How to become the girl everyone would like to be friends with

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
#girl #howto #becoming #forgirls  How to be that girl everyone is jealous off || (for girls)
Video: #girl #howto #becoming #forgirls How to be that girl everyone is jealous off || (for girls)


Even if you don't strive to be friends with everyone, it's safe to say that you (and most likely any other girl) would like to be a great girl, whom everyone would dream of being friends with. This combination of charisma, humor, friendliness and intelligence may seem like something innate, but it is not! Anyone can learn to be liked by others, whether you want to become a socialite or just expand your circle of friends. The best way to do this? Try to do something new, be open to people, and always be positive.


Method 1 of 3: Be Positive and Friendly

  1. 1 Be kind and friendly to everyone. Offer people help with difficult tasks, such as homework or organizing a group event. Try your best to be friendly with everyone: say hello to the person you are sitting next to in the dining room, or ask how his weekend was.Even a simple smile will make people notice how kind and helpful you are.
    • Even if you don't like someone, do your best to be polite with that person as well. You don't have to be everyone's best friend - it's just unrealistic! However, do your best to make a good impression on everyone by being courteous and friendly.
  2. 2 Be yourself. People are drawn to girls who are not afraid to be real. This encourages them to be themselves and love themselves too! Do not suppress your unique interests and qualities, let them shine, because this is what makes you who you are.
    • For example, if you enjoy reading, bring the book to school to make time for after you finish your business. You may not even consider it the “coolest” hobby, but others will be impressed by the confidence with which you do what you love. ...
    • Don't feel obligated to follow the crowd if you don't want to, or if it goes against your values. If the company makes fun of someone, speak up about it. People will respect the fact that you remain true to yourself.
  3. 3 Make jokes and have a good sense of humor. Think about what makes you laugh: comedians, friends, or TV show participants. What makes these people so funny? Borrow some tricks from them, for example, a light-hearted voice or expressive hand gestures. Everyone wants to be around the person who makes them laugh.
    • Find humor in everyday life, such as your dog's funny habits or unusual meals in the dining room, and bring it to people's attention.
    • Defuse the tense situation with a short, light joke, such as “This awkward moment when you don't know what to say!”.
    • Try not to use too much self-irony. It's okay to laugh at yourself if you made a mistake or did something awkward, like tripping over and spilling lemonade, but don't use that as your primary weapon.
    • Don't use humor as an excuse to laugh at someone. Instead, be positive and joke to cheer up those around you.
  4. 4 Be honest. If someone asks for your opinion, answer politely and honestly. Your sincerity will show that you are trustworthy and confident in your judgment, which will make people appreciate your thoughts even more.
    • For example, if someone asks how difficult a math test was, say, “I think it was pretty difficult,” or, “I was preparing, so it wasn’t that bad.” Try not to stoop to negativity or cockiness. Better try to find the right balance.
  5. 5 Find something positive in every situation. After a difficult test, say, "Well, at least it's over." If your football team lost, remind everyone of the cool goal the guys played together. The positive is contagious and unwittingly fascinates. People will be happy to be with you if you are always optimistic.
    • Try not to overdo it with optimism. Some people need time to themselves to cope with a difficult situation. Just say, “It's really very difficult right now, but it will get better soon. Remember, I am always there if you want to talk. "
  6. 6 Smile genuinely and make eye contact. Body language is just as important as what you actually say! Straighten up and relax your shoulders. If you are sitting, try not to cross your legs or hunch over. Maintain open and approachable body language. And don't be afraid to smile at people!
    • Watch your relaxed expression. Most likely, a permanent smile will look a little strange, but you obviously don't want to accidentally frown either. Maintain an open and lively gaze, as well as a calm and neutral expression, as if you can smile at any moment.
  7. 7 Be confident in yourself. Note all the positive qualities in yourself and constantly remember them.If that helps, make a list of your positive qualities and revise it every day. Are you a compassionate person? Are you light on your feet? Are you optimistic? These are all great qualities that you should be proud of! Think about them every time you feel that you are discouraged. People want to be friends with confident girls. Feelings are contagious: soon your friends will feel the same way.
    • Straighten up and speak clearly. Body language is very important to feel confident! Even if you actually have low self-esteem, good posture and open body language can help you “pretend until you really get like that.” Taking a pose of confidence and even strength, you will mentally feel the same way.
    • Strike a balance between confidence and humility. You need to be confident, but not arrogant! Do not brag about yourself and do not think that you are above the rest. Just feel comfortable in your own body and the rest will follow.

Method 2 of 3: Open up to others

  1. 1 Share the feelings of others. When something good happens to one of your friends, like he got an excellent grade on a test or went out on a date, celebrate for him. On the other hand, if something bad happens to a friend, such as getting kicked out of a sports team or a school play, cheer him up and show empathy. The ability to support and sympathize will make people trust you as a friend who will always be there, both in grief and in joy.
  2. 2 Chat with new people. First, introduce yourself and ask a simple question, for example: “Hi, I'm Alina. Are you new at school? ”. Then try to get to know the person better. Ask what he likes to do in his free time or what kind of music he likes. Meeting new people will expand your circle of friends and help others see you as a friendly, responsive person!
    • Don't worry if you find it difficult to be sociable at first. Many of us find it difficult to meet new people. Start with a simple, brief conversation about the person's school or lunch, such as “English was so boring today,” or “This sandwich looks really good!” Even a smile or a short answer can be the first steps to making a new friend.
    • Try not to be too pushy or overly energetic. Just smile and relax. The more comfortable you feel, the more comfortable the rest will be.
  3. 3 Ask others questions. Be curious and never spin the conversation around you. Be interested in what others are saying and don't get distracted during the conversation. Maintain eye contact, smile, nod, and ask questions. By encouraging people to talk, you also make them feel grateful and interested in you.
    • For example, if someone asks about your pets, you can start by describing your pet, and then turn the conversation back to the other person. You might say, “I just have a mad dog! She recently ran around the house and barked for an hour. What kind of animals do you have? "
    • Some people may be naturally calm or less adept at talking. If you get short answers to your questions, just smile and comment politely, for example, “Great. I would also like to have a cat. " It's okay to let the conversation die down naturally.
  4. 4 Allow yourself to be vulnerable. This may sound like the opposite of self-confidence, but it is not! In fact, being vulnerable is an important part of self-confidence. This means that you open up to people, risking embarrassment or even arousing condemnation. Vulnerability will make people admire you and even imitate you, because it shows you your willingness to tackle difficult challenges even if you're not completely sure of yourself.
    • One way to be vulnerable is to admit your mistakes and weaknesses without being ashamed of them.For example, say, “I know I’m not good at science, but I always try my best.”
    • You can also push yourself to try new things, maybe even things that you fear, such as talking to new people or even tasting new foods. Train yourself to be vulnerable in small things, and over time it will become easier for you to do so.

Method 3 of 3: Make your life richer

  1. 1 Immerse yourself in your interests. Doing what you enjoy is an easy way to make yourself feel great and appear special and interesting to those around you. Even if your hobbies don't sound like what other people think is cool, doing these activities will make you happier and generally nicer to those around you.
    • For example, if you love knitting, spend a few minutes each day working on your latest creation. If you love playing guitar, try to learn a few new songs.
    • Raise the topic of your hobbies during the conversation if it seems appropriate, but do not force others to talk about it. For example, if someone mentions that they want to learn how to play a musical instrument, you might say, “I play the guitar and it’s very interesting. I think you would be good at it! ”.
  2. 2 Find new hobbies. Try a new sport, join a band, or run for student council. Even if you're not very good at it, new activities will help you meet new people, and everyone will see you as a girl ready to open up.
  3. 3 Keep up to date with the news. Knowing what is going on in the world and in your surroundings will help you have an informed and mature conversation, and will also allow you to showcase your intelligence without bragging. Check out the news online or watch the evening news several times a week. You can also use the news app or follow news agencies on social media. In addition, it is important to know what is happening in your school or hometown - if someone has a question about any current news, you will be able to state your own vision of the situation.
  4. 4 Don't forget the friends who have been by your side since the beginning. Try not to leave old friends unattended when you start expanding your circle of acquaintances. In addition to losing loyal friends, you will become known as an ambitious person: you will be seen as a person who simply strives for superficial popularity and does not care about real closeness with people.


  • You should not at all costs seek the friendship of a person who does not even want to talk to you. Even the most popular people cannot please everyone.