How a student can learn to manage time

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Study Skills – Managing your time
Video: Study Skills – Managing your time


After completing secondary education, many are not ready to manage their time as efficiently as student life requires. But everyone can learn how to manage their time without too much trouble if they use the right approach.


  1. 1 Do not spend your breaks between class and preparation lying in bed. You may be tempted to lie down in bed after long sessions, but don't fall into this trap.
  2. 2 Schedule a specific time to prepare each item. Another important characteristic is the regularity of classes. Knowing when to practice will make it easier to plan your actions during this period. Never study in a hurry! By making an exam preparation plan, you will be able to study day after day in less time. And at the same time, you will not have the oppressive feeling that you are not doing enough and you need to learn too much. Of course, the learning rate will vary from person to person. Someone grasps faster and can remember a large amount of information, while others find it easier to digest a small portion at a time. Therefore, you need to focus not on the duration of the classes, but on whether you have time to memorize the subject in order to demonstrate excellent knowledge on the exam.
  3. 3 Do something new. It may seem to some that new activities will make the day even more hectic, but this is not the case.Diverse activities will teach you to be more mindful of time planning.
  4. 4 Avoid AIM, Orkut, Myspace, Twitter, Facebook and other social media. They are among the most addictive computer activities. Therefore, make it a rule for yourself: do not look on social networks until you have completed all your homework. Also, chatting with old / online friends distracts your attention from the learning process and educational programs.
  5. 5 Use a diary. Student life will become much more organized if everything that needs to be done is recorded in some kind of planner.
  6. 6 Don't give in to stress. Don't use a minute of time to cry into your vest about the unreasonable stress on the poor student. It is better to exercise hard, and you will have more free time to rest.
  7. 7 Try to find environments and ways to make your studies more effective. For example, music or noise is very distracting from classes, but for some they can be useful. It is very effective to work with partners - this way you can share notes, ideas, and also meet new people.
  8. 8 Avoid partying all the time. You should have enough time to get adequate sleep to relieve daytime fatigue.


  • Don't give up, imagine yourself as your ideal or the leaders of your group, and try to think like them.
  • Try to smile as you read. For the body, a smile is a positive indicator, and this improves memory and neuronal activity.
  • Respect the time! Keep your day at its fullest, with plenty of time to wow yourself at the end.
  • Avoid music with words. Better listen to something from the classics or instrumental compositions. This will help you focus on the subject matter, reducing fatigue and distraction.
  • Avoid junk food, eat something your mom has prepared and drink it down with a glass of juice. Bananas and apples improve memory and help concentration.
  • Create an appropriate classroom environment in which you will not be bored. Think of the movie you watched with interest, and you can still name many details. Therefore, create a creative environment to make your classes more effective. For example, a desk lamp allows you to concentrate only on the subject being studied, without being distracted by the environment.


  • Although the student's job is to get an education, do not be afraid to take a break from time to time and have fun. Constant stress and anxiety about any issue is another trap that knocks you out of your rut.