How to treat apple cider vinegar burns

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 5 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat Apple Cider Vinegar Burns
Video: How to Treat Apple Cider Vinegar Burns


Apple cider vinegar has been widely touted as a home remedy for many skin problems. While apple cider vinegar is generally safe, it can cause severe burns with prolonged exposure or contact with the eyes. In the event of a minor burn, rinse off the vinegar with a high pressure of water as soon as possible and process it at home. If you show signs of infection after the burn, see your doctor just in case.


Method 1 of 3: Rinse off the vinegar with a high pressure of water

  1. 1 Remove clothing or jewelry that has come into contact with vinegar. Carefully remove any clothing or jewelry that comes next to scalded skin. Avoid rubbing your clothes on the affected areas to avoid irritating your skin further.
  2. 2 Run cool water on the burn for 20 minutes. Turn the tap so that the water pressure is low, not strong. Rinse the affected area under cool running water to remove all traces of vinegar and soothe sore skin. Do not rub the burn while rinsing.
    • Do not use soap on burns.
  3. 3 Rinse your eyes for 20 minutes under running water at room temperature. Remove glasses or contact lenses if vinegar gets in your eyes. Blink under a gentle stream of room temperature water for 20 minutes.
    • If vinegar gets in your child's eyes, gently pour water over the bridge of his nose and ask him to blink.Then rinse his eyes under room temperature water for 20 minutes in the tub, shower, or over the sink.
  4. 4 Do not use milk or other liquids to flush out the burn. Only clean the burn with clean fresh water. Other liquids can cause additional irritation instead of soothing burned skin.

Method 2 of 3: Taking care of your burn

  1. 1 Seek medical attention for eye burns. After rinsing your eyes for 20 minutes under room temperature water, it is important to seek medical attention at the emergency room or the nearest health center. Eye burns can damage the cornea even if you rinse them out, so a doctor's examination is a must.
  2. 2 Apply aloe vera gel to cool the burns on the skin. Gently rub a small amount (about 50 cents in size) of aloe vera into the burn with clean hands. Do not use oil-based pain relievers or decontamination balms such as Neosporin or Vaseline. They can trap heat from the burn and cause further skin irritation.
    • Never put aloe vera gel on your eyes.
  3. 3 If you have sterilized gauze, wrap it around your finger, but do not squeeze tightly. See if you have clean, sterilized gauze in your medicine cabinet. Loosely wrap the burn to protect it from potential chafing during the day.
    • Breathable bandages like gauze are better than latex options, which trap moisture over the burn.
  4. 4 Take over-the-counter pain relievers if needed. Use over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen to manage any minor discomfort caused by the burn. Always take your medications according to the manufacturer's instructions. If the pain persists, make an appointment with your doctor instead of taking additional medications.
    • Do not take medications with alcohol, as this combination is bad for the liver.
  5. 5 Check the burn for burning, redness, or swelling. Monitor irritated skin in the days following the burn. If you notice any signs of a potential infection, such as burning sensation from touching, redness, pus, or swelling, see your doctor.

Method 3 of 3: Preventing Apple Cider Vinegar Burns

  1. 1 Only use apple cider vinegar on healthy skin. Do not apply apple cider vinegar to damaged or affected skin. Vinegar is irritating and can make damaged skin vulnerable to bacterial infections.
    • A doctor can treat bacterial infections with oral antibiotics or topical antibiotics.
  2. 2 Avoid sensitive areas. You will minimize skin irritation by not applying vinegar to your face or genitals. Otherwise, it is more likely to cause a burning sensation and may compromise the integrity of your skin. It is especially important to avoid the area around the eyes.
  3. 3 Stop using apple cider vinegar if you feel burning or irritation. Rinse your skin and refrain from applying vinegar if it burns and irritates your skin. There is no proven medical benefit from topical vinegar. It is best to consult a doctor about any skin problems rather than resorting to unverified home remedies.
  4. 4 Do not apply apple cider vinegar to your skin for an extended period of time. Don't dab apple cider vinegar on your skin for more than a minute or two at a time, especially when combined with an airtight dressing such as bandages. It is under the bandage that vinegar can corrode the skin and cause severe burns.
    • Certain skin types may be more sensitive to acids such as vinegar, making it difficult to advise on safe use.


  • Despite anecdotal claims that apple cider vinegar can help treat skin problems or remove moles, there is little scientific evidence to support this.It is best to stick to products that are intended for use on the skin.