Ways to Drink Tea for Weight Loss

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
7 Health Benefits of Green Tea & How to Drink it | Doctor Mike
Video: 7 Health Benefits of Green Tea & How to Drink it | Doctor Mike


Many scientific studies have proven that those who regularly drink tea, especially green tea, lose weight faster than those who do not. Now it's time to throw away your gym bag and pick up the kettle! Here is the inside secret information about using tea to lose weight for you here.


Part 1 of 4: How Tea Helps Lose Weight

  1. Choose a tea based on its effectiveness and your preference. It's best if there is a tea you like to drink, but keep in mind that some teas are considered to be more effective in losing weight than others.

    The most effective: Green tea, white tea, or oolong tea
    Average efficiency: Black tea
    Less effective: Tea does not contain caffeine or herbal tea
    Harmful if taken in excess: Sweet tea, diet tea

  2. Drink tea every day and form a habit. Find ways to create healthy tea drinking habits. The easiest way is to set "tea time" as a rule. Drink one cup in the morning and one in the afternoon, then drink a decaffeinated or herbal tea at bedtime, as these are still effective even without caffeine.
    • Drink tea instead of coffee in the morning.
    • Brew tea first and chill it to make iced tea to drink on hot days.

  3. Don't put anything in tea. Cream and sugar will destroy all the benefits of the tea's weight loss. You need to practice drinking pure tea, without adding anything.
  4. Drink tea to fight cravings. Tea is a great way to help regulate your metabolism. For best results, though, start with tea every time you have a craving for sweet or unhealthy food. A hot cup of tea usually helps to soothe your stomach and avoid the temptation of food. advertisement

Part 2 of 4: Choosing Teas and Supplies

  1. Find a tea you like. Although non-herbal teas are all made from the same tea plant, tea's properties will vary depending on how long the tea leaves are exposed to the air. The lightest is white tea, usually made from unopened leaf buds. Green tea is made from green tea leaves, while oolong tea and black tea are made from the leaves that are dried. Although many studies have often focused on green tea, you can still benefit from any tea. Find the tea you like to drink and remember that there are many different flavors in each tea category.

    Green and white teas:The tea leaves are processed and come in many varieties and flavors.
    Black tea:Tea leaves undergo a thorough processing, which causes certain beneficial substances (theaflavins and thearubigins) to transform into more complex forms. These substances remain, but may be less effective.
    Oolong tea: Specially processed teas, which can speed up your metabolism, are even better than green tea.
    Caffeine-free tea: Any of these teas, decaffeinated. Caffeine is beneficial for weight loss, but decaffeinated tea still has many other benefits as well.
    Herbal tea: Any type prepared from plants other than traditional tea. Usually they have little effect, but are still a good alternative to high-energy drinks.

  2. Be careful with tea for dieters. Although dietary tea tastes like black tea or herbal tea, it may contain a laxative, so it is recommended that these teas be "in moderation". Experts warn against drinking too much tea for dieters because it can increase the risk of vomiting, nausea, persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain, and even fainting and dehydration.
    • The concept of a "diet" tea is a misnomer - any tea that is not sweet and natural can help with weight loss. Some teas that can act as a laxative or fat-blocking drug should be labeled as such. However, the laxative only helps clean the intestines (the body already consumes calories). You may lose some weight at first because of dehydration, but when you drink something, your weight will remain the same.
    • One cup is enough. Seriously. You will regret drinking more.

    Careful if in tea there are cholera, aloe vera, frankincense, rhubarb root, buckthorn, or castor.

  3. Read the ingredients on the label. There are so many types of teas on the market that we don't know where to start. It is best to start from reading the ingredients listed on the label. If there is any sugar or sweetener in it, you should return it to the shelf.
    • This doesn't mean you have to avoid flavored green teas. Yes, some have sugar, but some don't. And if you can rely on all-natural ingredients, all of them are good for you and for your waistline.
  4. Easy to make tea (and drink tea). A common problem is tea making. Although this is not an extremely difficult process, it may not be as easy as it seems. While it is possible to make a quick cup of tea in the microwave (pour water into a ceramic cup and microwave for about 2 minutes until it boils, then add a tea bag), you can still make it simpler:
    • Buy an electric teapot. Electric kettles are available in kitchen and bathroom stores, available at a wide range of prices, and are easy to use. All you need to do is fill in the water and push the button to bring the water to a boil. You can make tea by placing individual tea packets in a cup, or placing multiple tea packets in a kettle when the water is boiling. Use a thermos to store more boiling water. Pour water in, drop in a few packets of green tea and place it next to the kettle or on the table for convenience when you need to drink a cup of tea.
    • Buy an iced tea maker. The hot months when drinking hot tea do not seem to be enjoyed very much. However, you can still drink as much tea as you normally would by using an iced tea maker. As with electric kettles, simply fill the machine with water, add ice (follow the manufacturer's instructions) and tea bags. Turn it on and enjoy pure iced tea in just a few minutes.
    • Make iced tea from the night before so it can be used quickly during the day. If you don't have a few minutes to make iced tea every day, make the night before and keep a pitcher in the refrigerator. Instead of bringing a few bottles of soda to work, think about filling a thermos of iced tea and taking it with you during the day.

Part 3 of 4: Creating A Daily Routine

  1. Create good tea drinking habits. To take advantage of tea, you need to drink tea every day, as often as possible, and drink pure tea. If you find that drinking tea is not delicious, easy and convenient, you will not be able to keep that habit. How can you make yourself drink more tea?
    • "Stocking up tea" is the easiest way to start. If you have to work eight hours a day in the office, then keeping tea there is also a good idea - include your favorite mug (or thermos), plus a microwave or electric kettle .
    • Invite people to drink English tea - the way to enjoy tea with friends. If you find that making the whole teapot seems useless alone, invite others to drink. Make a pot of tea at work and invite a colleague. Invite a family member or roommate into a late-night tea routine. Once you become a social activity, you will be more likely to stick with it.

    Do not add cream, milk or sugar if you are trying to lose weight.

  2. Drink tea instead of morning coffee. Start the day with a cup of tea instead of your familiar cup of coffee. Tea drinkers can also save calories, especially when visiting a coffee shop. Some drinks in coffee shops have hundreds of calories, while in tea shops only tea.
    • As noted above, it's important that you drink pure tea. Adding milk may disable the tea's ability to inhibit fat (flavonoids). What's more, research shows that skim milk is the worst! Isn't it strange?
      • This study only deals with milk cow. If you want to try soy or almond milk, give it a try - but remember it can work just as well as cow's milk or not.
  3. Use iced tea (unsweetened) instead of soda for lunch and dinner. Sugar, and even diet sodas, are known to have an adverse effect on weight loss. The sodium in diet soda can keep your body hydrated, so make the smart choice - unsweetened iced tea. Iced tea is also an ideal option if you are looking for an afternoon caffeine stimulant. Iced (or hot) tea works the same way if there is no sugar in regular soda, nor the sodium in diet soda.
    • Much of the "energy" behind drinking tea to lose weight is because you don't absorb any energy. Tea is low in calories (if used correctly) and helps to tame other high-calorie foods.This concept is like losing weight by drinking filtered water.
  4. Drinking a cup of hot tea can also quench your appetite in the afternoon. Regardless of the chips and cakes in the vending machines inviting, make yourself a cup of tea. If you go out to drink tea, the EGCG antioxidant in green tea is actually effective in reducing the amount of glucose that causes cravings, and can help control hunger.
    • What's more, the tea making process (as opposed to putting a coin in a vending machine) also gives you a break between working hours - and you can think of good things, as well as have options. choose appropriate foods to eat instead of candy bars that provide empty calories. Have a chat with someone in the tea room with you. This is a great way to relax, relax and socialize in just 5 minutes!
  5. Drink a whole cup of cold tea right before dinner. Drinking cold tea before dinner will fill part of your stomach, meaning you'll feel less hungry when it's time to eat. (Of course, eating a healthy dinner is still important.) Cold tea is just as important. Cold tea is metabolically heated by the body, which will burn extra calories, resulting in more weight loss.
  6. Drink a cup of herbal tea (Tea does not contain caffeine) Before go to bed. Regardless of your weight loss goals, drinking a cup of hot herbal tea to close the day can help you relax your body and mind. Because good sleep also plays a role in weight loss, prepare yourself for a good night's sleep with a cup of tea.
    • However, do not drink tea close to bedtime; otherwise you have to get up to the toilet and interrupted sleep, especially if you are pregnant or have incontinence.
  7. Drink tea on time. Some experts believe that some teas need to be absorbed at certain times of the day for the best results in weight loss. While drinking tea is fine, consider drinking a variety of different types to see which works best for you.
    • White tea can prevent fat absorption, so drink it at noon.
    • Tea like blueberry tea can balance glucose levels, so it's most effective when taken with dinner.
    • Pea, green tea, and oolong tea can boost your metabolism, so drink it in the morning (and throughout the day!).
  8. Drink tea on the go. Many people nowadays spend a lot of time traveling. Make this activity more fun by turning it into a chance to sit down and drink tea! Please bring with you a tea pot or two for convenience. Have tea ready for the decisive time of your day.
    • Basically, the topic of this article is drink, drink, and drink. Not only don't you get a chance to put something in your stomach, you don't even want to do it - the more you drink, the fuller you'll feel.
  9. Consider your caffeine intake. Some teas contain caffeine - not like a cup of coffee, of course, but if you drink tea 24/7, it builds up! Although caffeine is not technically dehydrating, each cup of tea has about 50mg of caffeine. If you can avoid it, don't exceed 300mg.
    • If you have a bad reaction to caffeine, use herbal teas that do not contain caffeine. Although this should not be an issue for most people, some people are particularly sensitive to high levels of caffeine leading to insomnia, anxiety and symptoms that persist, even for hours after.

Part 4 of 4: Stay Motivated To Drink Tea

  1. Balance tea drinking habits with a healthy diet. Think again: If you don't see results in your new diet, you won't follow. Drinking tea is a great idea, but you will see the fastest results with a healthy diet. Together these two will give you a boost to take into account!
    • Do you know what tea goes with the right foods? Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. You made your own tea, why not cook your own tea in the meantime? Cut back on processed foods. Preparing your own foods means that you know everything you eat.
  2. Avoid getting bored. Drinking one tea over and over can be boring for your taste buds. Would you like to have the same food every meal? To keep your tea drinking habit, mix and try teas, flavors and modifications. It can be fun to keep your tea collection at home or on a cup shelf in the office so you can choose a tea flavor according to your mood.
    • Add some honey or candy bars to the tea. Remember that doing so is against your original weight loss goal - but a little honey or sweetener may make the tea taste better. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to drink this kind of time from time to time.
    • Try adding some fat-free flavoring cream or a few drops of lemon juice to add flavor to the tea. A slice of lemon can make the tea taste better. What's more, one study found that people who drink black tea with lemons have a 70% lower risk of developing skin cancer.
  3. Discover new flavors of tea. Talking about tea, it is true that heaven is heaven, below are teas. There are countless brands and supplies of tea that you will never taste them all. Learning about new tea types, flavors and styles is a delight for tea enthusiasts.
    • Here are some teas worth a try, all of which are thought to help with weight loss:
      • Anise tea: promotes digestive system function and can actually soothe stomach upset.
      • Peppermint tea: controls taste and accelerates digestion
      • Rose tea: prevents constipation and contains many vitamins
      • Atrial tea: shrink fat cells (so drink in the morning)
      • Bad grass tea: reduces swelling and mild diuretics (should only drink one cup)
    • To maintain your true diet, you should choose tea and make your own tea instead of drinking pre-made tea. Some pre-made coffees and teas have large amounts of sugar that are bad for the diet.
  4. Drink tea consciously. Diet often makes you feel hungry and deprived. Your awareness can restore healthy eating habits, as well as help calm you down and keep your food choices in control. Even if you are not a tea addict, keep tea with you to resist temptations.
    • Humans have been drinking tea for thousands of years and for a reason!
    • Tea and meditation? Have you ever said, "How pleasant it is"? Yes, you are about to do it.
  5. Capture information. According to a study by Abdul Dulloo, the Institute of Physiology at the University of Friborg in Switzerland, the antioxidant plant compound EGCG present in green tea, plus caffeine, increases thermogenesis by 84 percent. Heat generation is the generation of body temperature through digestion, absorption and metabolism of food. Green tea also increases norepinephrine levels, which prepares fat for the body's intense "fight or flight" response. Knowledge is power, guys! It is also the driving force!
    • Although no researcher believes green tea (or other tea) is the "magic wand" that helps with weight loss, every weight loss expert agrees that drinking plenty of water or drinking tea, plus dieting. Sweets and soda can help speed up the digestion process and perhaps also keep you away from unhealthy snack packages. Whether it's miracle or not, this is still a good idea.


  • Drinking 3-5 cups of tea a day can burn about 50-100 calories.
  • Take control of your diet. You will see faster results.
  • Many teas have many different uses, including heart protection, tooth decay, health promotion, increased resistance, etc. It is important to read carefully about each tea you choose, for the benefit of they are different.
  • Drinking warm / hot tea will not slow down digestion like drinking tea / cold drinks.
  • Maintain your diet by drinking whole tea or with skim milk or a sugar substitute.
  • Researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center recommend drinking two or three cups of tea a day to see health benefits and / or weight loss benefits.
  • You can lose 1kg in a week by drinking tea 3 times a day.


  • Drinking too much tea can prevent iron absorption.
  • Caffeine can cause trouble sleeping. Don't drink or eat caffeine 3 hours before bed.
  • Drinking too much tea can stain your teeth. Prepare teeth whitening products if you want a radiant smile.
  • If you have trouble sleeping, avoid caffeine after 4:00 pm, and don't drink more than one cup of tea a day.
  • Tea is only delicious for a while. Avoid aged tea and should rotate tea to ensure that the oldest tea is consumed first. Buying less tea can ensure you don't drink the old tea.
  • If you are a tea enthusiast, setting aside space for tea storage is also a problem. Set aside a certain area in the kitchen or cupboard to store tea and be limited.
  • If you want to try a new diet or have an exercise plan, consult your doctor first. Each person has different needs, so you need to find your own needs.
  • Some herbal teas can be harmful to some people, so be sure of the ingredients in the tea. Avoid teas made from bellflower, as they contain liver-damaging pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Many countries have banned the consumption of bell flowers.
  • Drinking 3 cups of tea a day can cause problems with teeth and sleep.

What you need

  • Kind of tea
  • Tea drinkware