stay overnight at a friend's house. Parents will see that nothing has happened to you and will be more willing to let you go on a longer journey.
  2. 2 Tell your parents why you want to attend the scheduled event. This may be obvious to you. It's hard for you to imagine missing out on a trip with friends or a sale at the mall. However, your parents may not understand the reasons for your desire. Most likely, they are not very much inspired by what you like. Therefore, explain to them that this is very important to you.
    • If a trip or activity helps you gain new knowledge, be sure to mention it, as your parents most likely want you to do well in school.
  3. 3 Tell your parents what they want to hear. They care about you and your safety and want the best for you. Tell them that the place you are going to is safe and that you are not stupid enough to do anything illegal. Promise that you will pick up the phone and call your parents periodically.
    • If you are with adults, be sure to mention this. Your parents will have peace of mind that someone will take care of you.
    • Even if your parents already trust you, remind them that you deserve their trust. This will serve as strong evidence that you can be released to the scheduled event.
  4. 4 Remain calm when discussing your plans with your parents. If you become overly emotional or start to raise your voice, your parents will think that you are not mature enough and are unlikely to give you a positive answer. Of course, you can get strong emotions when talking to your parents, but don't let your emotions get the best of you. It is unlikely that the manifestation of excessive emotionality will positively affect the decision of the parents. You have a chance to convince your parents to let you go. Therefore, keep yourself in control, do not lose your composure.
    • Even if in the course of the conversation you realize that your parents will refuse you, do not yell or cry when you are disappointed.
    • Don't threaten or demand. You cannot convince your parents if you threaten them that you will stop doing housework. Ultimately, you will find yourself in a more difficult position.
  5. 5 Give your parents enough time to think things over. After you tell your parents about your plans, give them a chance to think. For example, you might say, “Thank you for listening to me. If you need time to weigh everything carefully, I understand and am ready to wait. " Doing so will show that you are a patient and mature person, even though you plan to spend time with a friend playing video games.
  6. 6 Suggest that the parents bring a brother or sister with them. If you see that your parents are hesitant, suggest that they bring their sister or brother with them. This gives you a better chance of your parents letting you go. They won't worry about you doing something wrong.
    • Siblings tend to share everything with their parents. Therefore, parents will trust you more if you are accompanied by a brother or sister.
    • If a brother or sister is accompanying you, behave yourself. Otherwise, they may tell your parents about your wrong actions.
  7. 7 Accept defeat to win next time. Even if your parents say no to you, their refusal can still benefit you. Thank them for the conversation. Don't get angry or shout. If you try to understand your parents and respond correctly to their refusal, then next time it is likely that they will give you an affirmative answer.

Part 3 of 3: Going to the End

  1. 1 Do your homework and all the housework ahead of time. Make an effort to clean the room and complete school assignments before going to your parents for permission. Don't give them any reason to doubt you. Impress them with your ability to carry out duties efficiently and on time.
    • If you don’t have time to do everything you need to do before talking with your parents, promise them that you’ll finish everything before you go to a meeting with friends.
  2. 2 Invite the parents to talk to your friends or adults if they will be attending the event. Most likely, your parents will ask if an adult will accompany you. Invite them to talk to your friends' parents. If your parents know you are being looked after, they will be more willing to let you go.
    • If you are not accompanied by an adult, do not lie when you say that your friend's parents will be with you. In the end, they will find out the truth, and they will not trust you.
  3. 3 Introduce your parents to your friends. If they are not familiar with your friends, they may be careful not to rush to let you go with them. Invite friends over to meet your parents. This will make them more willing to let you and your friends go because they trust them.
  4. 4 Be nice to your parents. This will help you in your business. While you wait for the final decision of your parents, tell them that you value them very much. You can also express your feelings in a note. Of course, your good behavior is very important. However, if you give your mom flowers and don't mind your dad eating the last piece of cake, chances are your parents will treat you more favorably.
    • Do this skillfully so that your parents don't suspect you of a lie. If your parents realize that you are being kind to them just because you want to go out with your friends, they will be very unpleasant.
    • Do not overdo it. Of course, you should be nice to your parents, but don't overdo it.
  5. 5 Offer to do extra housework. You can tell your parents that you are ready to help them with household chores. For example, suggest that they wash their car or mow the lawn before they ask you to. You can also help parents prepare dinner over the course of several days. You will show your best side. If you do the job for your parents, they will have more time to rest. This will positively affect their mood, and they will be more willing to let you go for a walk.
  6. 6 Express your appreciation. Thank the parents regardless of their answer. Be grateful if they allow you to spend time with your friends. If they say no, thank them too. Remember that your parents want the best for you. Be grateful for their love and protection.


  • Parents need to be sure that you will not cheat on them. Therefore, always tell them the truth.
  • If you do something that undermines your parents' trust, then most likely you will be punished. In addition, in the future, they are unlikely to allow you to spend time with your friends.