Ways to Eat Litchi Fruit

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024


Formerly known only in the tropics, but today the lychee is widely spread around the world. Most canned fabrics are ready-to-eat, but fresh lychees easily beat canned litchi in flavor, and it only takes a few seconds to prepare.


Part 1 of 2: Eat fresh litchi

  1. Choose ripe fabric. Look for litchi that is firm, slightly soft when squeezed, but not flat or watery. The relatively flat outer shell is also a good sign, the case will feel a bit lumpy instead of having more prominent spikes. Unripe, hard litchi fruits are also eaten, but the flavor is not very sweet. Wet and tender fruits are overripe and may be fermented (when eaten, they will taste bold and different) or booted (unpleasant). Fruit with crushed or wet shells are mostly booted.
    • Different varieties of litchi will have different skin colors, but most will be red, orange, or yellow when ripe. Brown berries are usually spoiled.

  2. Peel off the litchi fruit stem. Take a few stalks and peel off the pink or golden brown skin on one end. The white, almost transparent flesh on the inside is the edible part of the lychee fruit. You can hold the litchi fruit in the bowl as you peel it to catch the water dripping.
    • If the fruit is left out for a long time, the crust will be harder and harder to peel. You can use your fingernail, teeth, or knife to cut the shell. Litchi peels are also easier to peel if you soak them in water.
    • If the pulp is completely transparent, speckled, or golden brown, the fruit is fermented or in boots.

  3. Squeeze the litchi fruit or tear the crust. A perfectly ripe litchi fruit has a soft skin that easily separates from the pulp. You can gently squeeze the litchi fruit to let the flesh pop out. If this doesn't work, simply tear the crust into small pieces with your finger.
    • Litchi pods are not edible. Throw it away or compost.

  4. Get the seeds out. Litchi fruit has a large seed in the middle of the fruit. You can gently tear off the pulp, remove the shiny brown litchi inside and throw it away. Litchi seeds are mildly toxic.
  5. Eat litchi fruit. Fresh lychee fruit has a sweet, crunchy, succulent flesh with a characteristic flavor that can never be found in canned litchi products. You can eat it fresh or continue reading the following for ways to cook this fruit.
    • There is a thin brownish film inside the flesh, close to the seed. This portion is just as edible as the other servings, it's just crunchier and doesn't affect the taste. Litchi will lose a lot of its sweet fragrance if you peel it off.
  6. Preservation of litchi that have not eaten. Wrap a dry paper towel over the bundle, place it in a perforated plastic bag or a plastic container slightly open. You will last for up to a week this way, although the peel may turn brown and firm. Throw away any bruised fruit.
    • If you cannot eat them all right away, you can freeze the unopened fruits in a sealed plastic bag. Use warm water to run frozen litchi fruit for 15 seconds, then peel it off and eat. The partially thawed lychee has a texture resembling lemon cream.

Part 2 of 2: Using lychees in recipes

  1. Supplement for mixed fruit dishes. Surely this will be the perfect choice for summer. Litchi will lose water very quickly after peeling, so you should put the litchi in last.
  2. Stuffed litchi fruit. Carefully peel the litchi fruit and remove the seeds without tearing the pulp. Mix shredded nuts, honey and / or ginger with a soft cheese, such as cream cheese or chenna. Gently press the pulp open with your thumb and use a small spoon or chopstick to stuff the filling into the litchi fruit.
    • You can even stuff a savory dish into a lychee fruit, such as a stir-fried chicken. Be sure to cut ingredients into small pieces and bake the lychee for 2-3 minutes after stuffing.
  3. Decorate for cocktail glasses. Place the seeded litchi and skewers on margaritas or other light cocktails. You can also try a refreshing cocktail like lychee sake martini or a variation of Mad Eye martini.
  4. Chopped lychees to make salsa. Soft and sweet litchi will add flavor to a sour or spicy salsa. Try making a simple salsa with avocado, lychee, and red onion on top of the dish.
  5. Use litchi in hot dishes. To cook litchi chicken or another savory dish, place the litchi in a saute pan or bake for a few minutes before finishing the dish. Litchi is great for cinnamon, ginger or honey. advertisement


  • Shop fabrics are often old and not well preserved. Ask when they will import or find small growers who can ship directly to customers.
  • If the inside of the fruit does not match the description in this article, you may have a fruit related to a lychee fruit such as rambutan, longan, familiarette, or pulasan.
  • Some fruits that are not fully pollinated will produce thin "reed" seeds. If you get one, then you are lucky - that space will be filled with the flesh.
  • Litchi fruit is also available dry and canned.


  • If the pulp is yellow, it is old and should not be eaten.
  • Litchi seeds are mildly toxic to humans and animals. Do not swallow the seeds.

What you need

  • Knife (optional)
  • The sink / paper towel
  • Litchi fruit