How to convince your parents not to let you go to school

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 22 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to convince your parents to let you stay home from school
Video: How to convince your parents to let you stay home from school


Don't feel like going to school? This desire sooner or later arises in every student. Perhaps you did not prepare well for a test or are facing bullying at school. In any case, there can be a lot of reasons not to go to school. You will need to pretend to be sick and inform your parents about it. Regardless of which disease you choose, the main thing is to depict its symptoms believably.


Method 1 of 4: Talk to your parents

  1. 1 Ask your parents for permission. If you don't want to go to school, ask your parents for permission if you can stay at home.
    • Find the right time. Choose a time when your parents are in a good mood. If you approach them when they are in a bad mood, they may refuse your request. If they are in a hurry, and you continue to insist on your request to stay at home, they will most likely refuse you.
    • Be prepared for your parents to refuse you. If you want to stay at home for no good reason, your parents may say no to you.
  2. 2 Take it easy. If your parents won't let you stay at home, don't throw a tantrum. It won't help you. This will show that you are not yet old enough to be at home without your parents.
    • If you feel the irritation is building up, take a deep breath. If you have time, you can approach your parents with the same request, but only later.
    • Don't be rude to your parents. They may have serious enough reasons for insisting that you go to school. If you behave rudely with your parents, unpleasant consequences will not be long in coming.
  3. 3 Encourage your parents to do housework. Try to find a compromise with your parents. They may be more willing to let you stay at home if you offer them to clean the house or apartment. If you can wash, ask your parents to wash their clothes.
    • If your parents allow you to stay at home, provided that you do your household chores, be sure to follow through. Do your best to live up to your parents' trust. Otherwise, in the future, they are unlikely to allow you to stay at home again.
    • If you can find a compromise, it will certainly have a positive effect on your relationship with your parents. If they see that you are ready to take responsibility, it will be easier for you to negotiate with them in the future.
  4. 4 Be honest. It may not be because you feel unwell that you do not want to go to school. If you are mistreated at school, talk to your parents about it.
    • Your parents may not let you skip class, but they can help you with your problem.

Method 2 of 4: Pretend You Have a Cold

  1. 1 Get up early. If you decide to stay at home in advance, you will have plenty of time to prepare. Try coughing loudly. If you want your voice to be hoarse, shout a lot.
    • Make sure your parents are not at home when you scream or cough loudly. If your parents convict you of a lie, you will have to go to school.
    • Most people experience the first symptoms of a cold a couple of days before the illness begins to manifest itself.Therefore, you can tell your parents that you feel that you are getting sick.
  2. 2 Figure out the symptoms of a cold. Sneeze and cough. However, don't overdo it. Show that it is difficult for you to stand and walk. Try to talk as little as possible with friends and family. Say that you are experiencing pain in a specific part of your body. If you say you have a headache, keep complaining about the headache.
    • Try to fall asleep, especially if you are watching TV. Sick children tend to fall asleep easily. If you say that you are not feeling well, but at the same time you cannot tear yourself away from your favorite show, your parents are unlikely to believe you.
    • Don't complain too much. Behave like a sick person, not just pretend that you are sick. So don't overdo it. Don't endlessly tell your parents how unwell you are.
  3. 3 Pretend you have a high fever. Place a hot water bottle on your forehead. This is the easiest way to show that you have a high fever.
    • Alternatively, you can immerse the thermometer in hot water. This will give you the temperature you want. However, this method will be beneficial if you put in a little effort and if your parents completely trust you.
    • Don't overdo it by pretending to have a high fever. If your parents see that you have a very high fever, they can call an ambulance or take you to the hospital, where your deception will be revealed very quickly. Do not raise the temperature over 38C.
    • Do not put the thermometer in the microwave. You will ruin it.
  4. 4 Use cosmetics. Of course, a little skill is required from you. However, with the help of cosmetics, you can make your face look painful. Using foundation, give your face a pale look, and use lipstick to make your nose a little red.
    • If you don't have your own makeup, be careful if you decide to use your mom's makeup. If your mom sees that you have used her makeup, she will understand that you are cheating.
    • When choosing lipstick, do not use pearlescent or glitter. Take your regular red lipstick.
    • Don't go overboard with foundation if you want to make your face look pale. Choose a shade that matches your natural skin tone.
    • Apply lipstick to the wings of your nose and around the corners of your eyes. Be careful not to get the lipstick in your eyes. You must create the appearance of irritation on the skin from constant rubbing.

Method 3 of 4: Pretend Your Stomach Hurts

  1. 1 Spend a lot of time in the toilet. If you want to pretend that you have a stomach ache, then you will have to spend a lot of time in the toilet. Most likely, your parents will start asking you questions about how you are feeling. Get ready for this.
    • Don't moan or be too noisy. Be calm.
  2. 2 Wet your skin to keep it moist. Wash your face with cold water to keep your skin cool and moist. Wet your hair a little. Parents should see that your skin is cold and damp. Tell your parents that you are very hot. They will think you have a cold sweat.
    • You can also try physical exercises like push-ups or squats. Do this many times so that sweat breaks out on your forehead.
  3. 3 Pretend you are dizzy. Nausea and vomiting are usually accompanied by dizziness. Do not make any sudden movements. Try to sit more. Walk very slowly.
  4. 4 Do not induce vomiting. If you say you are nauseous, do not induce vomiting. Say that you have a stomach ache and are not hungry. Try to eat as little as possible. However, do not induce vomiting, as this can have bad health consequences.

Method 4 of 4: Pretend You Have a Headache

  1. 1 Rub the whiskey. If you want to show your parents that you have a headache, rub your temples and close your eyes as often as possible. Lie on the couch or floor with your head in your hands.
    • If your parents ask you what is happening to you, tell them that you have a headache. Point to a specific location where you are experiencing pain, such as the back of the head or frontal area. The more accurately you describe your feelings, the more likely your parents will believe you.
  2. 2 React to bright light. When a person has a severe headache, he cannot look into bright light. If someone close to you opens the window and the room becomes too light, turn away. Say that it hurts you to look at the light.
    • However, don't overdo it. Generally, sensitivity to light is a symptom of a migraine, but with a common headache, a person rarely experiences this symptom. Therefore, decide for yourself whether it is worth mentioning this symptom.
  3. 3 Pretend you don't feel like doing anything. If you are complaining of a headache, then you should not be active. Don't get out of bed. Go to bed as early as possible.
    • Also, make sure your room is quiet. Do not watch TV or listen to music. Your parents are more likely to believe you if you don't have fun and sleep.


  • Be consistent when pretending to be sick. If you start complaining to your parents that you have a stomachache, and then start to get confused and talk about your leg hurting, your parents are unlikely to believe you that you are sick.
  • If you decide to pretend to be sick for more than one day, your parents may show you to a doctor who will prescribe medication for you. Be careful.
  • Reassure your parents that you don't need a doctor. However, if your parents still insist on this, remember that the doctor will prescribe medicine for you, and your parents will buy it. Don't impose unnecessary costs on your parents.


  • Don't overdo it so you don't end up in the doctor's office. You can deceive your parents, but you are unlikely to be able to deceive the doctor.
  • Don't do anything that could negatively affect your health. Do not take medications to cause symptoms of the disease.
  • Do not take medications if you are healthy! This can cause irreparable harm to health. Say that you have a stomach ache and that medications are unlikely to help you.
  • Remember that lying is fraught with negative consequences. Before pretending to be sick, consider that you are at great risk.
  • If you want to stay at home because of school problems, get professional help. If you encounter ridicule and bullying at school, tell your parents about it. You cannot solve the problem by staying at home.
  • When school is over, keep pretending that you are sick. If you only act like a sick person during class, and when your friends get home from school, tell your parents that you are feeling better, they will most likely catch you lying.