How to train to become a professional soccer player

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Train Like a Pro | The Ultimate Guide To Individual Training
Video: How to Train Like a Pro | The Ultimate Guide To Individual Training


Perhaps the adults warned you not to try to become a professional footballer because it is very difficult. While becoming a professional footballer is truly challenging, you cannot know ahead of time without proper training. Here is a summary of the training required to become a professional footballer.


Method 1 of 4: Positioning

  1. 1 You must decide which position you want to play. Each position requires different levels of skill and strength. If you are unsure of which position to choose, the following considerations will help you figure it out.
    • Goalkeepers must be able to move freely and catch the ball well. They have to jump for the ball and take risks, they have to have a very quick reaction. The goalkeepers are the last line of defense, and therefore, when things go awry, they need to stay calm.
    • Defenders try to prevent the opposing players from getting around them. The defenders must be very fast so that they are not overtaken by fast attackers, they must have excellent stamina.Growth can also be important for a defender to hit corners and neutralize goals-scoring chances. In addition, the defenders must be very strong in order to stop the oncoming enemy.
    • Midfielders move the ball forward. They need to be very fast and good at passing. In addition, strength is important to them so that they cannot be neutralized by the players of the opposing team. Sometimes midfielders are given the chance to score a goal, so shooting skills are also an advantage for them.
    • The attack ends all rallies, scoring (if it succeeds) a beautiful goal on the other side of the field. They must be fast so as not to lose their bearings, strong - in order to stay firmly on their feet, they must also punch well on goal and play in the air.

Method 2 of 4: Learning the Rules and Tactics

  1. 1 Learn the rules. Football rules are pretty simple. The only rule that can be difficult to understand is the offside rule. The rest of the rules are pretty simple. Here is a brief description:
    • The ball must not be touched with hands. This is called playing with your hand.
      • If the hand is played in your penalty area, then your team gets the right to shoot a penalty. If the hand was played on purpose, the player may be sent off the field.
    • No desperate tackles. This is a violation.
      • If you break the rules outside your own penalty area, the opposing team will take an indirect free kick.
      • If you break the rules in your own penalty area, then the opposing team will take a penalty.
      • If the violation was not too serious, but noticeable, then you can get a yellow card. Treat it as a stern warning. Two yellow cards turn red.
      • If the violation was very dangerous, you may receive a red card. One red card is enough to send you off the field without the right to return until the end of the match. The same rule applies if you receive two yellow cards.
    • The throw-in should be performed with both hands, holding them behind the head and standing with both feet on the ground.
  2. 2 See more games. If your TV has sports channels, take advantage of it. Watch not only your favorite sports team playing, watch the games of the teams of the major and minor leagues. This will allow you to see what the major league team did and the minor league team did not, and how it affected the game. For example, one team gave good passes, which led to a large number of chances and goals. Try to implement this tactic in your games. Be sure to remember the work of all players, but especially the players in the position in which you want to play effectively.

Method 3 of 4: Exercise

  1. 1 Train every day. If you want to become a professional, then you need to be diligent. This means staying in shape, eating the right food, and getting enough sleep. You should exercise every day, but not overwork or strain your muscles, as this can throw you far back. When you feel a burning sensation in your muscles, do a little warm-up and take a break. Whichever position you play, you need to stretch the muscles of your arms and legs as much as possible. Here are some warm-up examples.
  2. 2 Run. Find a route in your area. This could be a park a few blocks from your home. It doesn't matter where you run, but you need to do it every day and every day try to run the distance faster. To practice this, jog for a few meters and then sprint for the same amount of time. Go back to jogging, then sprinting, etc. Try not to stop.

Method 4 of 4: Become part of the team

  1. 1 Join the club. This will give you an idea of ​​what it is like to be part of a team and how real matches are played. It will also give you the chance to interact with other players, referees and teams.Sharing your tips on how to play better and how to run faster doesn't hurt either, someone might even share their tips with you. When playing in a club or team, your chances of being noticed by the team scout are greatly increased.
  2. 2 Be fearless. In football, you have to take risks, so don't hesitate! You will be sometimes make stupid mistakes, you will be get hurt, but it's all a learning process. See you on the field ...


  • Train even in the off-season. If you cannot go outside, do the exercises that you have been doing during the year. This will keep you in shape even if the season ends.
  • Hard work equals success. Don't skip and do your best.
  • Hold on to your goal and don't give up. If you give up on one of the components, then you give up on everything.
  • A few weeks before the start of the season, go outside and run a few kilometers a day. This will improve your stamina and start the season fully prepared.
  • Jump rope. This increases leg speed and improves responsiveness.


  • Don't show your anger if something doesn't work out the first time. Angry players are a big problem for coaches.
  • No coach likes cocky and overconfident players. There is no one on the football field who is better than any of the players. The word "team" was chosen for a reason: you won't be able to play yourself. Do not under any circumstances imitate anyone. You will not be allowed out onto the field.