Schedule a date

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


You've gathered the courage, asked your crush, and the answer was “Yes!” - now what? Whether you're going out for the classic night out - and a movie - or something more adventurous, the main goal is to plan something fun with a romantic element. If you keep your date's preferences in mind, you are bound to have a good time. e.

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Part 1 of 3: Choosing an activity

  1. Choose an activity for the date. In general, the person who proposed the date chooses the activity; however, it is also perfectly appropriate (and sensible, too) to ask for input from the other. If you don't know your date that well (especially on the first date), it's best to choose something that most people can enjoy. That way, chances are you'll both have a good time. Try one of these typical date suggestions.
    • Be the tourist in your own city. Take a walk through the most beautiful park in the city, visit a museum you have wanted to visit for a while, or take a cruise.
    • Go to the cinema. In general, it is best to opt for a much-loved film. For example, it is better to choose romantic comedies and thrillers than serious drama films and gory horror films.
    • Look for live music. This can be in a restaurant, cafe or pub; it can also be a free outdoor concert.
    • Attend a sporting event.For example, go to a football match, or to a match of another sport.
    • Go to a restaurant, ice cream shop, cafe, or bar (if allowed).
    • Go to an amusement park or fair. Usually there is something there that you like. Consider, for example, attractions, games, food, performances, etc.
  2. Plan an adventure. If you think he / she can appreciate something more adventurous, then you have many options for a fantastic date. Doing something a bit crazier or scarier together is a great way to have fun, bond, and get to know each other better. Just make sure it's relatively safe, and not too crazy. Here are some suggestions:
    • Go to an amusement park and ride roller coasters together. Holding hands on the Ferris wheel is also a plus.
    • Visit a water park and go down the water slides. Don't forget to tell your date to bring swimming gear!
    • Try an adventure sport together. Skiing, snowboarding, surfing, canoeing, snorkeling, and wall climbing are all good options.
    • If you are real adrenaline junkies you can also think of skydiving and bungee jumping!
    • Try something neither of you have ever tried: learn to play didgeridoo, take a tango class, take an acting class, cook Mongolian, practice curling. Not every adventure has to be physically challenging. An artistic, intellectual, or musical adventure can be just as exciting and interesting!
  3. Make it ultra romantic. If your perfect date needs to be perfect from start to finish, schedule a day that gives you and your date enough alone time. Let those first romantic feelings get a chance to blossom. Choosing a beautiful setting is important, so choose a place where you both feel comfortable. Choose an activity that does not require you to work up a sweat right away, and that you will not get too disgusted with. Try one of the following:
    • Take a walk along a lake, river, or sea. Walking along the water is always romantic. Walk along the canals, along the surf, etc. If you can rent a boat, rent it in - so you can spend a romantic time on the water without getting wet.
    • Walk through the historic center of the city, preferably a street with nice cafes, ice cream shops, and cute boutiques where you can buy a present for each other.
    • Book tickets to a play. It helps if that play has a romantic element and a happy ending. A sad ending can give the evening a nasty aftertaste. If you don't like plays, go to a planetarium or some other place where you can spend time together in the dark.
  4. Date safely. Certainly for the first date you should not plan any activities that could put you in a vulnerable position. In general, this means that you won't be completely alone anywhere, and you don't have to become completely dependent on the other:
    • Meet in a public place: cinema, fairground, disco, concert, comedy club, etc. Make sure that other people are present and that the place is well lit. A dim beach can be romantic, but opt ​​for the well-lit boulevard rather than a secluded stretch.
    • Make sure you don't depend on each other when it comes to transportation. If she offers to drive, have a friend pick you up if necessary. Or keep an eye on the bus schedule, or opt for a taxi.
    • Make sure to bring your own money, even if you don't expect to pay. Maybe you need money for the taxi, for the bill, or for an emergency.
    • Be careful with drinks, especially alcoholic ones. Unfortunately, there are some people who put date rape drugs in drinks. Make sure to always keep an eye on your drink. Also make sure that the bartender pours your drink. Rather stick to bottled drinks, of which you know the taste. Prefer not to opt for cocktails.
    • If you are visiting a dorm or live in a dorm, leave the door open. If you leave the door open a little, you make it clear that you are not completely alone.
  5. Stay in the house for a pleasant evening. Inviting someone to your home is a free intimate matter. The other person will learn a lot about you based on your living room. But for people who prefer a quiet evening at home to the hustle and bustle of the city, this could be perfect. When you're ready to take this step, plan your quiet evening like this:
    • Make sure your home is very clean. If your date walks into a messy house, bells are likely to start ringing. A dirty, disorganized, smelly living room is a huge turnoff. Tidying up shows that you care about the other person, and that you have at least an ounce of self-esteem.
    • Create a romantic ambiance. Make sure the lighting is not that bright, dim the lamps. Make sure the space is inviting. Maybe you can put on some of your favorite music.
    • Don't be too bold! If you're wearing candles, Barry White, and incense, that might be a bit too suggestive. It can seem rather sleazy.
    • Make sure you have an activity planned. Choose a few films that you can watch, or prepare a video game. If you can cook well, it is also fun to do together.
    • Provide conversation topics. Having stuff related to you and your interests will help get the conversation started. You probably already have a lot of those things in your house! Your paintings, your guitar, your dog, your awards, your portfolio, and so on.
    • Be careful with the bedroom. If you're too direct and invite your date to the bedroom right away, it could send the wrong message. There's nothing wrong with inviting a date to your room, but if he / she doesn't seem comfortable, make sure you can move to a different place.

Part 2 of 3: Deciding where to eat

  1. Choose a place to eat. You can have a great date in almost any type of restaurant; this is not only possible in the luxurious, expensive tents. It could be an eatery with great margaritas, a French restaurant with luxury starters, but also, for example, that new pancake house.
    • You can choose a place where you have been before, or a place that has been recommended to you by an acquaintance. Nothing throws a spanner in the works faster than a restaurant with extravagant prices or bad food.
    • View the menu for prices. You can often find a sample menu online, and many reviews will tell you roughly how much to expect to spend. This prevents uncomfortable situations: you do not have enough money with you, or you unexpectedly have to pay a lot or a little.
    • If you are organizing the date, you must plan to pay for your date.
  2. Match the atmosphere of the date with the atmosphere of the restaurant. If you've canoed all day, consider having a casual meal. Consider, for example, lunch at a "rolling kitchen", or get some sandwiches from a delicatessen. If you are both gritty and sweaty, then going to an expensive seafood restaurant may not be appropriate or practical.
    • If you will be active all day, consider bringing a picnic basket. Bring a bottle of champagne or wine to make it extra special.
    • While casual dining is great, avoid fast food restaurants at all times. It's not about the price, it's about the originality. Take your date to a special place. If your date tells her best friend the details, you don't want that description to include “And then we went to McDonalds”.
  3. Make dinner at home. Nothing is more romantic than preparing a whole meal for your date. If you plan on keeping the date at home, it will make your date feel extra special. In addition, being able to cook well is impressive and sexy. Make sure to make something you've made before, so you know it's going to work, and so you know it's delicious.
    • You don't have to put together a complicated six-course menu, but a frozen pizza is not possible either. When you come home, make something tasty with good ingredients. Cooking together can also be fun and romantic.
    • Pasta dishes are quite easy to make, and relatively inexpensive.

Part 3 of 3: Planning the end of the evening

  1. Don't forget dessert. You can order dessert from the same restaurant you eat, or you can choose to go elsewhere. Regardless of what date you've been on, it's always nice to save a little sweetness for the end. It's that last thoughtful touch that shows your date that you put a lot of time and effort into planning the date. It also gives you the chance to share a dessert - just like in the movie.
    • Getting an ice cream is a fun way to end an evening in the summer.
    • If you're cooking at home, consider serving something with chocolate. That is the favorite of many.
    • If your date doesn't have a sweet tooth, you can go to the bar or grab a nightcap. If your date doesn't drink, or you are underage, this is obviously not a good idea.
    • Some people don't eat mighty desserts, such as people with diabetes. Or someone is allergic, intolerant to certain ingredients, has some other medical condition, or whatever. Be flexible and understanding.
  2. Closes elegantly. The end of a date can be a bit awkward if you haven't thought about it beforehand. Think a few steps ahead. Do you go home separately after dinner? Do you drop your date after dessert? Do you invite him / her to your home? Think about the logistics to avoid that awkward “now what” moment at the end of an otherwise perfect date.
    • Make sure your house is in order should you go to your house. Make sure it is clean and presentable. A kitchen full of dirty dishes and dirty laundry on the floor will give a negative impression.
    • End the date at a good time. The right time is often difficult to estimate. In general, it is best to finish the date at a logical time. When the last movie is over, for example, you can offer to take her home. In general, it is better to end the date a little too soon than a little too late.
    • Kiss, hug, or more? At the end of the date, especially if it is a first date, a gesture will effectively end the date. This is sometimes an awkward moment. In heterosexual dates, the woman should generally decide what to choose.
  3. Go with the flow. If something goes wrong, keep calm. Try to have a good date after all. Someone who is inflexible, stressed out, and touchy when faced with unexpected situations will not be very successful on dates. In fact, dealing with the unexpected in a creative, positive way can make a very positive impression.