How to become a brilliant high-class woman

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Things That Tell You Have Class
Video: 10 Things That Tell You Have Class


Many articles are practical guides on lady-befitting behavior, insisting that daily blow-dry and a habit of smiling will turn the reader into a goddess of composure and charm. This is, of course, nonsense. It takes a lot more than a little eyeliner and aversion to dirty jokes to be a true model of femininity.


  1. 1 Strive for self-improvement. Curiosity is the driving force behind humanity; it pushes us to explore and push boundaries. The best and most respected type of high-class person is the one who never stops exploring and exploring new ideas - they are always the best version of themselves. There are several ways to ensure that you are operating at your peak, and the first step is to vigorously tackle yourself! If you want to be brilliant and exude class, you need to work on your reputation. Nothing happens by itself.
  2. 2 Know your business. Expanding your mind is a great place to start if you want to impress yourself as a truly wonderful person. Think of the strong women of this world, like Aung San Suu Kyi and Margaret Thatcher - for all the controversy that (unfortunately, in our day and age) inevitably surrounds women leaders, those who achieve real success and those who change the world towards the best, insightful and intelligent. All women should feel proud of their education, and there are things that can be done every day to improve their educational qualifications.
  3. 3 Write correctly. Always make sure your spelling and grammar are correct when writing.
  4. 4 Speak eloquently. Try not to use slang and watch your pronunciation.
  5. 5 Expand your vocabulary. See definitions of unfamiliar words.
  6. 6 Watch the news. Keep an eye on what's happening in the world - at least skim the headlines over breakfast.
  7. 7 Find a list of classic literature and head to your local library!
  8. 8 Develop an understanding of national and world politics. You have a say in the governance of the world, so challenge yourself to figure this out - but don't discuss your views openly unless asked about them. It would be inappropriate and rude.
  9. 9 Develop your intelligence. Remember: it is always, always, and again always worth putting in a little more effort in your intellectual life, because every person, even with a hint of class, knows that no one is less impressive than a fool.
  10. 10 Monitor your health. If you want to stay healthy and active for the rest of your life and live with dignity until your last days, it is very important to keep yourself on track. Your health is the most valuable asset, without it everything else in your life fades into the background. So do this 20-minute DVD workout three times a week, or join a dance or martial arts class, a sports team, or start training for a marathon (and it might actually get you carried away after the first couple of weeks). Check out Wonder Woman, a female power station with the body of an Amazon that not only gives out a lot of cuffs to save the universe, but also looks stunning in an evening dress. Let her be your idol.
  11. 11 Be sure to watch what you put in your mouth! A little advice - never eat anything that does not have a root or mother, and this is a very true observation. Minimize the use of preservatives and chemical additives. Instead, eat whole foods that are natural for your body to work best with because eating well is the key to health. Also, how would you like to be seen - snacking on whole-grain toast with a smoothie, or stuffing a greasy McDonald's sandwich in your mouth (and perhaps even spilling the contents down your bosom in the process)? What do YOU ​​think is more sophisticated?
  12. 12 Appearance matters. It's sad, but the truth is, looks are important. This article won't tell you what clothes to wear and what color to dye your hair, but there are five main rules that you need to follow in order for your appearance to benefit your reputation.
    • Your body and clothing should be free of unpleasant odors.
    • Do not open your legs higher than mid-thigh, and do not wear too deep cleavage. These are the foundations of decency. Let it be a tribute to privacy.
    • Your underwear should NEVER be visible when you are out walking. Remember that even white bras are visible through a white top - flesh-colored is the best choice.
    • Keep your hair and makeup tidy and simple at all times.
    • Styling and applying makeup shouldn't take you more than ten minutes.
  13. 13 Behaving appropriately is the next key step. So now you are well informed, have a good diet and know how to present yourself - great! For now, to complete the complete class picture, you should also pay attention to your behavior. We all have a friend who is a little "uncouth" and awkward, and to avoid such qualities, you should constantly monitor yourself and your actions when you are with the company. Of course, when you are at home, no one watches as you glamorously wander around the house in a satin robe or just wallow in your pajamas, but in the company of harmony is everything. The next steps are social guidelines for elegant ladies who strive to meet standards.
  14. 14 Sit upright. We never tire of repeating this. Imagine that you are a ballerina holding a position on stage. Or imagine that you are dining with special royal blood. Imagine anything as long as it keeps your shoulders straight and your neck extended. Good posture improves blood circulation and digestion (by kindly helping you avoid unfeminine moments like gas at the table), your eyes become brighter, and your figure smoother and more harmonious. Never slouch, bend over, or hunch over. You're a lady!
  15. 15 Cross your legs at ankle level under the chair. This is the most pleasant position for the legs, you will not feel unpleasant tingling sensations due to numbness.
  16. 16 When eating, try to use a knife and fork, not just a fork. Cut off as much as you can put in your mouth at a time (it's considered rude to prick small pieces from larger pieces onto a fork). Naturally, keep your mouth closed while eating. Strictly speaking, avoid anything that involves exposing the contents of your mouth, whether it is overcrowded, or the possibility of spitting out or other mess. Don't bang the cutlery against the dishes yet. After finishing your meal, place your knife and fork next to the middle of the plate.
  17. 17 It is indecent to touch yourself, you need to avoid it in public. That is, do not scratch your nose, do not comb pimples, do not pick burrs, do not straighten clothes, and the like. Hands off if there are people around you! So you look awkward and as if you do not understand that you are in society. You need to appear at ease, like you don't have to worry about such mundane things. Even if you think: "Oh God, how itches your back!" - do not itch, unless you are alone. The only exception is that it is allowed to remove hair that grows in the eyes, but if this happens too often, please cut your hair!
  18. 18 Another key point is speaking skills. The main rule in conducting an elegant conversation is that high-class people never, under any circumstances, start talking about themselves. Do not mention yourself until asked (which will certainly happen if your interlocutors have basic social skills. If not, then gradually teach them by your example, or avoid them in the future). There is nothing wrong with talking about yourself, just don't start spreading about yourself first.
  19. 19 And don't mention your physical appearance especially. This is a sign of self-doubt. If you feel like asking if your hairstyle is okay, if your clothes fit well, if there is a tag on the dress, what you should do with your hair - bite your tongue, unless you are talking to your best friend. Discussion of appearance is simply not accepted in society. However, when accepting a compliment, you can give the other person a natural, grateful smile and modestly say "thank you" before kindly returning the praise.


  • Remember, the goal of striving to be a gorgeous, high-end woman is not to look gorgeous, get a ton of male attention, and drown in party invitations. High class woman - smart, healthy and friendly; a brilliant woman looks clean, tidy, and attractive without asking for compliments or praises about her appearance. Your goal is to be cute and charming simply because it is good to be that way - for yourself, not for men or your friends or rivals. This is your life, and if you want to reach your full potential, learn everything you can, be as slim and attractive as possible, as graceful and dignified as possible. Only by making the decision to become such a woman, you will already become a magnificent representative of the high class, and now you only need to release your light into the world and convince others to follow your steps.
  • Maybe you are the kind of person who feels like a spy after watching a James Bond movie. If this is about you, then the best films for a woman hoping to achieve high class are historical dramas: Gosford Park, Return to Brideshead, any of Jane Austen's films. Our article doesn't say that every girl should put on airs and act like a terrible aristocrat snob - definitely not! But watching the aristocrats swim with a glamorous look works wonders with your posture and speech - and by the end of the film you yourself already want to walk perfectly evenly, speak and behave correctly,which will only help you in your process of becoming a lady.
  • If you lack inspiration, you can find yourself a role model: a strong and beautiful high-class woman who represents the feminine gender at its best. Perfect examples don't appear in the daily news - no one would have guessed that Katie Price is the perfect example of high-end femininity - but now, she is being written about. Search for information on Dr. Beverly Crusher, CJ Cragg, Laura Roslin, Temperance Brennon, Queen Elizabeth I of England, Captain Catherine Janeway, Captain Amelia, Princess Diana and Eowyn, the White Lady of Rohan. You may even have an example of a lady you can emulate, in your family or in your neighborhood.


  • Don't worry about your appearance. Don't change for the sake of others. If you think you look good, then as long as everything is clean and decent, EVERYTHING IS GOOD. You can look however you like. A lady remains a lady in sportswear, a suit, jeans or a flirty dress. A lady will be a lady with bright blue hair if she wants to. It is your attitude, your determination to be better and to support the class that makes you who you are. You are free to look the way you want.
  • Avoid being a snob or know-it-all at all costs. Even if you've just figured out the intricacies of world politics or website development through a series of studies, don't brag to your friends or try to squeeze it into every conversation. Wait to be asked - everyone will be impressed that you know such exciting things and don't say anything about it! This will make you look a little more mysterious, which is definitely lady-worthy quality!
  • Likewise, making an intelligent sarcastic remark and then throwing your head back, laughing fake and pathetic is NOT a CLASS INDICATOR. This is very, very tactless and uncouth. But surprisingly often this happens by accident. It's also good not to pretend to recognize classical music / art or literature, or to ask yourself something that you don't really know much about. Intellectual arguments only give the arguer the appearance of a poseur. Only engage in discussion when you really know what you are talking about.