How to become attractive

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Ways To INSTANTLY Look MORE ATTRACTIVE | How to Look More Attractive
Video: 7 Ways To INSTANTLY Look MORE ATTRACTIVE | How to Look More Attractive


Do you want to be irresistibly attractive? Like others at first sight? Have many friends who think you are the best and truly love you? Read on ...


  1. 1 Love yourself. Usually they love people who love themselves. If you don’t love yourself, don’t expect others to do the same.
  2. 2 Be happy. Everyone is drawn to happy people, and no one wants to be around a sad and sad person.
  3. 3 Create an attractive look. Make sure you are clean and tidy. You don't need to put on kilos of makeup: a little lip gloss and mascara is enough. Wear whatever clothing you like, but make sure it suits you, flaunts your figure and hides flaws, and of course, it should be clean and tidy. Keep your nails, hair, skin and teeth in good condition and remember to shower / bathe regularly.
  4. 4 Be kind, helpful and considerate. Treat everyone like your best friend. Don't insult or tease people; Stand up for those who are wronged. Do not get into someone else's fight, but try to resolve the conflict. Keep your promises, don't be rude or gossip.
  5. 5 Whatever you feel, keep a smile on your face. Don't stop being nice and don't ignore people. Whatever happens, behave normally. If you really can't help it at all, at least explain to people what happened. “Sorry for my irritability. This is because my laptop broke down yesterday, and there was all my homework! " much better than "Leave me alone!" People will understand. If you are the type of person who always thinks that something is wrong, force yourself to smile, because people do not want to delve into your problems all the time. Like you, they want to surround themselves with happy people.
  6. 6 Treat your teachers with respect. Always do your homework, do not chat in class, and do not miss classes. Try really. If you really focus, you will learn a lot of useful and interesting things. After all, you have weekends, breaks, and before and after class to mingle with your peers. So sit still and listen.
  7. 7 Be sane and level-headed. This will bring you respect and sympathy from the older generation - parents, teachers, high school students and other adults. In an emergency, think calmly, find the most logical solution and act. Remain calm, don't scream and rush.
  8. 8 Have self-esteem. This is easier said than done, of course. But you must understand that you are worth something. Read articles on building confidence and don't put off working on yourself. If you don't like something about yourself, change it now. You have the strength to do it. Remember that in order to be loved, you must love and respect yourself.
  9. 9 Be a good listener. This advice always works because people love to be the center of attention. Just listen to them, even if it bothers you, and you will be amazed at the result.
  10. 10 Love yourself so that the people around you will love you too. Respect everyone and everyone. And don't forget, the SMILE is the most important thing.


  • The most important is unconditional acceptance, love and self-respect. It is a very subtle thing, but with constant practice, it invariably sows the seeds of true love and respect for you in the hearts of other people.
  • Be faithful. Don't "jump" from friend to friend by gossiping about them - as a result, all your friends will turn their backs on you, you will lose trust and get a bad reputation.
  • Don't be mean to people, even if others do.
  • If someone insults you, answer calmly and politely, but be able to stand up for yourself. Sow love, not hate, and you will look like a good and kind person, not accepting other people's stupidity.
  • Don't panic if you didn't manage to achieve something right away. Take each step carefully and thoroughly before moving on to the next.
  • Do not do to anyone what you would not like to receive in your address!


  • Don't try to take advantage of everything at once - there is such a thing as “too good”.
  • It's best to say no to the mild if you don't want to do something!
  • You may still dislike or envy you. Don't let that bother you. Remember, in general, roughly the same number of people love and hate you. If you are a terrible person, terrible people will reach out to you. If you are good and follow these tips, good people will love you.
  • Don't overreact yourself - be careful not to lose your feelings.
  • Don't make anyone jealous. Both sides will eventually be injured. Life is not a movie.
  • Do not let anyone offend and humiliate you, there are many other, good people around.