How to become invisible as a ninja

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 14 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How To Become Invisible and much more in Ninja legends Roblox
Video: How To Become Invisible and much more in Ninja legends Roblox


Here are tips to help you become invisible as a ninja. The secret is in choosing the right colors and trying to change the image.


  1. 1 Don't wear black. Black is not the best choice for a ninja. It may seem inconspicuous, but it is not. Know that invisibility is the art of using simple techniques and skills used in an effective way to make you difficult to see or hear. You can throw out all your instructions that say that a ninja should wear black.
  2. 2 Remember, you must become invisible. To be invisible means that you will not be seen or heard, which means that they will not be recognized. Remember the parable of the tree that fell in the forest, where there was no one? It ends with the question: If there is no one there to hear the tree fall, has it reproduced the noise? Yes, the tree reproduced the noise. Why? Because if you were there, you would definitely hear it and say, “Wow, how loud!”. Regardless of your presence or your perception of reality, the tree will always produce sound. The main question is whether we define the word "sound" and whether we associate it with our hearing. When a falling tree creates noise, this fact does not depend in any way on our perception of definitions. This is a different concept of invisibility. Both the theory and the tree remain undefined and thus invisible. You want to be this tree.
  3. 3 Pay attention to the fact that you can make sounds, as well as catch the eye of the enemy, but you must not be caught. This way, you can be in sight of your enemy, he can even see you. However, due to the fact that you have merged with your environment, you cannot be caught.
    • Another example: "Where is Waldo?" You can search for Waldo who is in your field of vision, but since you cannot touch him, he remains invisible. Invisibility is the art of mixing with the environment, becoming an insignificant part of it, as well as dissolving in it.
  4. 4 Improve the art of disguising yourself as well as your indicators. An indicator is something that says, for example, "This is me, and I am hiding behind this rock." We mask our indicators by improving our skills in the following areas:
    • Camouflage. Obviously, you want to be quiet when walking through a forest or dark alley. The key to stealth lies in learning and practicing several stealth techniques. Camouflage is usually thought of as clothing with a green pattern, which is usually used in the forest.In fact, camouflage (artificial or natural) is any skill used to go undetected. This includes - seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling:
    • Vision. The human eye first of all notices movement. Thus, this is your number one priority. In order to stay out of sight, you need to know what you can do and what your opponent is trying to do. Here are the highlights:
    • Learn to move calmly and smoothly. Convulsive movements are easy to see. In addition, you should not disturb the calmness in the natural environment. A flock of birds flying into the sky is a sign that someone is in the area.
  5. 5 If you are heard, it does not mean that you have been caught, even if it is obvious that you are there. However, if you are seen, it is now not only clear that you are there, but your exact location is now revealed. What's this? Big oversight?
    • Your visual goal is to eliminate the distinct outlines of the human shape. You will need to pay attention to posture and lighting. Think about what can help create a silhouette and know when to hide, crawl, walk, or run.
    • What uniform or costume are you currently wearing? Do you stand out or blend in with your surroundings? Are you holding a large sword or does your weapon resemble a tree branch? Formulate an opinion.
    • Depending on the situation, a tracksuit is often the best piece of equipment for becoming invisible in the city. Why? And if you are revealed? The tracksuit looks less defiant than if you are seen wearing a tabi (double-toed ninja warrior shoes). In ninja photos and movies, the uniform looks great, but it looks better like a fallen tree than a model from a ninja magazine.
  6. 6 Choose the correct colors for your masking. In order to be invisible, it is imperative that you wear clothing or material that blends in with your environment. Colors must have the same level of intensity, brightness and contrast in order to remain invisible. Use the following tips.
    • Night: navy blue, black, gray or other dark colors
    • Countryside: green and brown
    • City: gray, sometimes blue
    • Even if it's night outside, this does not mean that the black uniform will make you invisible. This outfit will make you stand out, and when you move, you will be easy to spot, unless you are going to be in the darkest part of the shadow. Black uniforms don't look realistic. Remember that black is not natural: the sky is dark blue, not black, and grass and trees are brown or green. In addition, black uniforms have a limited runtime at night, while green and brown can adapt evenly when the sun rises.
    • Remember that your goal is to eliminate the distinct outlines of the human shape. Choosing a color can help you do this.
  7. 7 Watch your movements. Always move from shadow to shadow, from stone to stone, from obstacle to obstacle. Other strategies and specialized body tactics are used in conjunction with your movements. When you look like a part of the environment, rather than a person hiding in the bushes, the more likely you are to remain invisible.
    • Most likely, you will use the environment in two ways: either hide in it, or merge with it. If the place in which you are hiding does not completely hide your appearance, then you need to take a position that will look like your shelter. For example, try lying on the ground between rocks, crawling close to it, and stretching your arms and legs along the tree branches.
  8. 8 Note that by doing this (like the object of hiding), you will do your best to be in the position that is most beneficial to you. If you lie face down in the mud and cannot react to an opponent who is about to stick a knife in your back, then you will have much more serious trouble than dirt on your face.
  9. 9 Train your night vision. It can take about 30 minutes for a person's eyes to adapt to darkness. Anyone who is not adapted to night vision suddenly loses vision. A flash of light is all that is needed to disrupt a person's night vision for the next 20-30 minutes. So, don't lose your night vision and don't let the enemy adapt in the dark. This will allow the warrior of the shadow to track the enemy, and himself to remain unnoticed at night.
    • Note: When looking at things in low light conditions, you will have a better chance of seeing them if your eyes are not focused. You can do this by looking around an object, for example, describing a figure eight with your eyes.
  10. 10 Take care of the noise. Another important aspect of the art of staying invisible is your ability to move quietly, overcoming certain distances. Below are some practical tips to help you stay invisible. After some time and preparation period, you will begin to develop your own stealth style. Of course, there will be some deviations in what you have learned here and in what your own style is. These methods alone are not enough to move as quietly as the wind at night.
    • This information is just a principle that should help you practice and is of little use on its own. You should practice until you can move well in silence without making unnecessary sounds. In order to move in silence, we must pay attention (but not focus) to what may be causing the noise in the first place. The next step is to try to avoid things like "Here I am!" In training, you can practice your stealth skills using different tracks or terrains. This will help you try different tactics and techniques that you can use.
  11. 11 Make a choice. You have reached the point where you have to choose one of two paths. One path is open and covered with sand, while the other is narrow and protected by trees. Which path would you choose? It will be easier to walk along a sandy path quietly, unlike a road with trees, the leaves and branches of which rustle. However, the tree-lined road provides better cover and camouflage, as we learned earlier. Therefore, you will be heard there rather than seen. The following aspects will reveal to you the many options that you may be dealing with:
    • Ш - steps. This is your most important skill for keeping quiet. You depend on how you walk. Practice will make the difference. Before stepping, shift your weight onto your leg that is on the ground while the other leg is in position. This requires improving the skills of balance and harmony.
    • Oh - sensation. Steps are only half the battle. Use your arms and legs to grope for obstacles and overcome them. The thick outsole prevents you from feeling these obstacles and also creates unnecessary noise. It is best to use light shoes or walk with bare feet. The more you feel your surroundings, the more likely you are to cover the distance without making noise.
    • B - exhale. Don't hold your breath while you move. Breathe with every step, turn, turn, or crouch. This will relax your muscles and help you have better control over your body.
    • B - attention. Pay attention to your surroundings, not just the ground. Look around all the time. Concentrate as you step, but remember to keep your surroundings in mind. This includes all senses.
    • C - listen. Be mindful of the sounds you make and pay attention to how those sounds correlate with your surroundings.Freeze if you make a sound and listen for any reactions or other signs of detection. Listen constantly to any changes in the environment.
    • T - tolerance. Patience is the key to being quiet. If you are not patient, then your movements will be choppy and you can make mistakes. How long can you stand in one place, completely calm.
    • P - balance. Concentrate, keep your knees bent, and move all your muscles and joints naturally. Move like a cat - balanced, calm and fluid.
  12. 12 Develop your walking skills. These are the skills your instructor should teach you:
    • The usual cautious step
    • Cross step
    • Cat step
    • Swift feline stride
    • Careful crawling step
    • Squat
    • Transverse sitting
    • Falling back
    • Practice
  13. 13 Practice. Here are just a few ideas to expand your knowledge and inspire new ideas.
    • Kitty Kitty Kitty. Try sneaking up on a sleeping cat and touching it before it opens its eyes. Note that this only works with cats that are active and healthy. Plus, stuffed animals won't work either. By "cat" I mean the house cat, not the mountain lion.
    • Click, crack, clap. Another thing to teach you how to sneak is to use a voice recorder or tape recorder to record sound. Create enough space between you and the recorder for you to sneak up on. Listen to the recording to see if you managed to sneak up quietly. Pay attention to all natural sounds in the environment. Try doing the same in different locations.
    • Don't turn around. Play is a great way to improve your kicking skills. We play a lot in martial arts training camps. The only requirement is to have one more person. Here are some of the games we use:
      • Ask your partner to stand 50-100 steps further away from you. Your task is to sneak up on him from the back and touch his shoulder so that he does not feel your approach. Your partner listens carefully and has only one chance to turn around, but only if you are about to touch him. You win if you manage to touch him first, and he wins if he touches you first. This requires a lot of patience, both on the part of the ninja and on the part of his opponent.
      • Boo! The next game requires you to know the other person very well. If you haven't figured it out yet, the game is to sneak up and scare the person. Some people can get very angry if you scare them. So, make sure you know exactly who you are scaring (make sure the person doesn't have a heart attack and you don't blame yourself for the rest of your life). You will have to design the rest of the games yourself.
  14. 14 Consider the terrain. Dry terrain is the loudest, so if you are not going to lug a bucket of water with you, try to either avoid dry areas or exercise hard as you move through them. The crackling of branches and crunching of leaves will reveal your location in the first place.
  15. 15 Consider odors. You will never want to hear a phrase like "I smelled you another kilometer away." Along with clothes, you must hide all things that might give you away. This includes your scent. Cologne and perfume are very easy to smell, as is the smell of McDonald's. The closer you are to your surroundings, the easier it will be for you to disguise. Use natural oils from your environment to help mask the smell. Take a mud bath after all. It is very important that you are in harmony with nature and avoid being recognized by animals as they have a great sense of smell.
  16. 16 Consider other factors. The ability to remain invisible is not only about learning not to step on branches. You need general development and an understanding of what it means to be invisible. This requires an expansion of your thinking. Many things can affect your ability to remain hidden. Here are some examples: The people you are hiding from want to keep company.
    • You are in a group. If one person makes a noise, then everything is revealed. Sudden bad weather or terrain features can provoke this. The cover-up that was yesterday is gone today.
    • The dog barks at the smell of burger and fries. There is a problem and you are the only one who can help. Did you shower before leaving the house?
    • There are not many tips, but if you think about them well, it can help you better understand the art of invisibility. It doesn't matter how much you know, you need to put that knowledge into practice. If you want to learn how to kick, so learn! The same can be done with disappearing into the air.


  • In noisy terrain (forest, for example), try to move quickly so that your weight is evenly distributed. Try leaning back and forth as well, but don't lose your balance!