How to become a healthy teenager (for guys and girls)

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 7 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Lots of articles on how to be a healthy teenager are for girls. It doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl, this article is for you! From personal hygiene to healthy eating. Everything is covered here!


Method 1 of 3: Physical Health

  1. 1 Start eating healthy foods. Eating the right foods is essential if you're going to be a healthy teen. You don't need to go on a diet, just pay attention to what you put in your body ..
    • If you only eat sweet cereals or bars for breakfast, then you will never be healthy. Depending on your body and what works best for you, you should eat three times a day, or divide your portions into 5-6 meals. NEVER skip a meal. Try healthy alternatives. For example, instead of eating ice cream, try frozen yogurt, or eat an apple instead of chips.
    • Drink plenty of water. This is more important than anything else. The more water you drink, the healthier you become. It flushes toxins from the body and gives your skin a healthy glow. It also keeps your skin hydrated and prevents blackheads. It is also a great way to get rid of acne. Make it a rule to drink water until your urine is almost completely clear.
  2. 2 Start doing more exercise. Whether it's a walk in the park or a little warm-up. Exercise for about 20 minutes, several times a week.
    • Don't exercise every day to avoid damaging your muscles. Recovery is what makes them stronger. If you do not allow them to recover, you can seriously harm yourself.
    • Exercise will make you stronger and tone your muscles. You can go to the gym, go swimming, go jogging, purchase activity videos, or just go for a run around the house.
    • Whatever you do, exercising will make you healthier and more satisfied with your body. It also helps to reduce stress and calm down!
  3. 3 Be sure to get enough sleep. You need more sleep during puberty than when you were younger. Of course, you really want to chat with friends on the Internet or chat on the phone, but the next morning you will feel disgusting.
    • You need to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. To determine how much time you need to get enough sleep, go to bed at the same time during the weekend as in the middle of the week, but do not set the alarm. When you wake up, count how many hours you slept, and try to get the same amount every night.
    • It's hard to get back from school late and get up early in the morning, but going to bed early will make you feel more alert in the morning. This will help you concentrate better and you will feel in a great mood.

Method 2 of 3: Taking care of hygiene

  1. 1 Learn the basics of hygiene. The more you know about hygiene, the easier it will be for you to follow the rules!
  2. 2 Take a shower every day. No, not every other day, but every day. During puberty, the sweat glands become more active and produce a variety of chemicals that make sweat smell foul.
    • So, to be sure to wash off your sweat, you need to use mild soap and warm water! Even if it's hot outside, it is necessary to use warm water, as it opens the pores. This means that you will thoroughly wash off all the sweat.
    • Rinse your body with cold water to close your pores and prevent bacteria from growing that lead to unpleasant odors.
  3. 3 Wear clean clothes and remember to use an antiperspirant under your armpits. Guys, this means you need to change your socks and underwear every day. Girls, you need to wash your underwear every day if you sweat a lot, and every other day if you do not sweat.
  4. 4 Brush your teeth twice a day. Try to brush your teeth after every meal! When brushing your teeth, hold the brush at an angle so that it is parallel to your gum.
    • Move the brush back and forth to thoroughly brush all teeth.Make sure to use a soft brush to avoid damaging your gums. Use a brush to get rid of bacteria on your tongue. If you didn't know it before, bad breath is due to either poor nutrition or improper brushing of your teeth.
    • After brushing your teeth for three minutes, you must use a mouthwash. Also floss twice a day, or at least overnight, so that no food debris remains in your teeth.
    • Rinsing your mouth or brushing your teeth alone will not help you get rid of the bad odor; you need to use dental floss to remove food debris. If you don't do this, bacteria will build up on the pieces of food and cause an unpleasant odor.
  5. 5 Wash your face no more than twice a day, using warm water and a cleanser that suits your skin type. Don't use a harsh scrub! Slowly and gently wash your face in circular motions.
    • Never do not pop pimples as this can lead to scarring or infection. Try to keep your hands away from your face, otherwise the sebum from your hands will get on your skin and lead to acne.
    • Always wipe makeup off your face before you go to bed, and always wash your hair to keep sebum away from your face.
    • Avoid washing your face too often to avoid drying out your skin and causing irritation and itching.
  6. 6 Wash your hair. Most people have to do this every day, but if your scalp produces small amounts of oil, you can wash your hair every other day.
    • Ask someone about it. If it seems to you that your hair does not look greasy, then this does not mean that it is. However, don't wash your hair too often, as your hair needs some of this oil. Washing your hair too often can lead to irritation and itching on the scalp, as well as dandruff. Therefore, you should wash your hair as needed.
    • Use a shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type. If you are using hair products, wash your hair with a cleansing shampoo every 2-3 weeks to get rid of it.
  7. 7 Shave. If you are a teenage guy, then you need to start shaving your face, and if you are a girl, then you need to shave your legs and armpits. Here are some tips:
    • Don't skimp on shaving cream. Use enough cream to cover the entire surface to be shaved off. You can also use an electric shaver if you have one. Then you do not need to use foam, and it can be used to shave both dry and damp skin.
    • Shave in the direction of hair growth to avoid ingrown hairs, which are quite painful.
    • Wait about half an hour before applying lotions and deodorants to shaved skin, as these can irritate the skin.

Method 3 of 3: Maintain Healthy Relationships

  1. 1 Spend time with your friends. While this is not a problem for most teens, it is necessary to hang out with friends and meet new people.
    • If you have few friends, then you should go out more often and meet new people. It's not as difficult as it might seem! Join a club or sports team where you can meet people who have the same interests as yours.
    • Try to avoid social events where alcohol and drugs are consumed, otherwise it will cross out everything that is written in this article!
  2. 2 Be tolerant with your parents. Teenagers often have rather difficult relationships with their parents, as they try to undermine their authority.
    • Keep in mind, however, that your parents are concerned about your safety and happiness. Therefore, if they forbid you to do something, it is only because they find it dangerous or not the best thing to do for you.
    • Thus, dealing with disagreements is best done through calm, reasoned conversation with your parents, rather than through hysterics. Remind them that you are a mature, sensitive, near-adult person who can make good decisions. You get a lot more leeway if you use this approach!
  3. 3 Be sensual when it comes to relationships. Dating a boyfriend or girlfriend means having something nice and fun in your teenage life, but you shouldn't let a relationship take over your entire life.
    • Don't sacrifice your friends in favor of a new boyfriend or girlfriend, as this relationship may not last long, and friendships last a lifetime.
    • Don't get too upset if something went wrong. You can rest assured that the boy or girl you dated for about six weeks in ninth grade is not the love of your life! Go out and meet new people!
    • Be sexually responsible. If you have made the decision to have sex, then you should make sure that you approach it responsibly. Always use contraception and get tested regularly for sexually transmitted diseases.
  4. 4 Maintain good relationships with teachers. It is very important to maintain good relationships with teachers by trying to behave well in class, doing homework on time, and getting high grades.
    • Getting along well with your teachers will make school life much easier and more enjoyable for you, and will play into your hands when it's time to go to college.
    • Most of your teachers are smart, interesting people (even if you don't think they are cool), so respect them and learn everything you can from them before it's too late.


  • Brush your teeth every day. Don't even try to skip this procedure. Everyone will know about it.
  • When you shave, you shouldn't do it too hard or too fast, as this will result in cuts and burning. Shaving slowly and gently will take a few minutes longer, but the results will be worth it.
  • Always wear clean clothes.
  • With these tips and your own actions, you can enjoy healthy and great wellbeing as a teenager.
  • If you are cooking bacon or any other greasy food, you should get rid of the excess fat by blotting it with a paper towel.


  • Never try to lose weight by fasting. NEVER! You will gain weight first, as your body will take this as a signal that not enough food is coming in and will begin to store it. Then, your head starts spinning, you become irritable and weak. All will end with the fact that you go to the hospital. Once you start eating normally again, you will regain the lost weight. If you don't like your weight, then talk to your doctor and develop a HEALTHY and SAFE weight loss plan.
  • Don't shave too fast!

What do you need

  • Toothbrush / paste
  • Shampoo / conditioner
  • Facial cleansing gel and lotion
  • Shaving cream
  • Razor
  • Healthy eating
  • Clean clothes
  • Sportswear for exercise
  • Deodorant
  • Dental floss