How to become an inventor

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be An Inventor! | Kid President
Video: How To Be An Inventor! | Kid President


Many people like the idea of ​​making a living with inventions. Who would refuse to be their own boss and profit from creativity? However, being an inventor is not that easy. It is difficult to find products that will be in demand in a crowded market for goods and services. It will take a lot of time to create a product that consumers need. Then you will need to develop a prototype and show the product to potential investors. Also, do not forget to patent your invention in order to protect your intellectual property in case of someone else's interest. It should be understood that inventors are regularly faced with rejections, so learn to calmly endure temporary failures and get stronger each time.


Part 1 of 4: Childhood

  1. 1 Learn to think creatively. If you dream of being an inventor as a kid, look for ways to develop your creativity. Inventors are able to think outside the box and are able to find innovative solutions to various problems. Look for ways to develop your creativity.
    • Take time to play spontaneously. Try turning off your game console and just be alone in your room with simple toys like stuffed animals and various creative kits. This will force you to find creative ways to have fun every day, rather than relying on traditional entertainment such as videos, computers or board games.
    • Read for fun. People who read a lot for their pleasure are usually much more resourceful than those who do not like to read.
    • Get creative. Draw, paint, make clay figurines, write poetry, and find other ways to develop your creativity.
  2. 2 Focus on STEM subjects. This acronym stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Such areas of knowledge are very important for an inventor, since any invention requires certain skills and abilities. Pay special attention to these subjects while at school.
    • Focus on natural sciences. Sign up for a circle, attend additional classes and electives.
    • Be interested in modern technology and developments. Find courses in computer science and programming or material handling.
    • Study math outside of the school curriculum. The inventor of everything will need a deep knowledge of mathematics.
  3. 3 Sign up for school circles and sections. It is important for an inventor to learn from others. Perhaps you have clubs for young inventors or technicians in your school or near your home. Additional activities and hobbies can help turn your dream into reality.
    • Join the Young Technician Circle to study applied science.Also sign up for a chess club and develop the logical thinking that is inherent in every successful inventor.
    • Some schools have clubs and hobby groups that allow students to work together on a common task or project during the school year. Consider all your options.
  4. 4 Find creative hobbies and interests. Imagination is an important tool for an inventor. Your hobbies should develop imagination and create the basis for various innovative ideas.
    • Are you fond of baking? Even here there is room for innovation. For example, if you run out of cinnamon, you will have to improvise with other spices.
    • Various intellectual games are very conducive to the work of the imagination. In difficult situations, you will need to solve problems according to established rules.
    • Find a place for creativity in everyday things. Look closely at the clouds for images and silhouettes. Write a poem about warm summer rain.

Part 2 of 4: How to Come Up with Ideas

  1. 1 Determine the needs of the market. First, you need to understand which industries are in need of new products. An inquisitive mind is important for an inventor. Products and products from everyday life will help you identify market niches. Find the right niche for improvements or new inventions.
    • Identify the market you are interested in. Start with what you already know and have some experience with. For example, you are interested in music and electronics. Consider why iPods and other MP3 players are enjoying some success?
    • Consider the wants and needs of consumers. Do people want to develop? Do they want convenience and entertainment? If you notice that a person likes a particular product or service, ask yourself the questions: "Why does a person use such a service? Why does he like this product so much? What needs and requests does it satisfy?"
  2. 2 Identify the disadvantages. Any market is imperfect. The best inventors understand the fundamentals of the industry and find ways to expand existing boundaries. For example, the inventors of the services Uber and Lyft realized that taxi services were no longer keeping pace with the times. Users needed an individual approach and craved new conveniences: for example, calling a taxi without ringing and not looking for a car on the street. Consider existing markets and try to find weaknesses.
    • Analyze user complaints. Let's go back to the music example. Why are your friends not happy with iPods? What new features would they like to get?
    • You can ask your friends with a direct question. For example, ask, "How would you change your iPod if you could choose one?" The answer could be the idea of ​​a new invention for the portable music device market.
  3. 3 Improve existing products. Many great inventions are simple modifications or updates to existing products. How can the available products and services be improved? How to make a long-term and highly successful invention more convenient and desirable? If successful, your product will be in constant demand.
    • Research the market before starting work. You need to make sure that no one else has tried to implement your idea of ​​reworking an existing product. It may turn out that other inventors came up with a similar solution and abandoned it for a number of reasons.
    • Also make sure your idea is significantly different from existing products or ideas. A minor change to an existing service can cause major legal problems. If your idea differs little from existing products, then you can be prosecuted for copyright or patent infringement.
  4. 4 Determine the skills you need to get things done. The idea may be great, but will you be able to bring it to life? For example, suppose you came up with an app for your smartphone, but have never been involved in app development. You have the idea of ​​a new hiking shoe, but you don't know anything about manufacturing.To identify the necessary skills, list the talents that will enable you to create a new product. Don't have the right talent? Before you start working on a product, take some time to work on yourself.
  5. 5 Don't be afraid to bring in third-party performers. If you do not have the required skills or desire and time to acquire such experience, then use the services of contractors. Inventors are rarely able to do all of the work on a product on their own. Everyone has weak points and that's okay. Find specialized professionals.
    • Use freelance services to complete a range of tasks for a modest fee. For example, suppose you came up with an app for your smartphone, but you don't know how to write programs or don't understand operating systems. Try to find a technician who will take on the task at hand.
    • Collaborate with your friends. If your friend or acquaintance is engaged in the manufacture of shoes, then he can become your partner in the development of hiking boots. Do not forget to resolve financial issues in advance in case of successful implementation and demand for the product.

Part 3 of 4: How to Build and Sell Products

  1. 1 Create a prototype. If you have an idea for an invention, then first you need to create a prototype. Show it to potential users and buyers to "whet" interest in the product. You can also use a prototype as a model to create a product in real form.
    • Modern technologies allow you to create a prototype of any product. Design packages like AutoDesk Inventor help you digitally model your invention.
    • In addition to the digital model, also try to make a small physical prototype. This will be very useful when working on a product like a simulator. Experiment with different materials and designs to find the best combination and solution.
  2. 2 Generate interest in your idea. Create a prototype and show it to anyone who might be interested in it. Use different ways to generate interest in your product. Look for potential investors and buyers.
    • Try visiting trade shows to promote your idea. Here people show new solutions and products. Rent a booth to show others your invention. Chat with other inventors and find out about all the similar products at the show. You may need to make product changes to get ahead of the competition.
    • Contact a market research company if you can afford it. Learn about market trends and general statistics. Research key market participants through online research to gauge the odds of your product.
  3. 3 Choose a patent attorney. If you come to the conclusion that your product can be successfully sold, then contact a patent attorney. You should get a patent for an invention so that competitors don't steal your idea. Protect your intellectual property if there is market interest in it. That's what a patent attorney is for. Find the right lawyer or firm online or in newspaper advertisements and make an appointment to discuss your product.
    • Patent law is a complex area of ​​expertise, so don't try to file a patent yourself (unless you have a lot of experience in this matter, of course). If you have a friend or acquaintance who understands patent law, then contact him to save a little on the services of an attorney. It costs a lot of money to get a patent, so try to keep costs down whenever possible.
    • Registration of a patent can cost from 60,000 rubles and more. This is a considerable amount, but if your product is in demand, then the game is worth the candle. The registration process takes some time. Usually it takes about a year to complete. Use this time to better understand the market and make the necessary adjustments in accordance with the needs of the users.
  4. 4 Organize a fundraising campaign. Registration of a patent and advertising of a product will cost you a round sum. You can conduct your marketing campaign online using platforms like Kickstarter or GoFundMe. In addition to raising funds for the production of a product, your invention will receive the necessary publicity.
    • Define your target audience and ways to communicate your message to them. For example, young people and adolescents spend a lot of time on Facebook and Twitter, and for adults it is much more effective to use mass mailings by e-mail. Communicate regularly with your audience about your goals and progress towards achieving your goals.
    • Introduce people to your product and be honest about how the funds will be used. A person is more willing to agree to make a donation if he knows all the information about the costs. For example, how much will a patent cost you? How much does the purchase of equipment cost?
    • Help people share information. Make a sidebar on your fundraising page with the ability to post project details to social media like Facebook and Twitter with a single button.
  5. 5 Sell ​​an idea or go into production. Awaken the public's interest and get a patent, and then decide what to do with the idea. Typically, investors sell licenses for products to large companies or independently manufacture and sell. Find out which path is right for you.
    • If you want to sell the product yourself, then consider your time and resources. You may need to quit your current job or work part-time to do this. Estimate the cost of the resources that are needed to make the product. Do you have the required materials and skills?
    • If the license is sold, you will receive interest. In this case, you do not have to leave work or radically change your lifestyle. That being said, there is a chance that you will lose a lot of money. Typically, the patent holder receives about 2-7% of the retail sales of the product. In case of high demand and successful sales, you will still make a lot of money.

Part 4 of 4: Dealing with Failure

  1. 1 Learn to give up bad ideas. A good inventor knows how not to get too attached to ideas. Not all of them are destined to succeed. Some ideas just don't work. Better to give up all impractical solutions.
    • Learn to distance yourself from your ideas. Don't take failure personally. Not all ideas can be equally successful. Perhaps such a product already exists or is not of interest to a significant part of the target audience.
    • It all comes down to quantity. The more ideas you have, the better your chances of achieving success. You don't have to waste time trying to implement a bad idea.
  2. 2 Save your main work. Even with a great idea, you shouldn't quit your job. You always need a constant source of income that will provide you with funds until the first regular profits from an invention. In the world of invention, too much depends on luck. Even if you managed to find an investor, there are still many pitfalls. Successful implementation can take years, so don't be in a rush to quit your day job.
  3. 3 Be calm about failure. Rejection and failure are natural obstacles to success. If you want to become an inventor, learn to take rejection calmly. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to succeed.
    • Every person faces setbacks. Try to think of the most successful people who have experienced failure at some point in their professional careers.
    • Also, you should not take the refusal personally. There are thousands of products on the market. If your product is not for sale or does not interest buyers, then this still does not say anything about the idea itself. Perhaps very high competition has prevented you from drawing attention to your product.


  • Make sure there are no similar products or services.There is no need to promote an idea that is no different from an existing product.
  • Be extremely careful when working with tools such as a saw or drill. Improper use can lead to dangerous consequences.