How to tell if a guy likes you

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
8 Signs A Guy Secretly Likes You
Video: 8 Signs A Guy Secretly Likes You


If you’re hanging out with your boyfriend and have become close enough, you might be wondering about his feelings for you. Whether you're in love or just want to be friends, there are a number of signs that can help you find the answer. Pay attention to the guy's body language and behavior around you, as well as the further development of the relationship between you. You can always address such a question to mutual friends or directly to the guy!


Method 1 of 3: Body Language and Behavior

  1. 1 Eye contact. If the guy looks you in the eye, try meeting his gaze with a smile and making eye contact for a few seconds. If he does not turn away, then it may turn out that you are interesting to him, especially in the case of a return smile.
    • It is also possible that the guy is just aware of your presence, or he has a habit of looking people in the eye.
    • On the other hand, some guys are very shy about the girls they like, so he might avoid eye contact if he likes you.
  2. 2 Smile. If you like a person, it's hard not to smile in their presence. Does the guy come to life at the sight of you all the time? It is possible that he likes you!
    • Don't jump to conclusions, as he may smile at you as a friend.
  3. 3 Mirror behavior. If you are chatting with a guy or spending time in the same company, then you will notice that he repeats after you every time you touch your face or straighten your hair. Subconscious imitation of the interlocutor is a sign of sympathy, so it may turn out that he likes you.
    • To test, try repeating short movements - straighten your hair or collar and watch the guy.
  4. 4 The guy's body and legs are facing you. We lean towards people we like and shy away from those we don't like, but don't even realize. Pay attention to the guy's body position during the conversation.
    • Also pay attention to his feet. If the socks are facing you, that's a good sign.
  5. 5 The guy is worried or uncomfortable in your presence. Some guys are shy in the presence of a girl they like. If he blushes, stumbles, or stops talking next to you, it could be sympathy or innate shyness.
    • If the guy you like is shy, try smiling or touching his hand to cheer him up and help him relax.
  6. 6 The guy finds reasons to touch you. If a guy is always ready to hug you, often touches your arm, shoulder, or finds reasons to be around, then it is possible that he likes you. However, touching people can be a simple habit, so pay attention to his behavior with others. If only you are honored with such signs of attention, then falling in love may be the reason.
    • If a guy is causing you discomfort with his touch, firmly ask him not to do so and take a step to the side. Don't be afraid to hurt his feelings. A decent guy will only apologize and stop this behavior. Stop communicating if he doesn't listen to you.

Method 2 of 3: Getting to know each other

  1. 1 The guy is always trying to be there. If he is always ready to help or meet, then falling in love may be the reason. Consider how often he is willing to cancel his plans with friends or find time to meet, even when he is busy.
    • It is possible that he is just a very good friend. Anyway, enjoy your meetings and communication! Over time, his true feelings will become clear.
  2. 2 The guy followed your social media profile. If a guy constantly likes your posts or subscribes to you on various social networks, then he probably likes you! Of course, this does not mean much if he spends a lot of time on social networks, but if he is usually not too active, then this is a good sign.
    • Don't think too deeply about his behavior on social media. For example, you might think that the "Like" mark on Instagram speaks of falling in love, but you will go crazy if you attach too much importance to such actions.
    • If he often writes to you online, but does not communicate much in person, the reason may be shyness and trying to get to know you better. Perhaps the guy is trying to gather willpower and ask you out on a date.
  3. 3 The guy is texting you for no reason. If a guy writes messages to you just like that, then he probably thinks about you and may even be in love. He's probably looking for excuses to write to you, like homework questions.
    • Try not to text your guy too often. In this case, he will be able to write to you first.
    • If you are good friends, it may be because you just want to chat. Remember, you should look for signs that complement the big picture.
  4. 4 Over time, the guy begins to openly communicate on personal topics. As he gets to know him, he may share with you personal details from his life or his past. If your boyfriend is comfortable talking to you about his emotions, this can be seen as a sign of intimacy and deeper feelings.
    • For example, he can talk about a problem in relations with his parents or brother, share a difficult relationship with an ex-girlfriend.
  5. 5 The guy gives you gifts and tries to be nice. It is not uncommon for many guys to express their feelings through actions rather than words. If he gives you small gifts “just like that” or is looking for an excuse to help you, then this behavior may indicate a desire for a closer relationship.
    • For example, if he offers you his jacket when you are cold, the reason may be the guy's nobility or a desire to show that he cares.
  6. 6 The guy teases you or compliments you. It's not uncommon for guys to tease or compliment girls they like. However, some guys like to tease all their friends or are generous with compliments, so pay attention to his behavior with other people. Does he only do this to you? This is a good sign.
    • For example, if you dress smartly for work, he may say, "You look great." On the other hand, he may also ask, "Wow, are you trying to get a promotion?"

    A warning: if you smile and blush when a guy teases you, then that's cute. If he humiliates and insults you, this behavior is NOT normal. You definitely don't need such a guy.

Method 3 of 3: Direct Approach

  1. 1 Ask your friends how the guy speaks of you when you are not around. If your friends are hanging out with a guy, ask him for help. For example, ask them to ask a question about you when you are not around to get his opinion.
    • For example, your friend might say, “I think Katya looks great today. What do you think, Misha? "
    • If he doesn’t miss the opportunity to talk about you, then he will almost certainly like you. If he rolls his eyes or says something unpleasant, then things are most likely different.
  2. 2 Talk to the guy's friends if you're not ready to ask him a direct question. If you are not ready for a direct question, but want to find out what he thinks of you, then contact the guy's closest friends. Of course, they will probably tell him about your interest, but you can also learn useful information for yourself.
    • You can say: “Semyon, do you think Kolya likes me? We spend a lot of time together, but I'm embarrassed to ask. "
  3. 3 Ask the guy directly to get a definite answer. If you ask a guy directly about his feelings, then you can hear an honest answer. It is better to ask without strangers, otherwise he may be ashamed.
    • If you are spending time in a company, you can say: "Hey, Dima, let's go get cocktails together?" When you step back a little, ask, “I want to clarify something. Tell me, do you just like me as a friend or as a girl? "
  4. 4 Confess your feelings. If you're ready to find out about a guy's real feelings, but are hesitant to ask directly, tell him how you feel when you're alone. Tell him that you like him so that the guy has to reveal his feelings for you.
    • If you want to be just friends, then say: “Listen, Vova, I want to tell you something. We spend a lot of time together and I consider you a great friend. Some of my friends think that I am in love with you, but I am not. I just wanted you to know. "
    • If you like a guy, you can say, “I don’t know how you feel about me, but I really like you. More than just a friend. "

    Advice: If you are a guy and you like your friend, then first try to find out his sexual orientation.

  5. 5 Write a note or message if you're shy. Sometimes the prospect of having a face-to-face conversation can be intimidating. If you are hesitant to ask the guy, try writing him a note or sending him a message.This will allow you to clearly articulate your thoughts, and the guy will have time to think about his answer.
    • Write a short cute text like, “I like you very much. I would like to know how mutual it is. "


  • Remember that indirect signs also help to understand a person's feelings, but the most correct way will be a direct question, so you don't need to get hung up on trifles!