How to become more confident

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 4 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Be Confident In Any Situation
Video: How To Be Confident In Any Situation


Some people think that self-confidence is a genetic trait. Either you are born a confident person or you are not. If you also hold this opinion, and you lack confidence in yourself, then, after reading this article, you will have to admit that your opinion is wrong. Everyone can develop self-confidence. By changing their thinking and behavior, each person can become a self-confident person. If you want to become a confident person, be sure to read this article.


Part 1 of 3: Work on the Right Thinking

  1. 1 Take pride in your strengths. If you want to become a confident person, then the first thing you need to do is think about what you already possess. Perhaps you think that you are the most ordinary person, no different from other people. In addition, you may feel that other people are much better and more attractive than you. However, if you want to become a confident person, you need to change your thinking! List your positive personality traits. It can be listening well or having a beautiful voice. These positive traits may not mean anything to you. But in fact, you have a lot to be proud of.
    • If you like the idea of ​​creating a list of your positive personality traits, try to keep the list at your fingertips. Add to the list whenever the thought arises: “Oh, exactly, and I can do that too ...” When you feel depressed or it seems to you that you are worthless, look through the list and you will definitely get better.
    • Talk to a close friend about this. Ask him to name your strengths. Your friend might name traits that you don't think you have. Remember, from the outside it is better to know!
  2. 2 Work to become an optimist. Of course, it is impossible to become an optimist quickly, just as it is impossible to build Rome in one day.However, this does not mean at all that it is not worth taking on this business. Develop the ability to be optimistic about the future. Optimism and confidence often go hand in hand. People who hope for a good future believe that something good is bound to happen to them if they put in the necessary effort. Monitor your thinking by paying attention to how many negative thoughts you have during the day. Work to replace one negative thought with at least three positive ones. With the effort, you will very soon be looking at the world in a positive way.
    • The next time you are with your friends, tell them about exciting events that are happening in your life or what you are looking forward to. You will notice that your friends will treat you better. Your mood will also improve significantly.
  3. 3 Prepare yourself. If you are prepared for any situation - within reason, of course - you can become a confident person. If you are about to take a math exam in the near future, take some time to prepare. If you will be showing your presentation to classmates, practice until you have finished your presentation. If you are going to a party, you must gather the necessary information related to the upcoming event. For example, you should know who will be at the party when it starts and other important details. Thanks to this, you will not worry about what awaits you in the evening. While it's impossible to be fully prepared for a given situation, which is part fun and part secret life, getting ready will certainly help you feel more confident.
    • If you are with friends and you can tell something interesting, thereby contributing to the conversation, you will feel more confident than if you just sat and listened to others. Of course, you don't have to constantly talk to feel confident. However, try to speak often enough so that you can understand that you are making the conversation interesting.
    • You can scoop up information to contribute to the conversation later by reading interesting articles, watching the news, or doing research on current events or topics of interest. When chatting with friends, bring up a topic you've been researching lately. You will feel confident as you have a lot of information on the topic under discussion.
    • If you have a certain knowledge or skill, such as making furniture or finding the right pair of shoes for prom with ease, people may turn to you for help. You will become more confident as you help and benefit others.
  4. 4 Stop comparing yourself to other people. Focus all your attention on yourself and on achieving your goals, instead of looking at your neighbor and complaining that you are not as attractive / smart / confident as he is. Be kind to yourself and focus on your dreams and goals. Take pride in yourself when you succeed in achieving your goal.
    • People tend to idealize the lives of others, guided by what they see from the outside. However, very often we see only the outer shell of a person's life and even have no idea about what kind of relationship he has with other people.
    • When you are tempted to start comparing yourself to others, stop and focus all your attention on yourself. Think about your successes and merits.
    • People who lack confidence in themselves constantly question themselves and the world around them. Stop doubting and tune in that you can cope with the task at hand.
  5. 5 Get rid of sources of negativity. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to get rid of anything that can make you feel discouraged. However, you can make an effort to surround yourself with positive people and situations.Listen to the following tips:
    • If you do not like your appearance due to the fact that you scan magazines and TV programs and see that you are far from the celebrities who look perfect, stop doing it;
    • If you are spending time with a friend or family member in whose presence you feel useless, then consider the appropriateness of such a relationship. If you value your relationship with such a person, do your best to change his attitude towards you. If you see no improvement, then consider stopping or limiting communication with this person;
    • If you are involved in a sport that you do not like and you are not successful in it, choose another sport that you will enjoy doing and can achieve the desired success. This does not mean that when faced with failure, you need to quit what you started. However, if you do not like an activity that you devote a lot of time to, it may be worth considering a change in activity.

Part 2 of 3: Take Action

  1. 1 Embrace the unknown. If you have problems with self-confidence, then, most likely, when thinking about something new, you do not have interest. However, if you want to become a confident person, try doing something new for yourself. For example, try meeting new people at a party and tell them about yourself, sign up for a dance club even if you don't know how to dance at all, or send your resume to a company you can only dream of getting a job. The more time you devote to doing something new, the more secure you will be able to feel, as you will understand that you can cope with any situation in life. Here are some tips to help you embrace the unknown:
    • start small. Try to strike up a conversation with a person you often see but never communicate with, such as a boy sitting next to you in math class or with a neighbor.
    • plan a trip to a new location, such as visiting a small town 80 km from your home. Make it a habit to visit new places and get acquainted with something new for yourself;
    • start learning a foreign language. Doing something new will give you pleasure and more confidence.
  2. 2 Be prepared to take risks. If a person is willing to take a (reasonable) risk, it is more likely that he will learn something new and assert himself as a person. If you want to become a more confident person, do not limit yourself to something new for yourself, try to do what you fear and confuse you. Of course, not always, taking risks, you will achieve something great. However, you can develop the habit of putting yourself in a difficult situation and trying to get out of it. By taking risks, you will expand the boundaries of the possible, and you will not be limited to the things you are used to. You will understand that you can do a lot.
    • Make it a goal to step out of your comfort zone at least once a day. Try talking to someone you like. Ask him out on a date.
    • If you are unhappy with your job, but are afraid of losing it, try sending your resume to another company. Even if none of this comes of it, you have little to lose.
    • Learn to overcome fear when you experience it. Do not jump bungee if you are afraid of heights. Try to take the elevator to the top floor of the ten-story building and look out the window. This will help you understand that you can overcome what is causing you fear.
  3. 3 Spend time with people you feel good about. By enlisting the support of loved ones, you can become a confident person. Spending a lot of time with people who are supportive and willing to help each other when needed will help you become a confident person.Spend as much time as possible with people in whom you feel good.
    • Chatting with confident people can be a big help for you. Instead of being jealous of them, ask yourself, "What are they doing differently, and how can I develop similar qualities?" You will find that confident people are not better than you, they just think of themselves in a positive way.
  4. 4 Do your favorite thing. If you do what you love, you will be a happy and harmonious person. Thanks to this, you will become a confident person. If you do what you love, your creative side will improve, thanks to which you will notice significant changes in yourself, both in the workplace and in communication with other people. In addition, hobbies help you find people with similar interests and gain their support, which is very important for your well-being.
    • Make sure to set aside time for activities that make you happy. This can be tricky, especially if you have a lot of work or household chores.
  5. 5 Work on making your body language reflect your confidence. Make sure your back is straight. Correct posture will make you feel more confident. If you slouch all the time, other people will think that you are unhappy with yourself and will treat you like someone who lacks self-confidence. Instead, keep your back straight and your shoulders straight.
    • Do not cross your arms over your chest. Gesture or keep your arms at your sides. This will help others to see that you are open to communicating with them.
    • Maintain eye contact when interacting with people. When you talk to a person, you look them in the eye, this shows that you are comfortable in his company, and you are open to new ideas.
    • Keeping eye contact with people will keep your head level. If you look down constantly, others will not perceive you as a confident person.
    • Also, watch your gait. Every step you take should show that you are a confident person. Do not repeat the mistake of some who move their legs slowly and uncertainly. Remember, your walk should show that you are a confident person.
  6. 6 Watch your appearance. Taking enough time to look after your appearance will very soon begin to perceive yourself in a different way, appreciating your merits. If you want to become a confident person, follow the rules of personal hygiene: take a shower every day, comb your hair and keep your clothes clean and tidy. If you don't look after your appearance, others will see that you are not taking enough time to take care of yourself and this will reflect on their attitude towards you.
    • If you, looking in the mirror, see the reflection of a well-groomed person there, you will be proud of yourself and value yourself highly.
    • Wear clothes that are comfortable for you. Choose clothes that suit you (size) and flatter your figure.
    • This does not mean that you should wear bright makeup and wear items of clothing that you are not used to. Remain yourself. Keep your things clean and tidy.

Part 3 of 3: Improve Yourself

  1. 1 Learn from mistakes. Self-confident people do not always succeed in everything. Faced with failure, they do not give up, but continue on their way. They learn from their mistakes, learning valuable lessons that will help them in the future. The next time you get a bad grade on a math test, fail a job interview, get rejected, asking someone you like out on a date, don't give up. Try to learn valuable lessons from these negative situations. Of course, sometimes life presents us with unpleasant surprises and each of us can become a victim of bad luck.However, do your best to fix the situation and succeed next time.
    • Many people are familiar with the phrase: "If it didn't work out the first time, then ...". In fact, this is a true statement. Think about how boring life would be if you succeeded. Instead, see failure as an opportunity to reach your goal the next time.
    • It is important to admit your mistake and accept the unpleasant consequences associated with it.
  2. 2 Go in for sports. Of course, after one exercise, you are unlikely to experience the full health benefits. However, if you exercise for at least 30 minutes every day or several times a week, you will feel better. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, making a person happy and fulfilling, and it also has a beneficial effect on his physical health. This is a win-win. Exercise when it is convenient for you and you will become a confident person.
    • Consider how exercise is an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. You may feel anxious about the need to attend yoga or zumba classes, but trust me, as soon as you attend the first class, you will realize that your fears were unfounded.
  3. 3 Smile as often as possible. It has been proven that a smile contributes not only to the happiness of its owner, but also to those around him. Smile even when you don't feel like doing it at all. Others will see that you are a confident person. Plus, you will be open to interacting with other people. You will make new friends thanks to the light movement of your lips. Whatever your mood, smile!
  4. 4 Don't be afraid to ask for help. Being self-confident does not mean being a jack of all trades, who perfectly succeeds in whatever he does. In fact, a confident person is able to admit that he cannot do everything, therefore he needs help. A confident person is ready to ask for help when needed. Thanks to this, he manages not only to achieve success, but also to feel pride in his attempt to approach someone with a request for help.
    • If you turn to others for help, they will ask for your help in return. This will make you feel important.
  5. 5 Learn to live in the present. If you lack confidence in yourself, you are probably lamenting about what happened in the past, or worrying about what might happen in the future. Learn to live in the present, and you can be at peace with yourself and the people around you. This will make you feel happier. Work to live in the present.
    • Learn to let go of future experiences and be ready to accept what happened in the past. This will give you a happy present.
    • Do yoga or meditation. It can also help you live in the moment.


  • Forget about your fears that you will not be able to cope with the task at hand. Remember, there are no perfect people. So don't be afraid to make mistakes.
  • You just need to be yourself. Don't let anyone force you to be different, this is the only way you can truly be a confident person.
  • Remember, there are hidden possibilities within every person. Use your best self by setting goals. Success is the true key to self-confidence.
  • Walk with your head held high, keep your shoulders straight and look straight ahead.
  • Praise yourself and say nice words to yourself every night before bed.
  • Strive to have good relationships with other people. Do not offend people because it can turn against you and lead to a loss of self-confidence. Don't be rude.
  • Do your best to make a good impression on people you know and do not know.