How to get cool

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Stray Kids "Get Cool" M/V
Video: Stray Kids "Get Cool" M/V


You know a guy like that - he parks his motorcycle and walks fearlessly into the bar, dressed in black leather. He unbuttons his jacket and displays his countless tattoos.He puts the bill on the table, and the bartender immediately puts a glass in front of him. You catch a glimpse of this guy's cocky gaze and quickly look away. You just saw a tough guy and you yourself would like to be.


Method 1 of 2: Be Cool on the Inside

  1. 1 Watch. Cool is a way of thinking. A tough guy will be cool even if he wears a polka dot ballet skirt. He may not look so intimidating, but he will still be cool. This is because the cool is in the head. Becoming cool is like reaching nirvana, but much bolder (and cooler!).
    • Watch movies with Clint Eastwood to get an idea of ​​how to behave, be tough and intimidating. Borrow words, gestures, demeanor that you think will work for you, and add something from yourself.
    • Read about tough guys. For example, Sun Tzu and Genghis Khan were unrealistically cool during the war; Winston Churchill and Orson Welles smoked more cigars than Fidel and Raoul combined; Daniel Day Lewis and Jeff Bridges wear tweed with sweatpants, not caring about who or what will think about it.
    • If you are a fan of cartoons or comics, there are bad guys in them too. Get inspired by Captain America, Samurai Jack from the show of the same name, or Jake's Rattlesnake from Rango.
  2. 2 Always be confident in yourself. This is 95% success. Tough guys do anything with complete self-confidence and no shyness. If you can do this, then success is guaranteed.
    • Walk confidently, raise your head, straighten your shoulders (if this helps you, pretend that you are behind you with a long cloak fluttering in the wind) and take shorter, slower steps. Every step you take should be meaningful.
    • Don't depend on results. What does this mean? This means you don't care about the results. Your confidence should encourage you to accept one woman's refusal and another woman's consent with exactly the same attitude. This is great.
  3. 3 Be bold. Tough guys are brave by nature. Most people associate fearlessness with coolness, whether it be the ability to stand up for oneself, protect others, or watch a dangerous situation with universal calm. Work to overcome your fears and feel free to stand up for what you believe in. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and learn to adapt to stressful situations.
  4. 4 Your actions should be louder than words. The real tough guy puts meaning in his actions. The tough guy doesn't believe in talking. Anyone can say they are an expert in interplanetary travel, but not everyone has actually done it. And which one is cool?
  5. 5 Destroy obstacles. Nothing has to stand in your way to become a tough guy. One of the most exciting and frightening things to do is removing obstacles in your path. It won't happen overnight, but it will definitely happen if you cool this state of your mind.
    • For example, if you are shy, think about what you can talk about (on different topics and with a bunch of life stories and tales) in advance in order to properly maintain the conversation and impress the interlocutors. A real tough guy will always have something to say, but rarely speaks.
    • Find ingenious solutions to problems. Let's say you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. The tough guy will rip the hammer into small pieces (not with explosives, but with his own energy). This is, of course, figurative. The tough guy will get out of problems in the smartest and at the same time the easiest way.
    • Plan ahead. The tough guy is good at balancing spontaneity and planning for the future. The tough guy sees an opportunity that just arises, but he devises a plan many steps ahead.
  6. 6 Follow your own style. A real tough guy will wear whatever he wants, regardless of current trends. It is important to create your own style that will increase your self-confidence.The appearance works wonders for the image and your attitude.
    • Some people associate certain clothes with coolness - boots, leather, jeans - but you don't have to dress like that. You can also be cool in a Hawaiian shirt and sandals if you feel and act cool.
    • Try to introduce some oddity into your style, which with all the coolness you can call your "chip". Maybe you wear vests with pockets or just denim clothes, even to a funeral. Whatever it is, be confident in your style. A weird style can be legendary when brought to life by a tough guy.
  7. 7 Wear sunglasses. Sunglasses are the epitome of cool. It doesn't matter what you are wearing: if you are wearing sunglasses, your image will be much cooler. This is because glasses block you from scrutiny and create a halo of overconfidence, even when it really isn't.
  8. 8 Be yourself. Don't lose your essence in the pursuit of cool. Being cool doesn't mean getting in trouble and impressing other people. It means being yourself and fighting for that right. If you communicate with people who incite you to do something, and you agree, then you are pandering to the desires of other people.

Method 2 of 2: Maintain Your Image

  1. 1 Avoid uncool things at all costs. You are probably well aware that not good for the tough guy. Refresh your knowledge:
    • "Cosmopolitan" and any sweet frivolous cocktails for girls' parties. Avoid them like the plague.
    • The habit of crossing your legs when you are sitting.
    • Manicure and pedicure. Who cares what forums and neighbors say? Cool guys never think about the beauty of their nails.
    • Attempts to impress. A real tough guy doesn't adjust to anyone. Do not think about what others think (but do not forget about basic respect).
  2. 2 Be mysterious. Don't tell anyone where you are going unless absolutely necessary. Be mysteriously late and remain as cool as you should. Don't tell your life story in detail. Let people guess.
  3. 3 Break the rules in small but meaningful ways. Tough guys are distinguished from the gray mass by their independent nature. A tough guy is a lone wolf who gets kicked out of the crowd because he's too good and who can handle even impossible situations. Tough guys only do what they want.
    • Ask yourself what made you act recklessly and analyze why and how you do it. Perhaps you will continue to adhere to the current course, but this is entirely your choice. Do it more confidently than before.
  4. 4 Don't look for a fight, but be prepared for it. The tough guy does not ask for trouble, but is not afraid to stand up for himself and for others when there is no other way out or a serious challenge to respect is thrown. To keep fit, try the following:
    • Boxing. This is really cool. This is a one-on-one fight, only two men, two pairs of strong fists, and no tinsel. Boxing is harsh, exhausting and daring: a great choice for someone who wants to become the tough guy.
    • Struggle. Wrestlers are undeservedly forgotten - and in vain. Like boxers, they fight with muscle and mind, hone their bodies until they become efficient machines, the living embodiment of ruthless force. This is not for mama's sons.
    • Rugby. This is a really rough, tough game, in comparison with which even football (in itself quite a cool sport!) Is a carefree walk in the park. Players are constantly breaking their noses and fingers, but keep going forward as if nothing had happened.
    • Kung Fu. One of the coolest oriental martial arts. Mastering Kung Fu is the best way to learn how to defend yourself against those who get into fights. Let everyone know who they are dealing with.
  5. 5 Be a nice tough guy. Don't spoil the mood of other people or push them away. This is the difference between a tough guy and an ordinary asshole.People respect the former and despise the latter. The most respected tough guy is a guy with a tough image, but understanding and kind.
    • The tough guy is Han Solo, a space rogue who joined the rebels and became a hero. Or James Bond - cool, elegant, impeccable and fearless, always ready to fight for the good of his native Britain.
    • Some confuse coolness with rudeness, disrespect, self-centeredness, or arrogance. This is mistake. A real tough guy respects others, has courage and charisma, and is ready to fight with all his passion for his goal or dream.
    • Good deeds big and small will make you a tough guy that people will follow. Wrap your good deeds in mystery and do not brag. This is really cool!


  • Learn to avoid confrontation. If you find yourself in a situation where the other side refuses to retreat, you need to make a choice whether to retreat or not. Sometimes, you will be able to resolve the situation by talking or buying this person a beer. Failure to back down can lead to a fight with unintended consequences. You must be able to fight, but you must use this skill wisely.
    • If someone intervenes to end the fight, stop it; you will be better off. Do not fight at all costs to the bitter end (if this is not a competition) and do not look for trouble.
  • Know when to slow down. You don't need to look intimidatingly cool during a job interview or when you ask a girl out on a date. In fact, the ability to show inner tenderness is a common property of the tough guy. Even Batman and Wolverine are vulnerable at heart.
  • Don't complain. Nobody likes whiners and does not consider them cool. A tough guy will not complain about too hot weather or his own appearance - he is above this nonsense.
  • Do what you see fit. If you are happy, then you should! No one will stop you if you don't want to.
  • Take responsibility for your actions. To be cool is to be strong. Do not make decisions that will call you a weakling, and do not let yourself be "weak". You must know exactly what you can and cannot do - and, accordingly, do it or not. Decide for yourself and be responsible for your decisions. Act simply and without haste.


  • Choose your enemies wisely. You cannot resist the whole world.
  • You will inevitably come across people who will challenge you. Learn to defuse the situation, or be prepared to stand up for yourself. There is nothing cool about starting a fight and immediately suffering a humiliating defeat - nor about deliberately picking weak opponents and bragging about undeserved victories.
  • Coolness attracts unwanted attention, including from law enforcement agencies. Be nice to them.