How to become a professional poker player

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 5 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How I Became a Professional Poker Player as a College Student
Video: How I Became a Professional Poker Player as a College Student


If you've made a tradition of playing poker with your friends every Friday, here's how to become a pro and always beat them. It's actually very simple. If you are ready to spend a little time reading this article, we will try to teach you basic tricks that can be used when playing poker.


Part 1 of 3: Getting Started

  1. 1 You need to understand that if you are already far from young, it will be difficult for you to become a professional poker player. All of the world poker champions were under the age of 25. The sooner you start playing, the more chances you have to climb to the very top. A young mind is more inclined towards learning.
    • It is not enough just to know the rules of the game. You also need to have some strategy, know how to bluff, and know when others are bluffing.
    • In most countries, you must be 21 years of age or older to play casino poker.If your country has such a law, most likely, if you are under 21, you can only play with friends, only at home and not for money.
  2. 2 You need to be a very, very good player. You must learn to beat all your friends and acquaintances. Only then will you know that you are on the right track. It doesn't matter if you play every day in one small local casino or travel to another city every week. You should always be the best.
    • Learn to play with all types of people. All people are different, but they have a lot in common. You must learn to read the facial expressions and even the thoughts of your opponent. Many people always use the same strategy, others have no strategy at all. Only a few are really good at playing and know what they are doing. You must be able to accurately determine the nature and level of professionalism of the players you are dealing with.
    • Don't just play Texas Hold'em. There are many more different types of poker - Omaha, seven-card poker, five-card poker, and so on. The more variations of the game you know, the better. Perhaps someday this knowledge will be useful to you.
  3. 3 You need to practice and play poker all the time. Once you have accumulated 1500 hours of gameplay, you will finally start to succeed and you will begin to understand the essence of the game. Many people make a living playing poker. You must try to win, whatever the cost, and work for the result.
    • Always place big bets, it will help you to always be careful and make the most of your efforts to win.
    • If you place big bets, you will win a lot of money. It will motivate you, help you move to the top.
    • In this way, you will be able to notice your weaknesses. You will see what and where you are doing wrong, how you give yourself away when bluffing, and so on.
  4. 4 Decide on your budget. Always write down your costs and benefits. It's easy enough. Think about how much money you need to make each month so you don't need anything. Some need $ 5,000, others $ 25, many need $ 500. If you make enough money, then you are doing everything right.
    • If you think you need more money, that means you need to place big bets. You will lose more, but you will also win more. Accordingly, you will have to change the circle of players, start playing with more professional players.
  5. 5 You always need to play in great tension. In poker, you cannot relax and be distracted. You must learn to win, whatever the cost. You must learn to bluff and recognize bluffs. You must learn to never lose your temper, never pretend that you have a bad card.
    • Always be calm, do not show emotions. Use logic. Even good players get nervous sometimes, which leads to losses and regrets. You need to learn to hide your emotions and always sit like a terminator with a stone face. Have you heard the term "poker face"? So, this is about you.
  6. 6 You must determine the size of your bankroll. This is the pool of funds that you have for playing one poker game. There are two types of bankroll:
    • Restricted Roll Bank: Most often, a number is used to determine this roll bank, for example, 300 big bets. Determine what bets you need to place in order to win the right amount of money. After that, based on the size of the desired winnings, calculate the size of the initial bet. If you bet $ 20-40 at a time, you will be making about $ 1,600 per week, you will need a bank roll of about $ 12K.
    • Unlimited Bank Roll: There are no boundaries, there are no betting restrictions and the winnings can be tiny or extremely large. If you want to place bets no more than $ 500 (ransom), you need to have a bank roll of $ 12,500.

Part 2 of 3: Hone your craft

  1. 1 Find a place where you can consistently make money. If you become a professional poker player, this does not mean that you absolutely need to go to Las Vegas or start participating in tournaments and world championships in poker. It is enough just to always win against players in your city or even just in your area. The main thing is that you must have a constant source of income. If you find a good place to make money, come back again and again.
    • You will likely gain a reputation quickly, especially if you always play in the same place. Over time, people will simply not want to play with you, because they will know that you will definitely beat them. It may even happen that they just understand your strategy and learn to recognize your bluff. This is even worse.
  2. 2 If you don't live in the United States, you can try playing poker over the internet. Many people and professional poker players find this to be much more convenient and easier. It is easier to make money this way, no one sees your face and does not know who you are.
    • If you live in the United States, it may be illegal to play online poker. Recently, the United States banned gambling, or rather the sponsoring and payments of rewards and winnings by US banks to participants in online poker games. You can play using a proxy server or play poker for practice with no cash rewards. We do not recommend that you break the law.
  3. 3 Start collecting bank roll. You must have a fairly large amount of money, especially if you want to make a big win. Take this seriously. If luck is not on your side, it will be very difficult for you. So when you win, set aside half of your winnings to create a pot roll for the next game. You should have a bank roll stocked up several months in advance.
    • You don't need to get too carried away by participating in various tournaments and competitions. You don't want to be recognized in all parts of the country. Plus, you can lose a fair amount of money.
  4. 4 You should also have a spare amount of money that you can live on if you lose the entire bank roll. Never place big bets if you don't have enough money for it. Always leave a few hundred or thousands in case you are unlucky enough to lose the entire bank roll. Do not get carried away with gambling too much, you may develop an addiction to gambling.
    • If you feel that you have developed a gambling addiction, you need to seek help immediately. To do this, you can contact a psychotherapist or call a special hotline, the number of which can be found on the Internet.
  5. 5 Don't be afraid to play with professional players in big casinos. If you have learned to play well and already easily beat all your friends and acquaintances, it's time to move on to the next stage - playing with professionals. If you still can't beat the professionals, you don't need to be ashamed of it, the main thing is that you constantly win money - no matter who.
    • Think about what else you need to improve on. You may be bad at bluffing or bad at distinguishing when another player is bluffing. You must learn to play better and better.

Part 3 of 3: Professional Play

  1. 1 Register to participate in various poker tournaments and championships. If you have already learned how to beat all the good and professional players in your city or even in your entire area (province), it's time to earn more and move on to the next level of professionalism. Browse the internet for the dates and times of the various poker tournaments and championships and register to participate.
    • The biggest event for poker players is the World Poker Tournament where the starting stake is $ 10,000. This is a game for those who have a lot of money and who have been playing only with professionals for a long time.Think carefully before registering for such a large-scale event.
  2. 2 Learn from the professionals. If you want to improve, you need to play with players who are better than you, not worse. If you're afraid, start by reading books, watching videos, and sign up for courses. Learn from the masters. You don't have to play poker with them.
    • Try reading Phil Gordon's "The Little Green Book" or "Super System 2" by Doyle Brunson, they will teach you a lot.
    • Many poker sites are fraudulent organizations. They take your money and do not provide any useful service. Before paying for something, figure out what's what.
    • If you know a few professional poker players from whom you can learn a thing or two, be sure to try playing with them or ask them for advice. it is useful to have a poker coach to constantly improve your level. It will be helpful for them to share their thoughts and ideas, and it will be helpful for you to listen to them.
  3. 3 Move from place to place constantly. Play in different casinos, increase rates, find new rivals. Take part in poker tournaments and championships. All this is necessary in order for you to learn to play better and start making more money. Step by step you will overcome the path leading to world fame and untold wealth.
    • Most likely, you already have several dozen or even hundreds of friends who play poker and keep you updated on news and various events in the world of card games. You can subscribe to newsletters or simply be constantly interested in news and updates on poker sites.
  4. 4 When you start earning enough, you can quit your job. Work prevents you from improving your skills. First, it takes up valuable time from you. Second, as long as you have a different source of income, you have no incentive to make more money playing poker.
    • Grasp every opportunity. Professional poker players can train beginner players, write a book, create a website on the Internet. The life of a professional poker player is not all about participating in tournaments and championships. You don't have to turn the game of poker into a routine that you do 40 hours a week. Life should be fun and interesting.


  • When you bluff, watch the expression on your face. You don't have to do the same thing all the time when you bluff, or these actions will start giving you away.
  • You can buy a poker program that you install on your computer to constantly practice playing with yourself or with your computer.
  • If you know someone who plays poker better than you, ask them to help you and teach you how to play better.


  • Never place big bets if you don't have enough money to do so. Never take money to place bets from your inventory. You don't want to go bankrupt completely.