How to Become a Highly Qualified Ethical Hacker

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be an Ethical Hacker in 2021
Video: How to Be an Ethical Hacker in 2021


Over the past few decades, there has been an increase in the demand for ethical hackers (also known as white hat hackers) as they are able to protect the computer from dangerous tampering. Ethical hackers are technically skilled IT professionals who prevent problems related to the activities of hackers that harm network systems.

To become a professional ethical hacker, you need to be motivated, committed, proactive, and self-educated and trained in ethical hacking.


  1. 1 Learn about the pros and cons of various types of hackers such as White Hat, Gray Hat, and Black Hat.
  2. 2 Look for job offers for ethical hackers. There are attractive locations in government agencies, banks, financial institutions, military organizations, and private companies.
  3. 3 Analyze the basic requirements for ethical hackers. Try to identify areas where you will need to really work hard.
  4. 4 Determine the areas where you will have to work primarily with software or hardware. Don't try to specialize in both directions at once. While knowledge is required in both areas, it is best to start with either one. You must have an understanding of every function, every component of the computer that you have to work with.
  5. 5 Assess your strengths and interest and start by learning a programming language, for example, C or Java. These languages ​​can be learned by taking certain courses, or with the help of self-study guides. Learning these languages ​​will help you read and write code.
  6. 6 Learn the UNIX operating system, which is the original operating system created by hackers. Also explore Windows and Mac operating systems.
  7. 7 Take professional courses. There are a myriad of courses designed to educate IT professionals about computer security, such as Ethical Hacking or Internet Security, to help you expand your knowledge of ethical hacking.
  8. 8 Experiment to learn more about situations that may arise during the course of your work.
  9. 9 Start experimenting with hardware and software to learn how to take control of the situation and prevent your computer from being compromised.
  10. 10 Read specialized literature on your own to improve your knowledge in any specific area. Technology changes frequently, and a trained ethical hacker must be prepared for such changes in order to keep up with the times.
  11. 11 Earn a certification to help you gain an edge in your job search.
  12. 12 Connect with the hacker community to exchange information and ideas.


  • Explore new information
  • Focus on your work
  • Don't do anything just for fun.
  • Don't do anything for the money
  • Always work within the law and do not try to break it.

What do you need

  • Computers
  • Diligence in learning new information
  • Enjoy your work
  • Maintain anonymity