Give a hickey

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Give or Hide a Hickey | Kissing Tutorials
Video: How to Give or Hide a Hickey | Kissing Tutorials


Giving your partner a hickey during a passionate kissing session can feel great, as can it playfully marking him or her as "yours." Receiving a hickey can also be delightful, provided it is done the right way. Start at step 1 and soon you will be able to give delicious love bites.

To step

Method 1 of 3: The hickey

  1. Know what a hickey is. A hickey, also known as "love bite" or "suction mark", is actually a subcutaneous bruise caused by sucking or kissing the other person's skin. Initially, the suction area is red because of the bruised capillaries under the skin. As it heals, the stain will turn purple or dark brown.
  2. Why would you want to give someone a hickey? Sucking kisses are a sign of passion. They are often given in a passionate moment from a strong desire for the other. Giving someone a hickey is like marking your territory and showing the world that this person belongs to you.
  3. Always ask for permission first. A hickey is a visible sexual sign, making it inappropriate for school, work, or when your grandparents come to visit. Some people want to avoid feeling embarrassed when the sucking spot is noticed, or save the hassle of hiding, so never give a hickey without knowing how your partner feels about it.
    • In addition, a hickey can be a bit painful, which can spoil the mood for some. So you have been warned!

Method 2 of 3: Give a hickey

  1. Build the tension. Don't immediately dip on your partner's neck to give a hickey. Rather, kiss and French kiss first and then move your lips to your partner's neck. Start with light kisses first, then kiss more firmly around the neck and collarbones. If your partner seems to be enjoying this, you can then give a hickey.
    • It's not very sexy to whisper `` Suck kiss? '' In someone's ear, so if you haven't asked for permission so far, you will need to let them know you'd like to suck kiss and then watch your partner do this. responds.
  2. Choose the right place. Suction kisses are best given on thin, soft skin, usually on the neck. But the skin on the inside of your elbow or on the inner thighs are also top locations. br>
    • If you know that your partner will be very embarrassed if he or she has a visible sucking mark, don't give a hickey in the center of the neck where everyone can see it.
    • If your partner has long hair, the back of the neck is a good place. Or you could give a hickey closer to the collarbones (close to the shoulder), so that the sucking area can be covered with a T-shirt.
  3. Part your lips a little and place them on the skin. Imagine making the letter "O" with your lips and press them firmly onto your partner's skin so that you can properly vacuum the skin without letting any air out. While doing this, try to keep your mouth soft and inviting rather than stiff and wrinkled.
  4. Suck the skin. It's important to suck hard enough so that your capillaries squeeze just under the skin, but not so hard that you hurt your partner. Hold the hickey for 20 to 30 seconds to create a suction spot. Do not forget:
    • Avoid using your teeth. You don't want to hurt your partner by accidentally biting him or her.
    • Take short breaks. If you find it uncomfortable to give a hickey for 30 seconds, try it for 10 seconds and kiss for a moment, then continue with the hickey in the same spot, and so on.
    • Make sure to swallow excess saliva. When you give a hickey, you don't want to leave drool on your partner's neck, so swallow any excess saliva.
  5. End your hickey smoothly. When you are done hissing, gently kiss the area around the suction area. This area may be a bit more sensitive now. Then continue with the kissing session.
  6. Wait a few minutes for the suction spot to appear. Just like with a bruise, you won't see a hickey right away. It will appear after 5 to 10 minutes and can vary in color from light pink to dark purple.
  7. Darken the suction spot (optional). If you want to make the suction spot darker or bigger, go back to this spot and start over.
  8. Stop when your partner asks you to stop. Maybe your girlfriend thinks such a suction spot is cool, but she doesn't like the way you give a hickey. When your partner says "No," always respect his or her wishes, even if you've just started with a hickey. A hickey is sometimes seen as a sign of trust, so it's definitely not okay to break that trust.

Method 3 of 3: Hide a hickey

  1. Use concealer. Applying some heavy makeup or concealer to hide a sore stain is certainly effective. Just make sure that the color you use matches your skin tone exactly and that you blend and fade it well, otherwise it will be obvious that you are trying to hide the suction stain.
    • Theater make-up is extra thick and heavy. You can use this make-up if you want to hide a very large and dark suction stain.
  2. Wear a scarf. To hide a suction stain on your neck, wearing a scarf is a good idea as well as a fashionable accessory where no one will wonder why you are wearing it (unless it's 37 degrees outside). Wrap the scarf around your neck so that you cover the suction stain and look in the mirror every now and then to see if your suction stain is not visible.
    • Another way to hide a suction stain on your neck is to wear a turtleneck sweater (weather permitting) or wear your hair loose, if it's long enough.
  3. Cover the area with a band-aid. A plaster will cover a suction stain, allowing you to give it time to recover without anyone else seeing it. However, a plaster on your neck may look like you are obviously trying to hide a suction stain. So you will have to come up with a reasonable excuse for this, for example, "I accidentally got burned with the iron" or "I squeezed a pimple".
  4. Try to speed up the healing process. Arnica ointment can help bruises heal faster and is therefore also effective in healing suction stains more quickly. There are numerous home remedies believed to speed up the healing process, including placing an icepack on the area, rubbing the area with a comb, scraping the area with a coin, and covering the area with a layer of toothpaste.
    • All of these methods and others are explained in this article.


  • Bite gently while hickering if you are comfortable doing this. Just a bite. This is something the other person may not like, so pay attention to your partner's reaction. It can also be extremely sexy and increase romance.
  • Don't bite too hard. If you are going to use your teeth, make sure that you only nibble gently.
  • Always be careful and do your best not to hurt your boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • When you suck, play with your tongue a bit. The area where you give a hickey is a bit more sensitive and your partner will feel even better everything you do. It's sensual and feels great.
  • Make sure your boyfriend or girlfriend is okay with getting a hickey. It can be very embarrassing if this is not the case.
  • Try to lick the area where you are going to give a hickey first.
  • Know how to hide a suction stain, because your parents will not be happy about this. It's best to get a hickey in winter, as you can put on a scarf and a jacket or sweater with a high collar.
  • Try other places to give a hickey, where the capillaries are close to the skin, such as the wrists, chest, or stomach.
  • To hide suction marks on your neck, you can wear a scarf, turtleneck, neck warmer, or a jacket with a high collar. To hide a suction stain on your arm, wear a long-sleeved shirt. Put some concealer on the area and powder it off.
  • To make a suction stain heal faster, place a spoon in the freezer. When the spoon is frozen, take it out of the freezer and let it thaw a bit. Press the spoon against the suction area to reduce the swelling. Then grab a soft toothbrush and wipe it on the spot from the outside to the inside, to start blood flow and restore the capillaries.


  • Getting a hickey can be painful. If you are the recipient and you don't like the hickey, stand back and tell your partner to stop.
  • Skip a hickey if your partner has hemophilia, a blood clotting disease. Also be careful with a partner with anemia: the hickey may then be much larger and more visible.