How to Make a Furry

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fursuit Building || How to Make a Fursuit Headbase
Video: Fursuit Building || How to Make a Fursuit Headbase


Furry Fandom is a huge community of beastly beast fans. Beasts are images of animals but can talk, walk with two legs and behave like humans. If you want to express your love and express yourself creatively as a beast, welcome to join the guild! Once you develop your own hobby, you can start interacting with other furry online and in real life, through regional conferences or meetings. You can explore your creative interests and see if it can be applied in the furry community, be it painting or wearing animal costumes. Remember that you don't need an expensive outfit to make it. The most important thing is to have fun moments with your furry preferences.


Method 1 of 3: Join the Furry community

  1. Opt to join the Furry community. To become a furry, you do not need to pass any tests or need permission from anyone. The decision to become a furry is up to you. Whether you are just interested in furry-related stuff or just joining the community, feel free to identify yourself as a furry.
    • If you want to create furry-related characters then meet people with similar interests, or attend Furry conferences, you will enjoy being a part of the community. But you can still be part of this community without calling yourself a Furry.
    • If you are not too passionate about animals but still want to join this community, then members of the association will still open your arms to welcome you.
    • An unnatural person becomes a furry for the sake of a beast; They become furry because they choose so.

  2. Join furry groups and discussion forums. Since Furry is a global community, most activities are done online. You could try downloading the Furry Animo app or go to sites like SoFurry and FurryAffinity. Create an account and start commenting, posting, and connecting with other users. Or you can also join the furry community on Reddit - r / furry is a very active subreddit that is easy to join the discussion here. You can easily find other furry on Tumblr and deviantART as well.
    • Find furry servers on Discord, Skype and Telegram groups to chat with each other.
    • Find furry pages and tags on popular social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube. You will quickly find your community in these places.

  3. Create and share furry paintings with your other works. Discover furry love or his delights through creative projects. You can compose fanfiction, write music, make animated videos, vlog, draw, or show off your own way. Then share the product on platforms like Tumblr, deviantART, FurAffinity, and YouTubeMake.
    • The furry community has a place for people to show their talents - artists, musicians, authors, dancers, comedians, actors, and more have their own way of expressing their love for animals. through innovative products.
    • Don't be afraid to share your creations! Other furry will be very welcoming and supportive of how you combine your furry personality with your personal taste.
    • Consider bringing your talents to meeting events as well. If you love music, you can DJ at a furry conference.
  4. You can also accept drawings on demand, exchange pictures, or open orders to share your work. There are many ways to let other furry know your work. You can receive drawing offers to give furry a chance to get free painting from you. Swap pictures so you can get free paintings from other artists and exchange them with your own. If you want to sell products, please open customized order. Create a page outlining the terms, pricing, and policies so customers know how to order, clearly define the genre and style you are after, then make it widely known in the furry communities.
    • The furry can send pictures or verbal descriptions of their way to draw, or ideas for you to write their stories.
    • Once you have developed your skills and gained popularity, you can earn extra income from selling products in the furry community.
    • If you take an order, you must fulfill it. Receiving money and failing to fulfill your order will cause you legal trouble.
  5. Attend furry conferences to meet other furry in real life. Connecting with each other online can be fun, but there's still nothing like meeting each other in real life, meeting other artists you admire. If possible, join Anthrocon, the largest Furry convention held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Or you can learn about the webinars. At these gatherings, check out artworks, fake tails, accessories, badges, animal costumes, and other furry merchandise. Even without makeup, you can join to watch other furry parade during the festival.
    • Many furry choose to meet at conferences because they are safe, in public and you are free to express yourself and your own way of life. If you plan to meet furry friends online, then arrange to meet at events.
    • The events taking place at each conference are different. You can go on the right occasion with a concert, dance competition, or do interviews with your favorite animator.
    • You can watch videos online to see what furry conferences look like.
  6. Join your local furry group. Many furry communities around the world have their own smaller groups. Try searching for the keyword "Furry in" to find individuals or groups nearby. You can also use the Furry Amino app feature to find furry in your area. Once you have found the furry living nearby, you can start chatting and making an appointment. When you meet, let's have fun together! You can play role-playing games, behave in a different way, draw pictures together, and take pictures in costumes if you wear them.
    • Remember to be careful when you meet acquaintances online. Use your common sense, and meet each other in public instead of in private. Before you go, let a trusted friend know where you are going, just in case.
  7. Communicate with other furry to form new friendships. In the furry community, there are also many other small groups that serve many different interests from gaming to literature, so it will not be difficult for you to find furry with the same interests. Once you are a furry, focus on meeting new people, both online and in real life. Comment on other furry posts and reply to everyone's comments in your posts. Finally, chatting with each other will help you get to know each other better. Maintaining this position will soon form lasting friendships.
    • Communicating with many people can seem like a difficult task, especially if you are introverted and shy. But remember that furry are usually easygoing and kind people who are easy to talk to.
    • The more active you are in your community, the more friends you will make and the more fun you will have.
  8. Has a welcoming and non-judgmental attitude to other furry. You will face many types of creativity in the furry community, so instead of judging and criticizing what others do, accept and support. Talk to other furry with a kind and respectful attitude to keep a positive atmosphere in the community.
    • The Furry is a community that everyone can feel belongs to - especially those who always feel like they can't fit in anywhere.
  9. Forget about misconceptions about furry. There are tons of legends and rumors circulating in the media about the furry community that you should expose - for your own and others' sake. The most important thing you should know is that you do not need to put on the costume to become a furry. You can join the community regardless of what you're wearing. Plus, only a small percentage of furry members focus on the erotic aspect of the genre; you don't have to follow them to be part of the community.
    • Just like other fan communities that have a way of expressing love through outfits, such as cosplayers or sports lovers, furry also simply wants to express himself, through performing in costume and connecting with fans on the social communication level.
    • Most furry do not think of themselves as animals. Some people may wish to possess the features of the cave and or want to explore it, but most furry only show their love for the beastman.
    • Although this is not what defines furry, be careful because you will encounter many sensitive pictures and other erotic content in the community. If you are not comfortable with that, try updating search filters in the custom sections of websites and browsers. You can still be a member of the furry community even if you only care about friendly content.

Method 2 of 3: Create fun

  1. Choose an animal based on which to create fun. A fursona is a character or avatar that a furry uses to communicate with other members of the community. Many furry choose dogs, cats, and dragons when they first choose biological shapes for their animals. But you have the right to choose all the animals you like, even breed or create your own.
    • For example, the fennec fox with a cute face and big ears, you can give him a body with legs and wings like a bird.
    • Study animal photos or illustrations to learn more about animal anatomy. Then apply the knowledge to your own hobby, which can stand on two feet.
    • You can freely create one or more ways if you like.
  2. Choose colors and stripes to make your style more unique. There are no rules when it comes to how to look your own way. So you can feel free to stick with realistic colors and speckles, or choose brighter tones, or create your own unique pattern to your liking. Consider incorporating spots, stripes, age spots, facial details, scales, feathers, and other materials in your designs.
    • Check out animal photos for more inspiration for speckled patterns and patterned colors if you want a little more realistic look.
    • If you don't know where to start, check out how other furry works online. Just make sure you don't copy other people's ideas about your own.
  3. Give your personality a name and a personality. Feel free to create your own personality. They don't have to be based on who you are in real life, but it can have your ideal quality or an aspect you like about yourself. For example, if you are normally a bit shy, then your hobbies may have a wilder and more extroverted side of you. Make a list of your traits as well as interests, dislikes, and some interesting facts about how you represent you. Be sure to give your pet a real name too.
    • The degree of similarity between yourself and your hobbies depends entirely on your personal preferences. Try using fun ways to express your ideal ego or discover a different self. Don't be afraid to tweak your style over and over until it looks good.
    • If you like to write, add more interesting story or character narration.
    • Then, get ready to show your interesting way to the other furry.
  4. Illustrate your style if you want to create your own artwork. If you like design or drawing, turn all your ideas into a page or drawing board. You can use a pencil, crayon, or a computer graphics program to sketch out the general shape and morphological features of the animal. Then paint, speckle and other details. Give your character an expressive face that reveals its personality.
    • For example, if your pet has a bright, cute personality, draw it with big eyes.
    • Try to sketch out as much detail as you can imagine, even if you're not planning on buying a costume.
    • Feel free to add names and a list of animal characteristics and qualities to your illustrations.
    • You can also start designing by searching for the keywords "free base" or "free line art" on deviantART or FurAffinity to find available patterns if your hobby is a popular animal with many users.
    • If you use a free template like this, then when you share an interesting design board, be sure to include the name of the artist drawing the template.
    • Even if you do not like to draw but want to put the painting out, try to sketch out so that you can convey the idea to the artist more easily.
  5. Order an artist to illustrate the way you like. Search the furry community online for furry illustrators. You can send a message or place an order on their page. Share with the artist as much information about your hobby as possible, and if possible provide your draft or reference image. Tell the artist what you like about their work so that the artist understands the style you're aiming for the order. At the same time, remember to pay the artist.
    • Be sure to accept all terms of the project, including the deadline, the editing process, the type of file the artist will provide, the posture, the background scene, the terms of use of the images as well as the pre-payment cost. let the artist embark on making pictures for you.
    • Do not ask others to paint for free, artists deserve a cost commensurate with their time and effort.
  6. Share your cool designs with other furry creators or furry creators. Whether you paint your own way or order it from another artist, you should use it as an avatar on the furry websites, so that other furry knows what your interests are. Consider printing animals on t-shirts, badges, brooches, or even making them cotton animals. If you want to make makeup, be sure to have a 3-sided drawing drawn by your own hands, basic coloring, or ordered from an artist.
    • 3-sided drawings should show the front, back, and side of the animal.
    • If you enjoy drawing, feel free to explore interesting forms of expression. You can draw your own animal to hang out with other furry's animals or draw short comics to enjoy how to express your personality.

Method 3 of 3: Make makeup

  1. Save at least $ 1,000 US Dollars if you want to make a beastkin suit. Although beastman-wearers make up a minority of the community, makeup still plays a large part in the building of the furry community. Dressing up the beastman is a fun experience and attracts everyone's eyes whether the viewer is furry or not. Furry costumes are a huge investment and luxury, so you'll need to save between $ 1,000 and at least $ 2,000 if you're planning to order a beastkin suit. If you want to buy a suit, look up the order in advance and plan to save the necessary amount.
    • Dressing up is optional. You don't have to buy one if you want to make a furry, and the furry community doesn't judge it if you don't have a costume.
    • It is best to wait for your body to fully mature and your mind does not have to change anymore.You won't want to buy an expensive outfit that will suddenly get taller and unable to fit. In the meantime, save money.
  2. Choose the kind of outfit you want. You can order as a separate outfit for each part if you just want to wear the head, arm, leg, or tail. You can wear these parts with human clothes, because in your own style you can also be dressed. In addition we also have plantigrade and digitigrade full body costumes. The plantigrade beastman is a full body outfit with all the spots and features of your interesting body. The digitigrade costume is also a full body costume but is of a higher level of sophistication. These outfits have legs shaped by padding padded legs to look like animal hind legs.
    • If you are prone to hyperthermia, wear loose clothing rather than full body clothing.
    • If well-crafted, plantigrade and digitigrade costumes can bring characters to life in real life, but individual costumes also have their own beauty to wear and see.
    • Try on another furry's costume, as long as it's clean, so you can decide before investing in one of your own.
  3. Order a furry costume maker. There are hundreds of artists making furry costumes with their own styles. You can look up the Makers Database page on Tumblr and read the references on FursuitReview until you have a list of artists you want to work with. Make sure the artist is in stock, then follow the instructions on their website to order. Each person's implementation process is different, but in general you should first document your interests and other details on an application form on the artist's website.
    • Furry artists can only make a few sets per year. So don't be sad if they can't accept your order. Look for another artist on the list if the first choice doesn't work.
    • You can hire different artists to do different parts of your outfit if you like.
    • Making an outfit takes several months to make, so don't expect your order to land at home after a few days of ordering.
    • Take a close look at the prices and terms of the outsourcing site. Many artists do not accept clients under the age of 18 and most will require 30% upfront.
  4. Practice and role-play in beastman costumes. To become a furry makeup expert, you will need to spend a lot of time and energy to bring your pet to the real world. Remember you will spend most of your time performing, acting in costume, so you need to watch more videos and attend meetings to learn how to immerse yourself in costume. Do your best to play a character with a character that matches the outfits. Does your outfit have a difficult expression? Then act humorously stomped and irritated. What about if your outfit has big and cute eyes? Act like a puppy or a kitten and move more cuter.
    • Don't just stand still in your costume. Be immersive and interact with your surroundings.
    • Children are often excited to see cute animals, so be friendly and kind to children.
    • Make sure you have someone accompanying you on duty while you are in your makeup. It will be the person who watches the kids, watching so you don't get heat shocked, and talking to others when needed. They act as eyes and ears for you because in that costume, your senses will be limited.


  • While you don't have to have a hobby, it is a way for other furry to identify you in the community. For example, they'll be more likely to chat with you if they feel you're "in the same boat". At the same time, talking about your hobby is also a great way to get rid of those embarrassing moments.
  • Wash clothing immediately after each wear, and thoroughly wash clothing after a period of storage. You can go online to see cleaning instructions or ask an artist for specific cleaning instructions.
  • If you are going to dress up in a personally owned area, call them for permission first.
  • Remove makeup gloves when eating or drinking. This helps to preserve the suit from water spills or food crumbs, saving you a lot of money.


  • Be careful with masking laws in your area to avoid getting into legal trouble. Always remove your costume mask when an authority such as a police officer or a guard approaches you.
  • Full body makeup can be extremely hot, so be careful. Remember to supply enough water, remove the outlet every 15-30 minutes to cool down, keep in touch with your companion and do not overdo it.
  • Be careful when dealing with media. Many journalists just want to weave furry images of depraved or different people. Check out Uncle Kage's "Furries and the Media" seminar for some tips on dealing with the media.