How to create your mind — map

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Step by Step directions for creating a mind map
Video: Step by Step directions for creating a mind map


Since the time of the ancient Greeks, people have used the capabilities of their minds to calculate and analyze possible options for the outcome of events and make appropriate decisions. Building mind maps (or mind maps) is a modern method that allows you to use associations and images to analyze a large amount of seemingly disparate information, find and clarify ways to solve a problem. You may be wondering how a mind map can be useful for you. In fact, this method is extremely useful as it can be used for self-improvement, personal growth, it can be a way to resolve personal problems and overcome difficulties, and also, as a motivator, help you achieve your goals. For modern people, this method is much easier to practice than for the ancient Greeks, since we can use a variety of aids, for example: special programs (or even a pen and a piece of paper). Your journey into the world of self-knowledge, by means of the mind map, starts here.


  1. 1 Enjoy the benefits of a mind map. Approximately 60-65% of the population are visuals (people are easier to perceive information visually). ... This means that the mind map, as a way of visual perception, is suitable for the majority of the population, who prefers to see how everything, including thoughts and ideas, takes shape.Even if you are not a visual, this approach will allow you to bring together disparate thoughts and ideas, to understand connections that were not obvious before. Using the mind map as an integral part of your program for increasing creativity, achieving goals, analyzing problems and feelings, you will be able to look at yourself in a new way and see what is not available when describing your thoughts in writing and their further reading and comprehension. The creation of a mind map is also useful for those who do not have a clear idea of ​​their goals and where the problem ends and the solution begins.
    • The mind map allows you to achieve a degree of objectivity that is not available when using other methods of self-development. With mind map, you will search for keywords and phrases and associate them with other words and phrases. This method helps to turn off the thinking that is configured to log events, but activates inner deep thinking aimed at reflecting and eradicating such non-constructive phenomena as anxiety or pessimism.
    • A mind map is not a diagram, a table, or a set of basic theses. All these analytical tools require a person to record ready-made thoughts on paper. And the mind map is the result of a streaming state, a search for connections, preliminary thinking. The map is created haphazardly, but fruitfully.
  2. 2 Choose an online or computer program for yourself. In addition, good old pens, pencils and paper will work well. For those who prefer the tactile sensations of working with paper and pen, this is the best option. But, the fact that you are reading this article in electronic form indicates that, most likely, you will opt for the program.
  3. 3 First, write a name or whatever you prefer to start with somewhere on paper or on the screen. Usually they start from the center, but this is not necessary. You can do it the way you like.
    • Start with what personifies you. It can be a photo or cartoon image, an outline image, a name, or just some kind of figure. Choose what makes the most sense to you.
    • Add emotions, feelings, facts, desires, thoughts, goals and so on, whatever is in your head at the moment. If you are creating a mind map for a specific problem, focus your attention on it and on the ways to overcome it.
    • Begin to create links (branches and branches) between the various elements on the map. As a result, you will find stable and logical connections between some elements, while other parts will not be connected with each other, they can be considered an attachment to those elements that currently represent "you". Over time, the relationships between the elements will become clearer and some things that were previously incomprehensible will become apparent. But, some parts of the map may well never connect with the rest.
    • Try to use simple language to describe what you add. It is best to limit yourself to one word, but if this is not possible, write succinctly and clearly.
    • Don't waste your time. Fast work, without applying gloss, gives a more objective result. Just write whatever comes to mind as you work on your mind map.
  4. 4 Be honest with yourself. Nobody but you will see what you write if you yourself do not want to show it. Do not limit yourself - express your emotions, feelings, aspirations, concerns, problems, options for possible solutions, and so on.
    • Realize that it can be very difficult for a person to be completely honest with himself. Therefore, think about it, maybe it is worth asking your friends what, in their opinion, prevents you from achieving your goals.
  5. 5 Decide in what color scheme your card will be executed. Use colors that reflect your inner world. In this screenshot, the least pleasing elements are in red.As you notice new perspectives or change elements on the map, colors can also change.
    • Colors can represent a category, for example: goals, likes or dislikes, emotions, family and friends, dreams, responsibilities, weaknesses or strengths.
  6. 6 Do not hurry. Don't force yourself to create a mind map in one go. Not only will it lead to overwork, you also run the risk of missing out on something important - some things come to mind, only in the morning or after thinking. If your thoughts are occupied with creating a mind map, then you, throughout the day, under the influence of this process, will add new elements. So, pause and go back to creating the map.
  7. 7 Don't try to create a "perfect" mind map. Nothing should be permanent on it, it needs to be modified. In fact, changes are an integral part of working on a map, because over time, realizing that the degree of importance of this or that element on the map changes, you will want to reflect or fix this (if the map is created on paper, then you can simply stick a sticker with a new information on top of the old one). In addition, there is simply no such thing as an ideal mind map; that's her beauty! This technique is all about drawing thoughts on a map and applying inconsistent thinking, so just picture what comes to your mind as you work on the map.
  8. 8 Use the map to create "future you" in contrast to "present you". Many personal growth instructors, psychologists, and others who work with personality transformation believe that portraying who a person wants to become is already a huge step towards achieving this goal. Undoubtedly, you will have to make real efforts to get the desired result, but the mind map, nevertheless, can become a guide for you on the way to who you want to be in the future. The map allows you to see who you are today and how the facts of your life change as you move towards your goal. For example, if a person weighs 80 kg, but wants to lose up to 60 kg, he can create two mind maps on which he is reflected before and after weight loss. You can also reflect feelings, ability or inability to do something, exercise, lifestyle, and so on. Thus, the complete picture of what has changed in the person himself and in his life along with the change in weight will immediately become obvious.
    • One variation of this approach is to create multiple mind maps. The first mind map is used to express thoughts and feelings. Second, for a deeper understanding. On it, you shape your initial thoughts into something more specific, for example: goals, dislikes, anxiety / stress factors, health issues, and so on. On the third card, you can combine the elements of the first two and understand who you are at the moment. It is possible, thus, to create a map of the future "you", but this requires several maps.
  9. 9 Review your mind map regularly. As mentioned above, the method involves making additions, changes, amendments to the map over time. It is a living working tool that should change in parallel with you. Be sure to keep copies of previously mapped items for later comparison, and continually map your progress and thoughts.
    • Start creating a new mind map as soon as you feel the need to do so. There is no need to dwell on the old one. If it's time to create a new one, do it. There is nothing wrong with having multiple cards at the same time. The number of cards depends on how it is more convenient for you to work. There is only one recommendation in this regard - keep all your mind maps in one place so that they do not get lost.


  • To prepare the final mind map, you may need to familiarize yourself with the respective programs.Mind mapping programs can also be useful for developing positive thinking, getting out of stress, personal analysis, and so on.
  • For people with poor memory, mind maps can help bring back positive memories. This is especially important in situations where a person remains at the mercy of negative thoughts for a long time. Once you start to revive pleasant memories and reflect them on the map, you will begin to "rewrite" your past in a positive way. And this is always useful!
  • Use one word or a simple phrase as "introductory". Such words or phrases should help you inspire, inspire you, motivate you, help you sort out your thoughts, and get your ideas down to paper.
  • When starting to form a mind map, consider the option of creating one large map representing "you" and several small ones, reflecting the life situations that you face in a given period of time. For example: looking for a job, making contacts, waiting for the results of your doctoral dissertation, writing a book, caring for a disabled child, and so on. Absolutely everything that is of great importance in your life can be reflected on the map to clarify the relationships and find the right solutions.
  • If you come across a book by Tony Buzan, read it and it will become clear to you that he also did a great job creating his own mind map. For example, in his book: Head Strong: How to Get Physically and Mentally Fit (Super Thought for the Body: How to Strengthen the Body and Mind) is a prime example of a mind map.


  • The process of creating a mind map can seem chaotic, especially if you've never done it before. Go with the flow and everything will work out. It will quickly become clear to you that what seemed confusing to you - your thoughts can be easily put in order.
  • Most people are skeptical about creating a mind map. This is everyone's personal choice. However, someone who has not tried making their own map will never know how great it is to understand that a mess in your head can be easily eliminated simply by transferring it to a map. Come back to the idea of ​​creating a map when you are in a crisis, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of this method.
  • Make your map in a quiet place where nothing will distract you. A large number of irritants will interfere with a successful process.

What do you need

  • Appropriate software or paper, colored markers and pencils (with eraser)
  • Silence, a place where nothing will distract you while working on the map.